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laxmi kumar n asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

What is happiness? How it can be obtained in natural-way and kept ever lasting?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Happines can be achieved through practising the following philosophy

    Attached detachment with the family


    Detached attachment to the wealth

    Nothing in this world is permanent................

    No one owns anything......................

    No one is realted to any one..................

    No body really achieves or loses anything ..............

    A soul achieves happiness................

    when it ............. is affected .......... by neither joy nor sadness

  • 1 decade ago

    Happiness is a warm comfortable feeling. It can be obtained naturally by doing things you enjoy - for me it's reading. Exercise is important for a feeling of well-being so it would be good if you found a form of physical exercise you enjoy. I suggest Tai Chi because it's low impact and has a calming effect.

    That's the good news. The bad news is that nothing is ever lasting. I'm happy most of the time but it's not a permanent thing. My dishwasher broke down on the same day that my brand new DVD didn't work right out of the box and ta-dah! I was in a bad mood for a day or so. I have a loving marriage (16 years and counting) but my husband and I still get in a fight once in a while and then surprise surprise - I'm not happy.

    Wanting to be happy is normal. Wanting to be happy ALL the time is unrealistic. Most people can be happy if they just remember to take a little time for themselves and do the things they love.

  • 1 decade ago

    Happiness is that "Good" feeling.

    It can be a "comfortable-good" or an "excited -good" or a "Chilled-out-good"... it has many flavours and faces- depending on whom you are with, or what you are doing.

    The "secret" I guess is to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of staying happy, by stacking the "physiological and psychological" odds in your favour.

    You'll do this by giving your body and mind what it most needs in order to function in an optimal way.

    "Optimal" in this case means being the healthiest you can be, and the happiest you can be.

    This can be obtained most naturally by eating a healthy, balanced diet and ensuring that you get all the vital vitamins and minerals that your body requires for it's optimal biochemical functioning....this may be more and more difficult nowadays, considering that most of our fruit and veggies are grown in nutrient -poor, degraded soils... so go for "organic products" when you can get them- and supplement with the vitamins and minerals that you know you are deficient in....This you can find out by doing a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis- and possibly blood tests.

    Get Plenty of exercise- and hour a day is good- half an hour the minimum- this will prompt the production of the "feel good" hormones that make you feel happy (endorphins)- plus there are all the other obvious fitness and disease fighting benefits , too numerous to mention here.

    Minimise Environmental Stressors and Toxins.

    Minimise Lead and Mercury in your body (avoid having silver fillings... no one tells you this...but they are made from 50% mercury, which, next to Arsenic, is about the most toxic thing you could put in your body - and NO amount is safe for your body)

    .... Mercury is a definite causitive factor in thyroid problems, anxiety, depression etc.

    Drink PLENTY of filtered water ( you want to avoid all the excess flouride, chlorine, copper etc that may be in your tap water).

    Monitor your thoughts:

    Follow your "inner guidance system".... if the thoughts you are thinking are not giving you a "good feeling".... then think about something that makes you feel good in the moment.

    Do this consistently throughout the day and you will stay in a happier and happier place.

    Sometimes this may not be as easy as you think if you are stuck in a "negative" train of thought and your brain chemicals are getting fired up and forming and "anxiety or anger" pathway.

    These sort of patterns can be interrupted by focussing on doing a math problem, counting backwards, counting in odd numbers, doing a sudoku puzzle etc- this will dissapate the rush of chemicals that are making you feel bad...

    then right away go back to picturing scenes/remembering things/ imagining, planning stuff that makes you feel GOOD.

    Getting into the habit of ALWAYS recognising the "uncomfortable bad feeling" in your gut, as soon as you start feeling it - and then consciously changing your thoughts to something that makes you feel happy, will make you a person that is more consistently happy.

    Eventually, as you practise this more and more, you will simply "become happier" as you become the person who more consistently is able to think happy thoughts!

    Have FUN with it!

  • 1 decade ago

    Running produces a natural high. Many runners are "addicted" (in a good way) to running.

    Getting enough sleep can promote a sense of well-being and happiness.

    If you are depressed a natural anti-depressant, St. John's Wort, can be taken. It can be found at a natural, health foods store.

    If you don't know what happiness is, then you are probably clinically depressed and it would be good to see a psychiatrist who can assess you and prescribe the medication that is best for you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Funny, I was just going to ask this question. It seems happiness means different things for all of us, or we are impacted by what society THINKS happiness is. (in commercials, etc.)

    I guess I think we don't ever really ATTAIN happiness, it is a journey not a destination.

    Also, I am a Christian and have Jesus in my heart, and know God loves me . . . but I'm not sure that 'guarantees' happiness in life? I'm definitely not happy all the time, even though I have Him in my heart. But, I guess it is true that knowing Christ gives me a certain sense of peace, that no matter what happens in my life, He will be there.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    True happiness comes from knowing and loving the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a hole in our heart without Him. Why do you think that people who have everything materially in this world, are still not happy?

  • 1 decade ago

    happiness can be felt in different aspects.... like satisfaction for doing something good, from the people that sorround you, from you fulfilling a dream or accomplished goals. When something brings a smile to your face.. that actually means you are happy =)

  • Stefka
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Contentment. When a person feels content they are also happy . The two go hand and hand. How to achieve contentment? By believing in God and by following his directions on living your life - they are in the bible - think new testament. God is real and the only path to contentment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago aware. know yourself.

    find out who needs to be happy..............your body, your mind, your emotions or something beyond......................

    happiness to body can be got catering to the 5 senses ,food,sound,taste,smell,touch......but this happiness is shortlived and temporay thats why we are looking for sumthing beyond.

    happiness for mind or emotion also meets the same fate.

    so best solution is to look for happiness where it really is. Inside you not outside.

    happiness is within u. u need to access it.the simple natural way is meditation and the result isastonishing..........its simple effective and everlasting thats a promise i can make.

    just be yourself and be aware and go in yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you can find a way to have God's love in your life than it is possible to have constant happiness because God's love is the only unchanging force that exist.

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