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I am a freelance writer, mother of 3, and the wife of an amazing guy who has put up with me for 20 years. I have worked in retail, food service, and child care. I love loud music (classical and rock) when I write. I am hooked on Yahoo Answers!
Does anyone know where I can purchase a Moose A. Moose stuffed toy?
I baby sit a 1yr old that loves Moose A. Moose from Noggin TV. I checked the web site for a go. Any suggestions or ideas? Thanks.
1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoIf you have Comcast tripple play bundle, what do you think of it?
I have Comcast cable, and am thinking about trying out their tripple play bundle, I would appreciate any feed back from anyone that is using or has used these services. Thanks!
2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade agoDo you think that any young person that completes boot camp should be allowed to go through commencement?
Outside of Cleveland Ohio two young men completed their graduation commitments to their high school early and went through boot camp (one Marine, one Army). The high school won't let them walk, sit or recieve their deploma's with their classmates in uniform. They have to either not wear them, or cover the uniform with cap and gown. I am offened!! Why can't any young person wear their military uniform that they more than EARNED at a public school graduation? The men and women of the military pay for our right to even discuss this with their very lives!! Where is it written that you HAVE to wear a cap and gown to graduate? Who is truly being disrespectful here...the school district or the young men willing to lay down their lives to protect each and every person in the USA? please only serious answers...find the whole story at the web site Local news stories in Cleveland Ohio
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoCan I cultivate a lilac from one I already have?
I have a kim lilac that I purchase two years ago. It is so nice that I would like another, but the store I puchased it from is out of lilacs for the season. Can I take a cutting from the one I have and grow another? If so how? Thanks!
4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoHelp! I babysit a 6 yr old that doesn't care how she behaves in school and I don't know what to do with her!
She always gets in trouble at school. She is really smart but uses the excuse "I don't know" or "it was on accident" all the time. Her teacher thinks she has short-term memory problems and her mother doesn't know how to handle her at all. I think she has them both right where she wants them! I love her and have been watching her for over a year now...she is full of energy, smart, funny, and beautiful. But she throws temper tanturms that would put a 2 yr old to shame, treats her belongings like they don't matter, and won't follow any rules except at my home. The newest wrinkle? She doesn't seem to care anymore what happens. When I ask her why she won't follow the rules at school she asks me "what does it matter?" I never had these problems with my girls....any suggestions would be deeply appreciated.
9 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoI need a suggestion about what I should do.?
My daughters took dance lessons at a studio for 7 years. For reasons I won't get into here they decided less than two weeks after starting this year to quit dance. I had already over paid their tution. I asked for and was told that I would recieve a full refund since we had been so "important" to the studio for so long and I would recieve a check in the mail in a week. That was the end of October. The owner of the studio hasn't answered my last email (November 27th) and I haven't recieved my check yet. It's not a lot of money, but it would really help right now. Any suggestions on what I should do next? thanks.
4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoHow many more children have to be hurt or die before My Space is either shut down/made inaccessible to minors?
Everyone has or should have heard about all the sexual preditors that troll My Space. Now a child has been so hurt by the actions of ADULTS on My Space that she felt the only way to end her pain was to commit sucide. When will My Space change? When will they realize that minors have no business on the web site and that they are not capable of monitoring what is going on or the saftey of the people on the site? I realize that they are not responsible for the young girl's sucide but you have to wonder...we can pass laws about car seats, food in schools, smoking around schools, and so many more things to protect our kids...why are we so lax when it comes to the internet and web sites?
21 AnswersParenting1 decade agoOkay, I've had the blood tests, I am now diabetic, I have a medication to take, Now what do I do?
My fasting blood sugar 242, my AC1 is 10. My doctor put me on metformine, I am supposed to get another blood test in 3 weeds, until I go see a specialist mid November. What the heck do I do now? I really feel overwhelmed with all the information on the ADA web site...can you give me some simple things to do now that can help me? Thanks for your time.
