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300 have you seen it?

Has anyone else seen this awesome film?

What did you think of it?

How far fetched and how historically correct do you think it was?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Loved it.

    The parts that were farfetched were the monsters used by the Persians and the number of Persians. It was closer to many hundred thousand, not 1 million. I don't recall reading anything about a Spartan-born hunchback in the real story. Beyond that, it was fairly accurate (approximately 75-80% per the filmmakers), given the fact that it was a fictional account.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I loved it! I used to say GLADIATOR was my favorite film but I just saw 300 last weekend and I was totally blown away! What an awesome movie! I was fascinated every minute! The script, the costumes and sets, the music, everything was just PERFECT!!!

    I was most impressed by the action scenes, they were choreographed very nicely and looked pretty realistic. (OK, OK, the arterial spurt was wrong, there wasn't enough gushing blood and no sword, no matter how sharp, stays sharp long enough for you to hack that many people to death but let's overlook little details like that, OK?)

    I own swords and I know it's not easy to swing those babies for long, you really have to be in good shape and these guys really looked it! Like real warriors not the weekend warrior type. I mean, you could believe that they'd been training as warriors since they were kids.

    OK, there was some gratuitous nudity (young "oracle" in flimsy gown, the Queen of Sparta flashing flesh, the king and queen in the bedchamber) to keep the young, testosterone laden men interested until the carnage but I guess that's only fair as we women were treated to the sight of all these buff guys in skimpy war outfits.

    The bad guys were suitably bad, LOL! It cracks me up to see the people posting here at YA that are saying it's an anti-Iranian film or whatever. It's fiction for Pete's sake and it's a good story!! Ah, it was just a spectacular feast for the eyes in many respects and was very inspiring. No doubt I'll go see it again while it's still in the theaters and immediately snap up a copy when it comes out on DVD!

    No question, 300 is the best movie of 2007 so far. I've seen several: WILD HOGS, 23, GHOST RIDER, CATCH & RELEASE, MUSIC & LYRICS.... um, some horror flick whose name I can't even remember now... in fact, several movies that I can't name now because they were so mundane but 300 is awesome! Both my boyfriend and I loved it!

  • 1 decade ago

    Historically the film is about 75% correct. Did you know that Spartans had beards but shaved off their mustaches? Did you know that the swords used in the film are Arab type of swords, these swords were never used by Spartans? Did you know that in addition to the 300 that ultimately died, there also were another 700 that perished earlier? Did you know that the Persians were obsessed in conquering ancient Greece and several attempts were made by them from land and sea but each attempt failed. Did you know that ultimately, Alexander The Great with only 10,000 soldiers marched against Persia and put an end to their persistent obsession of wanting to conquer ancient Greece?

  • 1 decade ago

    I have seen this movie twice now. I think this an amazing movie, historically it is a little off. But after all it is a action movie and not a documentary. If you haven't seen it you should.

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  • 1 decade ago

    the action in the movie is awesome! Good good movie also. I also thought it was similar to gladiator in some ways too. It was awesome though.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've seen it 3 times.

  • 1 decade ago

    My girlfriend is an archaeologist. Like, with the P.H.D. and everything. She says she's not even going to see this movie it's so inaccurate and she sees EVERYTHING ancient when it comes to movies and tv.

  • Jon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    it had all the war elements from the pelopennsien wars sparta vs athens

  • 1 decade ago

    No but it looks awesome.

  • 1 decade ago

    omg the best movie lik ever

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