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Lv 7
Dusty asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

I'm turning 50 in a couple of weeks...?

I'm very depressed about that. : (

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey... Congrats! Let me know how it goes ok,... it will be my turn the end of August! I have dreaded that big 50 all my life, but as it gets closer, I am not so sure it's really a bad thing after all! I don't feel any differently... I'm still mostly healthy and busy working and taking care of my family! I have a few grandchildren who are the joy of my life.. in May there will be 5

    so far... if that isn't something to be happy about, then I don't know what is... In August, my youngest son will be home after having been gone to South Africa for 2 years,... my second son might be getting married soon after... and all my kids will be together for the first time in two years! It will be a great day for me on my 50th! I have seen 4 of our children get married, and 3 of them to have children... so... turning 50 is a great sign of many important milestones in our lives! We should all be looking forward to it, and celebrating it to the fullest! My first husband never reached his 50th... he died too young at 44, .... my second husband just turned 50 last fall, but he's still the biggest kid I've got! :0) heheheh! Well, there are many good ideas and thoughts from others on the list, but just be sure to remember that it is true that we're only as old as we feel in our hearts and minds.... if we feel old, talk older, act old

    or just lay down and give up, then 50 will be awful... but like has been said, it's best to find something to do, someone to help, or just get a new hobby to keep our interest... it will be fine! I am actually feeling pretty good about things now, and looking forward to many more years (decades) of good living!

    Good luck dear... just think of all the great experiences that we have on our 50 years...and so many more good times to come in the future! Happy Birthday in a couple of weeks, make it the best one yet! ;0)

  • 1 decade ago

    are there some things you didn't accomplish in your life, or what? Cuz it's not late! You're only 50! There are people who start actual living at 60 or even 70. So don't seat there feeling depressed, go and do something good for people! If you have some unresolved situations with some people, go and get their trust back! If you didn't do something nice to yourself you've always dreamed of, go and try to get that accomplished. You will always be unhappy unless you step up and do things both for yourself and other people as well!

    by the way, madonna is 50 =)

  • Barbiq
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why? Come on, 50 is just a number. I'll never understand why people care or have fits over birthday numbers. 21, 25, 30, 35....ewww the big 40 then 45 now 50? What the heck. Have a big party, invite all your friends and have a great time. Be proud of what and who you are. Don't waste a moment being depressed...that just wasting time and energy. My Gram is 91 and she is still living on her own & doing her own thing! Heck, she is even going to school to learn how to use computers!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY & BEST WISHES!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry that you're sad, but 50 is not old. I know that at every birthday (30,40,50,60,70...) some people get extremely depressed. When you think about it, though, how different are you on your birthday than you were the day before? It's only a number--and age is how you feel, act, think, etc.--the number means nothing.

    Happy Birthday--really, make it a celebration :)

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  • Rat
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you are seriously depressed, you should see your doctor. Your birthday might have something to do with it, but I bet there are other things that need to be addressed if you are clinically depressed (which, as I'm sure you know, can be really dangerous).

    That said, if you're just lamenting your age, try not to think of it as being a bad thing. I know a lot of people about your age who are very smart and vibrant and happy people, and if anything their age has allowed them to gain wisdom and experience. Just because you have reached a certain number does not mean that you have to suffer... think of all the awesome stuff you can do/have experienced.

    Oh, and happy (early) birthday! (I hope that helps. If it does not, I am sorry.)

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry...but why are you so depressed? I'm almost 48 and can't wait for 50, cuz i've loved my 40's so much! Cheer up,....50 is the new 30, or so i've heard

  • 1 decade ago

    why? Do you still have friends? Do you have family or relatives who love you? Do you still have a job or hobbies that you love? Do you have pets, a garden, or a project that you love working on? favorite place to go out? Favorite song?

    They will still be there the day after you turn 50, so nothing will really change.

  • 1 decade ago

    Really ???????? I did that years ago,,, it was fun and now I'm not leaving,,I double down and looking for 100,,,,,,,If I were you I'd be depressed at how much time you stay on answers ,,,,do you ever get away from it,,,,,,,,very depressing look at the points just this week......OMG

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you're healthy and still able to work and contribute look at your life as a positive thing. There are those who have health challenges and would give anything for many more years. Age is just a number.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    sorry... no, she does no longer... the completed social lack of self perception has placed you in the chum zone. Act cool round her. do now no longer do all that "PPL hate me..." stuff, utilizing actuality shell pay interest to ur truly attempting to get pity. If u wanna attraction to her, do precisely now no longer pay as lots pastime to her as u do now... kinda cool it off, utilizing actuality now ur drawing near too strong, and ppl ought to favor to breathe. start up information (or artwork out as a lot as you're waiting to, about 3 days a week) and get ur bench and lat-pull up. do weighted crunches and drink body fort protein shake (STRAWBERRY, now no longer CHOCOLATE!!!) 2 circumstances an afternoon. start up operating. if u do all this, you'll appeal to her recommendations and to her body, and he or she or he will be salivating over you with assistance from utilising October.

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