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Why is there so much confusion between Anti-illegal immigrants and Legal immigration?

I have been watching these posts for a long time. For the record, most people in the U.S. are not against immigration or immigrants in general. We are against ILLEGAL immigration. Why do people think that is the same thing? If you are here legally, welcome. If not, you should be gone. Why is it o.k. for someone to come here illegally then yell that I owe them assistance, education, then tell me I have to assist them in their native tounge? I don't understand it at all. This HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. So for all of those who are going to go into their racist rants, you can stop right there. I don't care if you are purple with yellow stripes, don't come here illegally.


Sorry for the essay, but people need to understand that LEGAL immigrants are welcome. ILLEGAL immigrants are not.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    An excellent question. Have you also noticed the majority of protestors are hispanic - which is why they and their supporters want to make it into a racial issue. Look at what's happening down in Florida where their supporters are pushing to outlaw the very phrase "Illegal Alien" claiming it's offensive. Sorry, that term is not offensive but descriptive. It applies as they crossed the border without going through customs, and they are aliens from a foreign country.

    For non-hispanics, they seem to think any crackdown on immigration would some how effect their rights as legal immigrants, or impact the ability of others from their home countries to come here legally. And the politicians in WA aren't doing enough to quell these fears while addressing the larger issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand your point and your questions, but some people make it about race and other issues. Yes it may be cut and dry to most but to others it isn't, and that's where the debate comes in.

    I am more on the side with illegals and I admit it. Here is why: I am married to an illegal immigrant from Mexico. She was brought here when she was a child and had no choice. Is it her fault? I don't think it is. Others will disagree with me, and that's fine.

    I have always felt the way I do even before I was married to her. Since I was born and raised in ghetto in Detroit I was always brought up to treat people the same, so I never really cared how someone got here, what color they were or anything as long as they are kind hearted.

    I admit that I feel that people that do HARDCORE crimes such as murder, drug smuggling, raping and the like should be jailed or deported or whatever. It gets me when people say that ALL illegal immigrants are like that because they are not. NOT ONE person in my wife's family smuggles drugs or kills people or anything like that. Their only crime is overstaying a visa or crossing a border.

    They all work (very hard also) they pay taxes and they get treated like crap because their employers know they cannot do anything about it. Do I expect people to change their veiws and beliefs for me... Not at all. I just wish some people would see the reality of the whole picture sometimes, but I know they wont.

    Where I live...

    Hispanic = illegal alien

    and that my friend is racism.

    Source(s): Life
  • rocio
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you there is confusion about the terms, some questions in yahoo answers say "immigrants" but do not differentiate between legal immigrants and illegal aliens. Legal immigrants have to go through a long process in order to be admitted in the country adn live accordingly to the immigration laws of the USA. Illegals are just taking advantage of the country.

    The problem of illegals has nothing to do with race, after all an illegal can be caucasian too; nevertheless, some people think that I am illegal because I am hispanic. Prejudice and ignorance lead people to believe that hispanics are Mexicans and that Mexicans are illegals.

    I remember during my first 3 months in the USA a woman told me ( she knew I was here legally) that she would not help me if I wanted to stay in the country ( illegally of course), and I had NEVER asked for her help in anyway. I am in the USA for years legally, It wasn't easy but I did it. There is no way to justify an illegal expecting US citizens to pay for their expenses. Coming to the US legally is the only way you can make a better living.

    Source(s): Legal immigrant
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Once again, Answ3r3r has failed to see the whole picture.

    While technically true, the notion of granting amnesty to make all illegal aliens legal residents goes against the United States as a nation of laws.

    There are two main problems with this "logic."

    1) Granting amnesty to lawbreakers lowers the importance of following the law...leading to more crime which leads to more laws by the government which further hinders the freedom of Americans.

