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How can there be a Heaven?

When I was younger and still a Christian, I always thought of Heaven where everyone is happy and content.

Even back then, I wondered how that was possible. People are so different, it seems to me that there's going to be contradictions and paradoxes.

Of course, then I figured it would make sense when I got older, but I'm still wondering that question today.

It doesn't really matter to me anymore, I'm not a Christian anymore and I don't believe in Heaven, but I'm curious.

How can there be a true Heaven where everyone is totally happy?

(By the way, if I'm wrong about anything or said something offensive somehow, please let me know)

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you ever were truly a Christian in your heart of hearts, then God has not abandoned you. The Holy Spirit Himself may have fostered this curiosity about the nature of Heaven within you as He attempts to revive you spiritually.

    As for your question, Heaven may not be so much the common vision most people have, that has been popularized by secular culture. Though it may include an environment of perfect creation, the focus is more upon the unbridled presence of the Almighty God. The exact opposite - the total absence of God - being Hell.

    To be in the presence of God, His perfect love, omnipotence, omniscience, unchanging righteous and just nature, is to KNOW God. What i mean to say is, every theological / philosophical difference among different peoples and cultures will immediately cease to exist, for all will know God as He intends to be known, without any confusion or deception. Being in that holy light will be more than enough to fill everyone with a happiness and joy unlike any that could ever be experienced any other way.

    For your sake, and for the glory of God, I pray that the Lord completes the work he began in you when you had "the faith of a child."

  • It is a limited view of the World and the Universe, when you try to contain everything within the bounds of your limited knowledge!

    Ask a guy on the street, if he believes that your computer has the storage of of all the contents of Library of congress, if he understands the vastness of knowledge and the space required to store Billions of books and magazines.

    And that is not all, through internet you can actually see anything happening in the word !!!

    Now just imagine if you were born 100 years ago and you were not able to conceive all that!

    Does that mean, whatever you can see happening on the otherside of the globe, these days, was not happening 100 years ago, when it used to take 80 days, to hand carry the information around the world?

    If there were a super power, 100 years ago, who told you that "He is seeing what is happening on the other side, in real time", you would have said "He is Lying!".

    Now that your eyes can see on internet, you will not say that.

    The billions of pages and images stored in your Hard drive have no physical tangible existance, still when you tell your computer or the Google Engine - "Aabra Gudabra" show me the "File xyz" or "The Route Map How to get to Penguin Street, Antarctica, South Pole", it pulls that file out in fraction of a second or it will draw you complete map to the specific penguin you want to go, while you were asking this information sitting in Tuktyactuk.

    A thinking mind will obviously, conclude that there is definitely lots and lots more that I do not know. There must be a Super Power who knows every thing. That Super Power has to be in full control of all the cosmos and the universe, because so far, there has not been a major pile up. He sprinkles the salt before the roads become slippery.

    As Einstien said "My knowledge is just a drop in the ocean of knowledge"

    So my friend, let us not judge things only by the standards we can imagine !!! There are worlds beyond the worlds we know!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I undestand and can take in that people are different, and arguments/other stuff will rise. But theres one HUGE thing about heaven- gods there. He'll make everyone happy. He'll make peace, and not cause all those arguments and fights. For He's the one we worship, and He's the one who makes peace. For ex., He made peace with Noah's Ark. The world was wicked (kind of like ppl in heaven), so He got rid of that (by taking a flood) and kept the good (people in heaven). It kinda makes sense, but to really understand it, u have to be a good christian.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    According to the Ancient Vedas (the original books sent by God (also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc.) In the material world their is heavenly planets, Hellish planets and earth. The heavens are like the eternal spiritual world but not eternal One goes there to get their very good Karma And the souls are not all perfect but it is way better than here. Even in the Bible it is said in 10,ooo years they come back to earth. So Then Hell is a place where one gets their very bad karma (no one goes eternally) that is a mistranslation. And earth is where their is both experiences of hellish and heavenly places and karma. Most people return to the eternal world from earth. For more information on this in great detail go to harekrishnatemple.c Read Bhagavad Gita as it is By Bhaktivedanta PRabhupada- tells the purpose of human life and how to be eternally happy because that is who you really are. This world is temporary and full of misery and is of the illusory energy of God.

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  • Christians belive that when are souls are confronted with God in the fullness of his glory we won't care about anything else. In Heaven we will finally have all we want and will therefore be happy. Human differences and goals are typically physical ro physical based, and aren't part of the kingdom of heaven.

  • 1 decade ago

    because God will wipe every tear from their eyes, and if God wipes the tears away the bitterness will be gone

    because God will change the natures of the redeemed and they will be like HIm and heaven will be a world of love, with the nicest people there could be... they can be very different, from every tribe and toung and nation and still love each other Very different people can marry and enjoy eachother

    because God is what will make heaven heaven, God is the centerpiece and source of endless joy and in Heaven the desire and man and the glory of God will be perfectly met

    Source(s): Heaven by Randy ALcorn is a great book God is the only thing that wouldnt get boring after zillions of years... anything else would get dull... it will be like trying to sip an ocean of adventure with a straw and will last FOREVER
  • Revelation 21

    21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

    21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

    Heaven will be here on Earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Shadow , you are perfectly right, there is no hell either. God can create heaven hell on earth itself, according to your own deeds.. You havent hurt dont worry. Heaven is within oneself. A person who is not dependent on external conditions is the one who truly knows heaven. Such a person is liberated and free from cycle of birth death. People keep sinning and they go to heaven just by confessing, even if they have evil in their heart? thats not heaven...

  • 1 decade ago

    U have to look beyond the Earth and universe and then see a whole new picture.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, you are not alone. I can't figure it out either. Nor can I understand how people think that they are going to live eternally with some spirit in an afterlife.

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