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Lv 5
WJ asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Anyone know a good way of breaking a dog from being aggressive everytime somebody knocks at the door?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My dogs dont bark at the door bell or when someone knocks. our dogs have learned if they come through the front door they must be good. If the noise comes from anywhere else, back door, windows they flip out. they even get all nervous when they hear a dominoes commercial. The tv doorbell upsets them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's what I am working on- first I latch the storm/screen door, so people don't just walk in-including family members. And I usually keep the entry door closed as well.

    When somebody comes to the door-they must knock- "I say wait a second" I then tell the dog to "sit" about three or four feet from the door and then "stay",...stay...stay and then open the door. Then lots of praise! I taught him "sit" first with treats, then "stay", by continuing to slowly feed him treats in the sitting position, while walking a small circle around him and then going out a little further each time. For me it was about his safety (bolting out doors!!) rather than aggression, but I think it should still work. I also have a "Beware of Dog" sign on my front door, so visitors are very patient while I secure my ferocious dog! Hey-they don't know he's only a 3 pound Yorkie!!!lol

  • 1 decade ago

    My boyfriend had a Rotwiler and he would do that. My boyfriend started opening the door everytime the dog would growl or bark because he heard something out front (even if there was nothing there). He would talk to the dog and tell him that everything was okay and let the dog look out the door for himself. He said that the dog got to where he would only bark if he felt threatened and if the dog did bark because someone knocked he would just talk to him in the same voice he used all the other times and he'd calm down.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on what you mean by being aggressive; Barking, growling, or does he snap and try to bite people that come to the door. I have a 3 yr old male who is fearful aggressive towards strangers. Desensitization is the key. When you are expecting company, be armed with treats and toys, something to distract him. You need to determine why he is agressive and take measures to prevent the triggers. Try to get a trainer that specializes in breaking agressive behavior. Or talk to you vet about what the problem might be and a plan to decrease it.

    Most likely your dog is acting out of fear and not an aggressive nature. The older he/she gets the worse it will get.

    For me, my dog is afraid of strangers, and so I use training aids such as a muzzle, gentle leader, and spike collar to introduce him to new places, smells, and people to show him that strange is ok and can be exciting. Its a long process be paitient, dogs can sense you are stressed and it will increase this behavior . Good Luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    What kind of aggression ?? Excited to see someone by barking nonstop ? Growling ? What does the dog do when you open the door and the let person in ? Jumping ? Pulling down on the collar ...use OFF and try not to use the word NO for anything if possible.

    Keeping dogs socialized and always in control of your dog will help teach them that You are the dominate one / leader.

    Good Luck


  • 1 decade ago

    Has your dog been to dog class yet? If so, get someone to help you and practice putting him on a down stay while the other person knocks at the door. Reward him for staying calm. If not, get him to a good dog class and get him to learn the basics: sit, stay, come. The better trained and socialized he is the less problem he'll be.

  • 1 decade ago

    ooo I know the answer to this one. I saw it on Dog Wisperer a month or 2 ago. If the dog doesn't stop barking with your vocal command (like most people do with yelling which is the wrong thing apparently) you need to show your assertiveness by standing infront of the dog and look at him directly with a strong enough stare. This shows the dog who the leader of the "pack" is (b/c all dogs are pack animals) If they see you as an = , you yelling at them is just joining in the fun of making noise. IF you stand infront it tells them, I'm the boss, I'm aware there is someone at the door. Hope it works!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What are you currently doing to deter your dog from this unacceptable bahavior? Yelling and pulling him/her from the door won't cut it. You must establish control of the door and the immediate area around the door when someone comes knocking/ringing. When someone knocks or rings, address your dog first before opening or approaching the door. If your dog bolts to the door before you, the moment they hear a knock or ring, walk toward him/her slowly and use your body to establish a block of the space you want at the door. When the dog backs off to respect your space, open the door and continue to establish control of the space by blocking your dog from the area around the door and yourselves. If you must, walk toward the dog to create more space. For a more overly excited and aggressive dog, I suggest a quick touch at the dogs neck, a la Cesar Milan, to put the dog on notice that you are the one in charge at the door and not your dog. Remember the body block to establish your space and remain relaxed/calm when you request your space. Making your dog fearful of you is not what you want...just respect. In addition, advise incomers to avoid talking, touching or looking at your dog until he/she is completely calm. Be consistent in everything you do with your dog and be the leader; they'll love you more for it. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get a can and put rocks or beans something that when you shake it, it makes alot of noise. And keep it by the door, so when someone knocks at the door and the dogs get aggressive shake it at them and don't let them smell it, shake it and hide it behind your back. Do this every time, remember be consistent.

    Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    ok. First get a baggie of yummy gentle treats and a chum (somebody who lives there is large!) place the canine on lead and have the different individual flow out the front door. place your self with the canine and treats on the otherside of the door. Have chum ring the bell. on the comparable on the spot the bell rings, supply the canine a cope with. do not even supply them the prospect to bark. shop doing this (plenty) After approximately 15 repetitions, hesitate a 2nd till now giving the cope with. If the canine barks carry the cope with up and say "quiet" as quickly as he's quiet (even a 2nd counts supply the cope with. Do the hesitation till he's finding to you for a cope with. upload directly to the hesitation. a million 2nd, 3 seconds and so on. shop doing this till you will possibly be able to make him watch for an entire quiet minute till now treating him. artwork for classes now not than 10 minutes. this might desire to be a interest to him! once you may get to the ingredient that the doorbell sounds and he now not is going bananas, you could initiate up laying off the treats. supply him a cope with in basic terms say each third attempt, yet pleanty of compliment each and every time. till now long you will possibly desire to be waiting to have the doorbell ring and the canine will seek you out and wait quietly. **edit** I artwork with a large style of human beings who stay in residences the place an excessively barky canine can get them evicted. on an identical time as I agree that a barking canine could be a solid ingredient, there are continuously 2 aspects to the area.

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