14 AnswersDiabetes1 decade agoFor all you aspiring writers out there....are you ready for NaNo this year?
National Novel Writing Month 2007. Are you ready and willing to try to write a story of at least 50,000 words in 30 days? November 1 to November 30th
5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoHas it ever occurred to any health officials that the weight problem in the US can be directly related.....?
to all the chemicals, hormones and genetic engineering that has been done with our veggies, and meat supply to make them "bigger" "better" and more abundant?
7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoDo you think if President Bush visited the Wall he would reflect on the current losses in Iraq?
I just spend a moving evening at the Vietnam War Memorial Traveling Wall. To see, read, and feel the names of all the men and women who died or are still MIA is truly a moving experience. How can Bush justify any of our losses in Iraq over oil when he looks out at memorials like this? 58,000 men and women died in many must die in Iraq? Tell me your thoughts please.
7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoDoes anyone know of any programs in PA that can help my friend keep her rented house?
My friend was engaged (she was supposed to get married this Sat) and her fiance canceled the wedding and left her with rent & utilities and no money. They had just signed a new lease and moved into a big house.....she has no hope of being able to met the rent much less the utilities at her current job. She is looking for a new job, but has 5 kids to take care of on her own as well. Every where she has turned to get help or assistance has been useless...they all claim to "have no funds at this time." She works hard, and does get food there anyone or any place she can go for help?? If she doesn't get help soon she may be evicted.
1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoany ideas for "bored" teens? I am not an entertainment specialist!?
seriously....they don't want to see a movie, it's supposed to rain so outside activities are a no-go, I don't have tons of money to loose at the mall....and they "want to do something".
6 AnswersParenting1 decade agoHow do you impress upon your teens the seriousness of safety on the Internet?
We have parental controls, we have a signed contract with our children about the use of the Internet, we have discussed the risks of and forbidden the use of MySpace, we limit the time frame and the amount of time they can be on the Internet. The computer they use to be on the Internet is in the main part of our home where we can monitor them. And yet I still find them divulging personal information that could lead a preidtor right to them. When I find this stuff (I am reasonably sure it is done thoughtlessly and not delibertly) I delete it, but I want to make them understand the risks and be safe without me looking over their shoulder. Any suggestions?
9 AnswersParenting1 decade agoHow on earth do you get CCIS to pay you correctly?
I am babysitting for a friend on welfare and CCIS is supposed to pay me. I got my first check for April yesterday and it is so wrong....less than half of what it was supposed to be. I have the kids 6 days a week which is okay, but I need to get my correct friend says her old sitter was paid incorrectly too. She has worked the same schedule for over two years and says she fills out the paperwork correctly. She is flat broke and can't afford the parking/gas to go downtown to see her rep. who never calls her back (at least that's what she tells me). I don't want to be a pain, but I have bills too. Any suggestions?
2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoWill you visit the new Harry Potter World in 2009 that is being built in Fla?
I just heard that Universal is building a Harry Potter world in Fl. That will enclude Hogwarts, the forbidden forest and lots of other things. Will you go when it is supposed to open in 2009?
20 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade agoWhy is it so much easier to give good thoughtful advise and honest opinions here rather than in person?
I love answers...I feel free to really give my thoughts and honest opinions. And sometimes it's not really what I think askers want to hear. What do you think?
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoHow do I help my Girls through their first exposure to death?
We have to have one of our two family dogs put to sleep tomorrow because of bone girls have never had to deal with a loss of a loved one before. They know what is going on because I believe in being honest with them. Any ideas to help them through the next few days would be appreciated.
15 AnswersParenting1 decade agoWhat do you think of the new Pendragon Book #8 The Pilgrims of Rayne by DJ MacHale?
Although we (my girls & myself) love the series I was confussed and disapointed with the ending of book 8. Is this really the end of Bobby traveling? What do you think?
4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoSeriously, what is the big deal about 1st communions for Catholics?
No disrespect intended, but in the eastern Orthodox church my children have recieved communion immediately after their baptism as infants. As they grow and learn about the church they learn about the importance of confession and communion and continue to recieve communion each and every Sunday. I don't understand the process for Catholics...why all the white dresses, special ceremony & party and gifts after? Granted we had a family dinner after our girls were baptised, but no gifts were expected or wanted. It was to celebrate our childrens entrance into the church and the beginings of their religious education.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago