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Why are rubbish answers so often selected as best answer?

Why is inaccurate, incoherent and incomprehensible information so often posted as a legiminate answer? And if it is, why is being allowed to remain and why is it often being selected as "Best Answer." Doesn't that make this process a joke? Why should any of us be bothered when such truly awful and inaccurate answers are so often being chosen? I'll probably get one incoherent answer to this question, and if it goes to a vote, it will be selected as best answer...Par for the course.

23 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Karma - this process IS a joke. You should know that already... Where else in the world can kids log on and ask "He looked at me by my locker - what does that mean? Does he like me?"

    Truth is, the majority of the people on this site arent always looking for real answers. I spend most of my time combatting the idiocity in the Religion and Spirituality section. And, what I notice is that the gross majority of the people in that section pick either the one response that most closely matches their preconveived opnion on the subject, or they pick the most assinine and comical response. I'd be lying if I didnt admit that I occassionally leave those comical responses - but usually on questions that are obviously posted in a joking manner.

    This site, to me, demostrates human nature. We tend to select as "winners" those that seem to think most like us. And, seeing as the majority of the population is inaccurate, incoherant and incomprehensible, those are the responses that are chosen!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Might be something to do with an inaccurate, incoherent and incomprehensible question!!

    Don't always take the question as a fact finding mission as a lot of the members have a sense of humour.

    Don't take this as a dig, but you can usually tell the difference in the context of the question!!!!

    Source(s): Previous questions I've asked. I'm just new to this game but don't be to sensative
  • 1 decade ago

    Study Karma's questions and answers very carefully, folks. To get to her page click under her name.

    She fully deserves her fantastic Best Answers score. Read her Answers.

    Study her Questions. I make a point of giving her the best answer I can. She's picked me many times - see if I deserve them.

    Now look at most of my other Best Answers. Many have had only me answering. It's a pretty vacuous exercise I know, but I've discovered how to find questions with no answers, then supply the one that's going to win; yes, and finally vote for it.

    Quite often I visit the Answers site but don't respond at all. It's interesting how "old friends" (Karma is one) are faring. She's so serious I make sure the answers are in keeping with her erudition.

    Yes, the rules allow one to vote for your own answer. It also allows friends to vote for you. I suspect that it may also be possible for the same person to operate under many user names.

    Finally, I know Karma only through Answers, we've never been within 5,000 miles of each other, and have different skin colours. I also feel our English accents will be very different.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are a lot of people who seemingly answer everything and as they don't know everything they use gibberish. I don't know why they are chosen as best answers as I thought the questionee chose the best answer, failing that the thumbs up system. If you mean the questionees' choice of best answer, surely it is a personal thing. If it is the thumbs up then perhaps, as I have heard, some people have lots of accounts and go in and vote for their own answer to rack up the points, or get their friends to vote for them. It can be annoying if you have spent time and effort on a true factual answer and find gibberish has been chosen, but as long as you know that you made the best answer don't let it bother you. It is not vital to your existance.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    I completely agree with you. I often leave detailed answers and the worse answer ends up being chosen as the best!

    It is a joke really as people just want to get points, therefore, they ask rubbish and select rubbish answers!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that people vote for their own answers when the asker doesn't choose one.

    I don't think that you should get points if you are the only vote that determines the best answer!

    Plus, a lot of askers vote for the answer they want to hear. ESPECIALLY in relationships!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people have a weird sense of humour..... It's a funny old world.............

  • huggz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A lot of the stupid answers chosen as best are quite possibly multiple accounting and cheating!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps people get their mates to vote for them?

    But i do know what you mean, some best answers are total rubbish, and the ones who deserve to win don't.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here is my answer and it's rubbish and insensible and I doubt if it will be picked for the best answer...maybe it's because I dont know what i'm talking about.

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