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Should the military have women in combat rolls?

I have no reason to believe that a female couldn't do the job. How ever with my own eyes I have seen males and females in the same area trying to do a job, and two of the males become very interested in the female in their section creating a problem. Combat requires 110% of your brain power and when you have two males battling over a woman this takes away and will ultimately cost a life. An answer like a woman has no control over a males testosterone is not a good answer, in combat we rely on the factor. Unfortunately I have a real concern for any female that would be taken captive by an enemy and what they might do to her. I have a wife and a daughter.

This is not a question or feminists or a chauvinists, but a question for realists.


I am a Micmac Indian and we honor our women. I stated that I know that a woman can do the job, I spent 20 years in the military and you are right to say not all but even one can have the same results

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    women can definitely take part in combat rolls, but they do bad in combat rolls that require high physical efforts, very dirty environment.

    women could be very good combat pilots, anti tank and anti air missile operators, tank gunners, snipers in fixed positions, and many more dangerous roles, but as infantrymen or cannon team they can not participate, and could become a hazard to other soldiers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for your question.

    The decision to enter the Armed Forces and/or active Combat should be the choice of the INDIVIDUAL themselves. There are some women who can and some who cannot function well in the armed forces. There are men who can and cannot serve as well.

    A soldier is a soldier, no matter what he/she is.

    If a male soldier can't take the responsibility of his own "hormones"and control himself, then how is it right to deny the other person, male or female, the opportunity to serve because someone else can't take their own responsbility and control themselves? If the former can't control himself and concentrate, then HE is the one who is putting himself , and his fellow combatents, in danger!

    Likewise, if a female combatant is captured by the enemy, it is she who has chosen to be a soldier and must accept the responsibility that she may face danger.

    I'm sure if there are bullets and bombs flying in your direction, the last thing on your mind is sex!

    Try talking to some of the Soldiers that have served with members of the opposite gender. You'll hear alot more positive stories than negative ones!

    I've read some of the answers you recieved. To those people, I say, get over yourselves and quit trying to project your inabilities to control yourself onto Women!

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think woman should be in combat. They would be a constant distraction. Either as you stated, sexual tensions or a protective instinct. I was raised to protect and defend women.That is part of who I am, and no amount of training will change. I was in the artillery for 8 years. Very few women could have done my job. The average woman doesn't have the upper body strength to handle 100 lb artillery rounds and 125 lb machine guns. On training exercises we always had to have medics on sight when we live fired the cannons. Quite often they were female medics on loan from the support battalion. They were a constant distraction.. Any time I couldn't find on of my troops, sure enough, they were trying to flirt with the medics. If you can't make it work in training, it will never work in combat.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, what makes you think that scenario always happens? It doesn't---not among responsible people, anyway. If these people can't focus on the task at hand, maybe they shouldn't be in the military.

    Second, just because some women can't hold their own doesn't mean that's the case for all of us. Although I can understand your concern, we're not all like your wife and daughter. I come from a culture where you were expected to hold your own if attacked, whether you were male or female. That argument doesn't hold water when you're talking to a Cherokee woman. That's as real as I can be with you, and I don't mean to sound mean, but I won't back down either.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i think of Kojak hits it notably plenty. the fact is that there are women accessible who can carry. 2 issues come to my concepts: 1st: this shouldn't take place now, or every time mutually as there is an ongoing, lively conflict. i think the comparable way with regard to the dont ask dont tell subject it quite is occurring now. final analysis, there will be backlash, appearing out, and different disciplinary themes. it is going to require alot of Chain of Command capability to journey out the hurricane and make their people settle for the coverage. the protection stress, noticeably the army, is breaking its back precise now, and those are themes that are extra effectual dealt with whilst they gained't distract from wrestle concentration. 2d: standards. I problem that standards will slip even further. the army has been moving extra and extra down the line of political correctness, and no, it is no longer for the extra effectual. confident, all infantrymen could have appreciate for others, yet there's a line. it extremely is now extra undemanding and extra undemanding to bodily bypass the PT standards, and infantrymen with weight administration themes a technique or the different slide by in countless contraptions. If women are to be allowed in the infantry, there could be unquestionably no bending of standards. they might desire to be waiting to ruck the comparable equipment (IBA, undemanding load, carry the 240, and so on), and carry out all the comparable initiatives to standard with out any equivalent threat BS being introduced into the equation. it extremely is existence and loss of life, and there is not any room for computing device there. Any woman which could take care of all of that i might have not have been given any problem serving with.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Women just don't have the psychical strength and mentality to take on combat rolls.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Women should have very limited support and medical roles if any.

    They do not belong in the trenches, ever. (Full stop)

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