    2) Once the illegal aliens are made legal, employers will no longer wish to employ them...because the only reason they are on the side of illegal immigration is for slave labor...they will hire the next batch of illegal aliens who are currently crossing the border...and they will come...just look at the past to see the future.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Amen brother. I live in Southern California, and I'm sick of Mexicans bitching about the rest of us citizens wanting increased security at the borders. They try to make it some big racial issue and suggest that we are wrong for trying to slow down the illegal mexicans from sneaking accross the border. Guess what, it's not because your Mexican, it's because you're breaking our laws. Wait in line like my family did and come on over legally. It really is amazing, I go to Santa Ana College, there's tons of mexicans, we got into a debate over this in a speech class, the mexican students fully believed that I was wrong to say that people who come here illegally are criminals, do not deserve any public assistance, and are not entitled to any public services of any kind ie. schools, parks, driving illegally on the roads that my tax dollars pay to maintain. What really amazed me was this sense of entitlement they had, like "hey if I can make past the border patrol agents, then I deserve to milk every dime I can milk out of your system" I'm not against immigration, I am not racist I just hate the ones who sneak accross the border, work but don't pay taxes, and complain about how the system is unfair to them. Well, you know what, go home wait your turn, become a citizen, register to vote, pay taxes then you have the right to complain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here are the answers:

    1) Propaganda. The media constantly feeds us these cry a tear in my bear stories, sprinkled in with the warm fuzzy uplifting pro illegal alien stories. It feels good. It sounds morally right. But it's propaganda.

    Then you have politicians and CEO's parroting the line, "These people are here to do the jobs Americans won't do." Which is a line to make you think these illegals are doing you some kind of good service, thus making you feel like you need to recipicate the good deed. And then, there's the line that "the economy will collapse if these people aren't here." Which is a lie of course and it's a play on your fear of financial loss. In other words, they're trying to imply that if these people aren't here, you might lose your job or lettuce might increase by .75 cents in cost!!

    2) Then of course, there's confusion and intimidation sown into the discussion on this topic as these foreigners will intimidate via street power, calls of racism or lawsuits if you disagree with them.

    3) Then you have the cowardly people who wouldn't lend a hand to help their mom if she were in danger so they'll attack anyone who says we must confront this issue which could certainly turn into outright civil unrest.

    4) Then you have the "I hate America" people who really hate themselves and their ancestors. These people really have a mental issue.

    5) Then you have the illegals themselves who know that because of their sheer numbers they will within a decade or two own what used to be the United States. So they'll have their homeland Mexico perfectly intact and have also acquired the territories of what used to be the United States. You -- will be a refugee -- without a homeland. These illegals and PAC's that trumpet their cause have this agenda and use PR firms to shame people into thinking that this is all about Human Rights and that you're infringing on these people's human rights by not allowing them entry into the US.

    6) Then you have lazy people who just don't want to mow their land who sow seeds of confusion into the issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's deliberate. They cloud the issue because that's the only way they can sound rational.

    I made the point in one post that illegal immigration is like me coming over to your house without your knowledge and/or permission, and watching your TV, using your computer, eating your food and expecting you to clean up after me and provide for my medical needs. After all, I'm just trying to better myself. And I'm inviting my pregnant wife and my kids too. Oh, and don't worry about my criminal background, I'd never hurt YOU. Right.

    Before anyone starts on the personal attacks about how greedy and heartless I am, let me say that I'm all for charity. I contribute time and money (over 90% of my disability check) to my local homeless shelter and the homeless program at my church, so nobody needs to lecture me on how to help the LEGAL immigrants. I can afford to give my Gummint check because I've got a great job in the private sector now. And I spend a LOT of time counseling the homeless (especially the vets) and teaching them "to fish" not merely "giving them a fish".

    Sorry to rant, God Bless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I understand the difference perfectly. Some of you fail to understand that while you scream this has "nothing to do with race" you grin and snicker at all of the racist attacks and they are rampant here from attacks on the Catholic religion to attacks on Latino women, and to imply that those of us that defend them are Hispanic or have hidden agendas is absurd..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What part of criminal illegal aliens don't they understand there criminals there here illegally.Against our laws & want use 2 change for them.On our dime.

    Only in America.Opps can i still say that or will i offend


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you give an amnesty, the undocumented workers become legal immigrants, so following your logic, you should be in favor of an amnesty.

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