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mrrosema asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

Would you consider those with a high number of Yahoo points hard workers ?

It seems that to me that socializing on this forum is being confused with work... it is fun but is it really much different than talking about sports around the water cooler.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Naw just bored folks!

  • 1 decade ago

    I use it to unwind from a hard day. It is fun to talk about random stuff, and to help others.

    I consider those people eithor A) People with no lifes or B) People who give good answers and try to help others.

    I can see which is correct, by hovering my mouse button over their avatar, if they have a high Best answer rating, then they are most likely B. But if is like 0%-3%, and they have a lot of answers, then they may or may not be A.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you mean that answering these Yahoo! Questions is hard work compered to the IRL chatting? Well, it could be, because sometimes answering these questions requires more thinking to do than just casually chatting with your friends in the fun. But not all questions here are so serious and it is fun. Maybe I would not consider it really work, but it does require time and thought and knowledge to make good answers, and a lot of them too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately most who have super duper high points are addicted to y-answers! Those who are at Level 5 to 7, I suspect don't have lives beyond the computer & cheat to receive best answers all the time. There are ways to do this.

    But if they want to waste their life banging on keys day in, day out, who's really going to judge, it's not our life.

    Whether it is a job? Well unless they actually work for Yahoo, they must be getting another income some other way, cause I've never heard of anyone earning money just answering/questioning on Y-answers? Unless they're doing side bets?

    Personally, I like having the stimulating contact with anonymous people around the world & educating myself about the stupid people & the intelligent people, & what's going on in their so called brains. Which I'm sure they'd say the same about me! =)

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  • 1 decade ago

    I couldn't come close to fitting this many people at the water cooler. High point earners are either obsessively helpful or need more to do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i agree with you in some respects

    it can be a place to socialize and gain pts

    but some literally work at it

    they spend way too much time trying to get the the next leve

    i look at it as a place to unwind and get some answers and talk about some issues

  • 1 decade ago


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