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Why do some stores keep deodorant locked up?
It's not an expensive item, so why keep up it locked up?
5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhat should I do about my fiances mother, she is trying to sabotage my relationship with her daughter?
My fiances mother is using all her evil powers to stop me from marrying her daughter. My fiance doesn't want to admit that her mother hates the fact that the two of us are going to get married. My future mother-in-law wishes her daughter never left her previous boyfriend, even though he was unfaithful and has no respect for her or her daughter. I helped her and her daughter out of an abusive relationship, but for some reason she doesn't appreciate my kindness. The evil woman attacks my character every chance she gets and the attacks are getting worse as the time for our marriage approaches. I pointed out to my fiance that her mother is trying to sabotage us but she refuses to believe it. She made me so mad the other day that I actually started yelling at my fiance for believing her mother and was yelling at her mother too, of course this plays right into her evil little hands. My fiance is unwilling to stand up to her mother and I'm at my wits end. I try being nice and give them whatever they want. I told my fiance about her mothers actions but she doesn't think her mother is trying to break us up. Right now I have a wait-and-see attitude, should I just ignore her?
4 AnswersFamily1 decade agoHow do I stop myself from eating late at night?
I work late hours and I don't get home until after 10pm. Like most people I am usually hungry after a long day at the office and my wife always has a great dinner for me, my problem is that after I eat I fall asleep and end up waking up in the middle of the night with heartburn and reflux. I don't want to eat before I get home because my wife spends her time cooking and I don't want to offend her or have her think I don't appreciate what she does. Are there meals that are easier on the stomach? I try eating less but then I end up snacking before bed. The lack of sleep and the damn reflux are driving me nuts!
5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoLadies: What ruins a relationship, money or infidelity?
My guy friends say it's money, but, my girl friends say it's infidelity. What do you believe kills a relationship?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoRemoving matted fur off of my cats tail?
My cat has matted fur on her tail and lower rear hind quarters. She's had it for a while and it appears to be coming more pronounced. She doesn't like when I try to remove it, I've tried gentle brushing and I've also tried separating the mats. Whenever I try to remove the mats she tries to scratch and bite me, she'll give me about 10 minutes then she's had enough! I have currently been trying to give her baths, but, she hates that even more! Any advice on removing matted fur off a cat?
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoWhy do people do things that they know are bad for them?
Why do people do things like over-eating, smoking, drinking, drugs, etc... Usually when you realize what you're doing is bad for you it's too late. How do you stop from doing such things and once you start how do you stop?
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhy is it that if a person is religious, some people think they're a freak or a nut?
I noticed some reporters calling Sarah Palin a "religious freak" and a "religious nut," she seems like a good person with high moral values. Shouldn't a person be judged by their character and not their beliefs?
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy is it that if a person is religious, some people think they're a freak or a nut?
I noticed some reporters calling Sarah Palin a "religious freak" and a "religious nut," she seems like a good person with high moral values. Shouldn't a person be judged by their character and not their beliefs?
11 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHow do you approach a woman without it appearing like you're "hitting" on her?
I am a very sociable person. I have no problems with talking with women, but, sometimes women think I'm "hitting" on them. I'm interested in a relationship and I'm not a "player." I've had bad experiences (at times) where I strike up a conversion with a woman and I ask her if she'd like to get together sometime, next thing I know she's telling everyone that I was "hitting" on her. A very nice woman came into my office the other day, she was very personable and we seemed to be getting along with each other. I wanted to ask her out for a cup of coffee, but, I've had bad experiences in the past. The last thing I would want is for a client to start complaining about me because I want to make a new friend. She left and the chance of ever seeing her again is slim to none. So my question is: How do I approach a woman without it appearing like I'm "hitting" on her?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow do you approach a woman without it appearing like you're "hitting" on her?
I am a very sociable person. I have no problems with talking with women, but, sometimes women think I'm "hitting" on them. I'm interested in a relationship and I'm not a "player." I've had bad experiences (at times) where I strike up a conversion with a woman and I ask her if she'd like to get together sometime, next thing I know she's telling everyone that I was "hitting" on her. A very nice woman came into my office the other day, she was very personable and we seemed to be getting along with each other. I wanted to ask her out for a cup of coffee, but, I've had bad experiences in the past. The last thing I would want is for a client to start complaining about me because I want to make a new friend. She left and the chance of ever seeing her again is slim to none. So my question is: How do I approach a woman without it appearing like I'm "hitting" on her?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoPolitical question about Japan?
What could be some unforeseen events occurring that might affect further cooperation between Japan and America?
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHow did Japan modernize their economy without embracing Western culture?
Any information you can provide would be helpful, thanks.
7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoWhy do women insist on putting everything under a microscope?
Every woman I've ever dated has always put anything I do under scrutiny, why can't they justy accept that I'm just being nice and I want to do nice things for them? My last girlfriend always thought I was "up to something" and I couldn't do anything nice for her without her suspecting me of being "up to something."
17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHave you turned the volume off due to the overbearing gap ad?
I tried clicking the "pause" button, but all that has a tendency to open up a new window to the gap site.
4 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade agoHow do I locate a US Army service record by dog tag number?
This is for a deceased US Veteran from the Korean War era. We have the dog tag and would like to look up the service record.
Military1 decade agoAre you Conservative or Liberal?
Just curious to see if people here are more Conservative or Liberal.
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWould you choose to be the hero or the villain?
If the need arose, would you be the hero or the villian. Are you a good guy or a bad guy? Are you Flash Gordon or Ming the merciless? Just a hypothetical question.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoHow bad is this?
I was talking a friend and she said she was fat, I said "yeah, I'm fat too" and she got really mad at me. I didn't say she was fat I simply said that I was fat too. I really like her and I hope I didn't screw up. I don't know why she got so mad, she said she felt insulted, but, I didn't say "hey you're a fatty." She said that if a woman says she's fat you should never agree with her. I thought I was being honest and admitting that I would like to lose weight too. Did I screw up bad? Do you think she doesn't like me now? I really like her and I would hate for something like this to destroy the relationship we are developing. What should I do to bounce back? We have a great time chatting on line, talking on the phone, and hanging out. I need advice on damage control, thanks.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDo you think all police vehicles should have dash board cameras?
I believe that all police vehicles should have dash board cameras. Dash board cameras are hard evidence which can be used in court. The police should have everything they need to establish hard evidence. I saw on "Cops" where a women had accused a police officer of sexual harassment, the officer had a dash board camera, the camera showed that no harassment was evident. They arrested the woman for filing a false police report. This is case-and-point that dash board cameras help police officers.
There is an incident in NYC where police officers are being indited for manslaughter. I am wondreing why none of the responding police officers had dash board cameras? Wouldn't dash board cameras have shown what happened on the day in question? Instead we now have to go on individual statements, which may not be 100% accurate. Do you think all police vehicles should have dash board cameras?
8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago