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How esay is it to drive in the United States on a UK Drivers Licence. How much does it differ from UK Driving?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are just on vacation in the US then your UK license is fine.

    If you are worried you can go to the DMV (DVLA) and get a handbook which will show you all the roadsigns and the rules so you can be familiar with them. or look on line at

    This is probably a good idea.

    There is the obvious, drive on the right and steering wheel on the left.

    When you turn you make a 'long left' across traffic, and a short right.......opposite to the UK.

    Then there is the existence if stop signs. Come to a COMPLETE stop and look for oncoming traffic before moving. At a four way/three way stop the car that arrives first has right of way else you give way to your right. (like a roundabout in the UK)

    Yield signs are Give Way.

    You can turn right on a red light as long as there is nothing coming.

    Often at a left turn on a green light you 'Yield' to traffic that is oncoming, unless you have an arrow.

    These are the main differences.

    Also important, if you get pulled over by the police, STAY in your car and put your hands on the steering wheel where the cop can see them. Do not put your hands towards your pockets or the cop can think you are reaching for a gun and the cop then may shoot you. Just wait for the cop to come over and follow their instructions and so not behave as though you are reaching for a gun and you will be fine.

    Always carry your license, proof of insurance and registration in your car with you incase anything happens.

    I don't mean to scare you, driving in the US is easy to get used too, the roads are wide, signs are clear and people leave a nice distance between cars.

    Thats all I can think of.

    E-mail me if you have any questions.

    Source(s): Brit living in US for 5 years have driven across country.
  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    How esay is it to drive in the United States on a UK Drivers Licence. How much does it differ from UK Driving?

    Source(s): esay drive united states uk drivers licence differ uk driving:
  • 5 years ago

    Uk Driving Licence In Usa

  • 1 decade ago

    You CAN legally drive in the US on a UK licence - UK licences are international. Most rental agencies will require you to be 25 or over, to avoid paying extra for the insurance.

    Driving is basically the same, apart from the fact that you drive on the other side of the road and sit on the other side of the car.


    Flashing your lights in the UK is an accepted and understood method of saying "go on". In the US it means that you are angry and think somebody has done something wrong. Use your hand in an "after you" gesture instead.

    There are no accepted "slow", "fast", or "overtaking" lanes on US highways. Don't get irritated by someone poodling along in what you would naturally assume is the overtaking lane.

    Never carry alcohol inside the car - if stopped, the police are likely to think that you intend to drink it while driving (learned that the hard way).

    Shop around for the cheapest gas prices - out of the way ones are often cheaper - unlike here.

    The parking brake (handbrake) is often in the driver's footwell, to the left of the accelerator and is operated with the foot (push down to engage, push down again to release).

    Have a great time in the US of A.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's easy enough. They drive automatics mainly over there which really simplify things when you're getting used to sitting on the left. I hired a car there for the first time when I was 22 from enterprise on a UK drivers licence.

    It took about 30 mins to get comfortable on the other side of the road. The differences I can think of are:

    At the petrol stations, you pay first so, you go in (or do your credit card at pump) give them a tenner, you then go fill up and it clicks off when the meter gets to a tenner then you just drive off.

    There is no rule about undertaking on the motorway.

    When the traffic lights red you can still turn right, unless it says not to.

    Other than that, miles, traffic lights, speed limits, people cutting you up and telepathic indicators, it's all the same.

  • 1 decade ago

    You certainly CAN drive in the US with a UK license, but if you intend to stay for more than 6 months, you should get a local license.

    The main differences are the junctions. There is no "Give Way" rule in the US. If the sign at the junction says Stop - Your wheels must come to a complete stop. At simple cross roads, drivers tend to take turns to cross.

    Don't expect any round-abouts, there are very few and US drivers in Europe don't have a clue how to deal with them.

    Speed limits are strictly enforced, even on highways, but by old fashioned cops, not spy camera's.

    If you hire a car - rent a car in US speak, it will probably be an automatic, they can't operate manual gearboxes over there.

    Oh and even though the Americans moan about the price of "gas", their petrol still costs one third of ours.

    That's about it - enjoy.

    Source(s): Been there, done it, got the tee shirt
  • 1 decade ago

    You can't legally drive in the US with a UK license. It is basically the same except we drive on the other side of the street, the speed is measured in miles per hour instead of kmph and the fuel is measured in gallons instead of liters.

  • 1 decade ago

    real easy to drive in the us.....stomp on the gas and go...see the landmarks....good luck and enjoy your trip

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