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Close Guantanamo Bay To Restore US's Image??Agreed?

what do you peoples especialy the Americans think of it,can you justify that brutal tourture cell which denies human rights and convention?? most of the prisnors there are kept for 'suspision of guilty' , and not for actual crime ! 385 prisoners are waiting for 'true' justice and some are there since 9/11 ! and they are not charged even and most of them are innocent !Humen Rights associations are protesting agaisnt it all around the world..Don't you think that If US close that brutal torture Cell, it would do some good to US Image in the world?


For those who think that this kind of torture is important to get the facts, so some of those prisoners are there from last 5 years...even a month is enough to know the facts and make them accept the crime..they are kept for so long because there are no evidences agaisnt them...and they are just satisfying the american nation that we are holding the terrorists so you are electric shock, least food for keeping them 'just alive', puting them in tortue cell with a temperatur below freezing point, even an animal is treated better than that, your peoples are very much senstive about the animals in Syberia who are dying because of starvation or so but are least bothered about Humen, living humen. Wow impressive.....

21 Answers

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In hindsight, the Japanese internment during WW2 is now regarded as a mistake. So... why are we repeating this mistake, and worse, using torture and indefinite detentions? Yes, Gitmo needs to be fixed. I'm not saying you have to close it down, but please proceed with the trials so we can get it over with.

    And to those of you that say everyone there deserves it: that is wholly untrue. 3 years ago, they released a handful of prisoners from Gitmo feeling that they were not a threat to the US... only to recapture 30% of them back on the battlefield! Clearly, they don't know who they have there, what they did, or what to do with them.

  • 5 years ago

    Gitmo isn't the single one! The CIA operates secret torture camps in distinct international locations like Poland! the most suitable reason Bush positioned the camp there is he made a mistake. He concept the U. S. best courtroom might want to no longer contact them, although, on account that Bush replaced right into a failure interior the Guards, he by no potential chanced on out that each military bases are considered US Soil! i do no longer trust Gitmo might want to be closed until eventually eventually our employ with Cuba runs out as it truly is a strategic position. The camps might want to be abolished! it truly is mostly the least brutal of those we run!

  • cantcu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Gitmo isn't the only one! The CIA operates secret torture camps in other countries like Poland!

    The only reason Bush put the camp there is he made a mistake. He thought the US Supreme Court could not touch them, however, since Bush was a failure in the Guards, he never learned that all military bases are considered US Soil!

    I don't think Gitmo should be closed until our lease with Cuba runs out as it is a strategic location. The camps should be abolished!

    That is probably the least brutal of the ones we run!

  • 1 decade ago

    you are absolutely right. With that being said, the UN should step in on ALL the worlds prisons. So when US citizens break laws in other coutries we should be welcomed not sentenced to life in a Turkish prison. Or how about Mexican prisons, those are supposed to be fun too. Oh, Cuba they have a nice system. Maybe Iran? Pakistan? Afghanistan? Thailand, now theres a good system set up.


    Get over yourself!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. We shouldn't give a dang what "the world" thinks of us. They don't give a dang what we think of them?

    It is a neutral issue.

    There has never been a nation that rose to world power levels (or one that fell from that level) that did so because "the world" gave them "kudos" or "hated" them.

    Countries rise and fall on the back of their economies, military strength or revolution (revolutionaries are notorious for not caring what the world thinks)

  • TedEx
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I doubt it. We those who hate America will hate us no matter what we do.

    By the way, I think brutal torture is something like done in the inquisition, where it was questionable if the victim would survive, cutting off fingers, burning, the rack, etc.

    Also, the US has offered to send these detainees to other countries, only the other countries don't want them. I wonder why?

  • Mother
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No. I think if we release those 385 men that you are concerned about and close our fine RESORT and Terrorist Vacation getaway. What will happen is that those 385 terrorist will try to kill us again. Why no more attacks on U.S. soil lately?Because they are locked away at GITMO. The other are to scared of being sent there to come out of their caves. I don't care about U.S. image I care about American lives.

  • tobcol
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    How about the U.S. makes a deal with the Int'l community. If the Int' community agrees to make a list of all the countries who are currently torturing, abusing, murdering, etc. of inprisoned individuals, and lists these countries from worst offenders to least, and then goes down the list and demands from these countries what they are demanding the U.S. do in Gitmo, then the U.S will oblige when the Int'l community gets to them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh yes the torture. The human debris housed there receives excellent medical care, housing, food, and other amenities because of bleeding hearts like yourself. They should have been thrown in the deepest darkest cell available just like they do in middle east countries. I am guessing you are European - feel free to take these people off of our hands. I am sure they will make themselves at home in your country setting up new terrorist cells planning your demise. Another thing if they are so innocent why won't their countries of origin take them back??hmmmm?

  • Matt
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Close Club Gitmo? Brutal torture cell? Those prisoners are being treated better than we treat our American prisoners. Doubt me? Go visit a prison. A real prison.

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