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News anchor.

  • Bone marrow and ethnicity?

    I am a woman of half Eastern Band Cherokee and half Irish ancestry. Would there be a chance at all of my being a bone marrow donor match for a friend of mine who is Southern Italian? While I know ethnicity is a main deciding factor, I'm curious as to the actual odds of that happening. He needs a match of 8 out of 10 antigens.

    1 AnswerCancer1 decade ago
  • Is this a conflict of interest?

    Where I work, we have a talk show host and his producer. The producer has just revealed that he's dating the host's daughter. Also, this particular host books his daughter's workplace (a nonprofit) at least once each month. I'm thinking these both constitute a conflict of interest, and am thinking about bringing it up to the station manager. Would my thoughts on this be right?

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Some satellite woes at the station

    At the radio station where I work, we've been having problems with our satellite receiver (a Wegener iPump 4062, we're a Jones affiliate.) We had to replace the unit twice after severe thunderstorms wreaked havoc on them, and the electrical issues have been fixed after that. However, it seems we're having some problems with the signal cutting out around sunset and coming back toward sunrise. Could the signal fade be due to the satellite itself maybe moving a tiny bit while in orbit, or is it more likely a dish issue? The LNB has been checked and all's well.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Odd day before my birthday?

    Today is the day before my birthday, and I work two jobs. At the first one, which I do for extra money on the side, my co-workers gave me a small gift & an impromptu sort of party, it was very sweet of them and I didn't expect it at all because I only work there a few hours each day.

    Then I went to my actual job at a radio station. Even though we have a book of whose birthday it is, only one person even bothered to say anything about it. I'm curious--is it me or is it the way people who work in radio are? I really don't know how to handle this, considering that other people seem to be lauded on their birthdays.

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Contact lens prescription?

    I recently got brand new contacts. I had been wearing a pair of glasses that were +1.25 in the left eye and +3.50 in the right, respectively. Lo and behold, my contact prescription is +3.25 in the left and +4.00 in the right. Is that a deterioration in vision, or is it simply a refractive change because I'm using contacts now?

    4 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • Very disturbing argument at work?

    I work in a small radio station, and until today I thought I got along with everyone very well. That was until one of the billing people and I were talking about a news story (I'm a news anchor and reporter) and after I explained something, she says "We're not stupid here, you know, so don't be so condescending all the time." I've actually never been condescending, and I go out of my way to help people with anything they need around here, even if it isn't part of my job.

    This is the second time in as many weeks that a female office person has said something like that to me. I recently lost 30 pounds---a very visible weight loss---and it seems that since then, many of the women (who are large mostly) have been very rude. I'm not sure if this is the cause or not, but if it is, that really worries me. What should I do?

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Why is tall considered desirable for women in the mainstream US culture?

    I've been wondering about this for a while. Taller women are considered more attractive for some reason, yet I can't seem to pinpoint what it is. In my culture, women are always supposed to be shorter than the men, and I just don't understand the obsession. You won't find many Cherokee women over 5 3 (I'm 4 10 myself,) and I wonder why the white standard is held as best.

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Tips for almond eyes?

    Hi there, I'm a 25 year old gal who has been looking for something new to bring out my eye shape. My eyes are gray (can't tell from the picture as it's bad lighting) and almond shaped (I'm half Native American with hair that's bleached & colored copper red.)

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • What should I do?

    Well, there's a guy who's been a good friend of mine since my sophomore year in college. We both graduated in 2005, and haven't lost touch--in fact, we've talked fairly often and have gone out a few times. I've confessed my love for him and to be honest, I wish he would choose me as his girlfriend, but I've been willing to wait until he made a decision. He says he's not exactly ready for a relationship with anyone yet, but I'm not exactly sure what I should do in this case.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Stood up, what to do?

    A friend of mine and I had scheduled a date for a week ago. He spaced on the date because he thought there was a basketball game I had to attend to (part of my job at the radio station where I work.) I understood that, and gave him a second chance. That was supposed to be tonight. He called me earlier in the day to confirm, and a couple of times after that.

    Then, I get a call that he'll be stuck at work waiting on a couple from New York who wanted to go buy a car at the dealership where he works. He said he'd call me back as soon as he knew when he'd be out, but he never did. Is it me, or is something fishy here?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do many countries require primary/secondary students to buy school books?

    I always wondered this. Here in the US, they're free for all public school students, and they're designed to be used for at least a few years. The only time we ever have to buy our own is in college.

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else sick of young women asking if they're fat?

    It's usually some kid or a younger teenager---does that bother anyone?

    12 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why do so many women on here keep asking if they're fat?

    This is something that I found pretty disturbing, to be honest. Why are the women not asking for good, sound health advice instead of this silly "am I fat?" question? Also, where are the women who lift weights, like I do? It's great for your metabolism and bone health.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Name of this hairstyle?

    Those of you familiar with the Northeastern US might understand what I'm talking about. Many women, but from what I notice usually Italian-American, seem to enjoy a hairstyle that either has a ponytail pulled toward the top of the head or resembles an updo, but not really as "put together." I can't find the name of either for the life of me, and I was curious as to where the hairdo came from and why they wear their hair that way. I grew up with mostly Northern European and Native American people, and nobody I knew did that. If anyone knows what it's called, I'd be grateful.


    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Tips for Native American hair type?

    Hi! I have bleached hair, very straight (I'm half Native American) and was curious as to whether there are any tips I could use in the future so that my haircuts come out better. The only time I had a perfect one was the first time I had this one I have now done, with a carving comb. Also, if anyone could suggest a few products that work well with the hair type, I'd be grateful.


    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What sort of voice is the range A2 to A4?

    With C4 being middle C of course, which vocal classification does this range technically fall under? Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Which vocal range is this song for?

    Happy New Year everyone!

    There's a particular song I like to sing quite a lot, and I recently found the sheet music for it. Just for reference, what vocal range was this written for? Here's the music (without text as the lyrics were originally in Japanese), in PDF format:

    and the original opening from which it was transcribed, performed by Akemi Sato:

    I sing this much lower than she does, but it's a great song and I have no trouble with it. Thanks so much!

    4 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Should I choose singing tenor or alto?


    I'm trying to figure out which of the two vocal ranges would have the better music to fit my particular voice. My range is G2-F4 (with C4 being middle C in this notation). I notice when I sing along with songs that tenor fits more than alto (they go WAY too high for me), and I was wondering which may be the better choice of the two.

    Thanks and have a great New Year!

    9 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Great songs for low vocal range?

    Hello everyone! I'm guessing this question may have been asked before, but what would some wonderful songs be for a vocal range of G2 to F4 ( or G-2 to F1 depending on the system of notation?) I'm female, although I don't know if that would matter when finding something for fun.


    6 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago