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Do you think all police vehicles should have dash board cameras?

I believe that all police vehicles should have dash board cameras. Dash board cameras are hard evidence which can be used in court. The police should have everything they need to establish hard evidence. I saw on "Cops" where a women had accused a police officer of sexual harassment, the officer had a dash board camera, the camera showed that no harassment was evident. They arrested the woman for filing a false police report. This is case-and-point that dash board cameras help police officers.

There is an incident in NYC where police officers are being indited for manslaughter. I am wondreing why none of the responding police officers had dash board cameras? Wouldn't dash board cameras have shown what happened on the day in question? Instead we now have to go on individual statements, which may not be 100% accurate. Do you think all police vehicles should have dash board cameras?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, they help prevent false accusations against officers at the scene of arrest... also they help if the officer is brutal and the arrestee cannot prove it....

  • 1 decade ago

    YES,,,they should have cameras. Great question! Sometimes I just don't know what to believe when I watch these things on the news. It's a scary thought that the police would harass people, but it's just as bad to see people accusing the police for nothing, and I thing something should be done about that

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had an in-car camera for quite a few years now. I feel naked without it. I use it not only as a method to record my calls but also as a way to self-critique my performance.

    There have also beeen times that the tape was used to exonerate me from frivolous complaints. I use it religiously.

    It's expensive, but I think all cars should have them.

    Source(s): 28 yrs and counting as a street cop
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I agree with you. I think our officers need and should have what ever they need in order to protect the people and help citizens feel safe in there community.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i think they should. i totally agree with u. it can be used as hard evidence or sort of entertainment lol like on cops when the people are crazy or on disorderly conduct lol but yeah I agree with u

  • 1 decade ago

    We don't have them and I wish we did. It comes down to cost for us though... We don't even have computers in our cars yet and have to go through dispatch for all calls and DL and criminal record checks.

    Source(s): Canadian Copper
  • 1 decade ago

    it seems you asked and answered your own question. cameras should be installed especially in big towns and cities and highway patrol. smaller towns should go by their budgets.

  • 1 decade ago


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