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Why is it that if a person is religious, some people think they're a freak or a nut?

I noticed some reporters calling Sarah Palin a "religious freak" and a "religious nut," she seems like a good person with high moral values. Shouldn't a person be judged by their character and not their beliefs?

20 Answers

  • Elle
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you, to me a person's beliefs are just a part of what makes up their personality. It saddens me that to have high morals and/or be religious is seen to be something to be ridiculed by some people when it is definitely not. If it is doing no harm, people should be able to have faith in whatever they wish.

  • ringo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your beliefs do tend to define your character. For a long time now a persons religious beliefs were used more for outward scrutiny of others. Instead of a quiet interpersonal and emotional harmonic centering of the soul. It wasn't so much about how good I am, but how blasphemous you are. And I think we have come of the mind that religious zealots are more phony then idyllically profound. As I see it spirituality tends to lack the ability to be used as a weapon, were religion only served to define the heathen as unholy. Don't tell me how morally superior you are to me simply because I don't hold your truths to be valid. Perhaps this is why so many Atheist find it hard to understand our concept of G-d. Maybe just maybe he wanted us to listen and practice his words and not use them against our fellow man.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There's a difference between merely being religious and being a religious extremist who wants to use their religion as a weapon to control everybody. Sarah Palin is the latter, and her character (that of a religious fascist) is what she is being judged by.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Trouble is, their beliefs are indicative of their character. For example, if you can get to Sarah Palin's age and genuinely believe in creationism or something of that ilk, then that definitely denotes a lack of reason or a determination to believe fantasies - not good traits for someone who's aiming to be a trusted political leader.

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  • 1 decade ago

    to stereotype a person a freak or crazy is a propaganda TOOL used by unbelievers.

    none of their BELIEFs is based on sound scientific statitistics

    for it is well known that there are just as many Atheists that become mentally unstable as there are religious

    as for character! all one has to do is rely on reverend Martin Luther King and his speach about character.

    it is true. people are judged on faith and unbelief, and the rewards of Jesus are given to ALL those that believe in righteousness.

    the actions of any believer is also judged and consequences are not always deleted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Past actions of people determine future actions. Palin's religious drive should not be part of the political process.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't do that until that "religious" person tries to get me to believe as they do. I respect them their beliefs as long as they don't try and force them upon me and threaten me with eternal damnation, etc. I am doing just fine without a religious belief system so far and plan on continuing to do so.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe the JC and Muslim religions *are* nuts.

    And Scientology.

    Surely *you* have a religion in mind that you think is nuts?

    If so, then you already know the answer.

    Yes I judge people by their character AND their beliefs. We all do.

  • x
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    She is, have you seen her talk about the war in Iraq? It sounds like she wants to reignite this thing and turn it into a holy war. She's a creationist and has asked about banning books, it's ludicrous to think she's not a fundamentalist. We need to examine our leaders on every point of their being if we want to make an informed decision.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religious leaders in secular nations are generally frowned down upon due to their obvious bias and, generally, their committed disregard for the secular system. Their choices are made of their own prejudices and not the will of the people.

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