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Who has had to take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test?

I just found out today that I failed my initial glucose tolerance test (I'm 26 weeks pregnant) and now I have to take a 3 hour test. Has anyone ever failed the first test but come up ok on the 2nd one? I'm really bummed because I have been very careful in choosing healthy things to eat during my pregnancy---and yet I still may have gestational diabetes. I haven't even gone crazy with food cravings!!! I'm wondering about the special diet you have to be on if you are indeed diabetic--is it extremely restrictive? Also, after you had your child, did it go away? My doctor says it will go away but I have heard about people remaining diabetic afterwards. Before I got pregnant I made sure my glucose levels were in check--because I was worried about this very thing.

I was just curious about other people's experiences with this situation. Thanks!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Me , all three times. WIth my first (11yrs already) i had GD. My 2nd (9 years) was normal, and my third (1) normalJust be careful of the carbs. Yes they are yummy and they help with brain development, but, protein will help balance this. Make sure you follow the diet plan they gave you for this test and eat more protein-based foods. Also, drink water during the test. I got a bad stomach ache with my last one and ended up in the bathroom. The syrup gave me the runs. AAHH. I know tmi.. But good luck with your test. God bless you and your little one. My GD did go away.

    I do have that Pre-Diabetes now called insuline resistance. But i have been working on losing weight this year so I hope to decrease it. I feel better. So perhaps all of this weight watchers will be worth it in a year.

    Source(s): Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    this was 17 yrs ago, so i dont remember all the details, but my sugar level was borderline for gestational diabetes, so i had the 3 hour glucose test done, which i hated because i have a needle phobia, but that test came back negative...i was ok. dont worry. have the test done, if your sugar levels were a bit high, the dr just wants to be sure everything is ok.

    the details about the procedure was i had to fast the night before, then at the hospital the next morning, i had to drink a high sugar content drink, and then get blood taken 5 times within the 3 hours....the worst thing about the whole prodecure is the waiting between blood draws....bring some good magazines with you. good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    well i had GD with both my pregnancy's. the 3 hour test is awful. i felt to bad after it was done. but come to find out that i had problems with my levels going way high (like 250's) then dropping within 20 minuets (around 50's). usually you can have diet controlled diabities. however ther are some (me) that need to take insulin. these people have an even higher risk to develope diabities in the future. after i had the baby the next day the checked my glucose levels and they were fine. my son had borderline glucose problems after being born. GD babies tend to be bigger, however a misconception is that they are always big, i was informed that it can be opposite (have a small baby). around 34 weeks i started having to do nst twice a week. and was induced both times at 37 weeks. my babies were 7.8lb and 20 1/2in and 6.4lb and 18 1/2 in. good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    I had this during my 1st preg. I was a slight gestational diabetics. I was told to watch on my diet, like avoiding full cream milk, sweet stuffs including durians, grapes (limited to a less than 10 pcs), avoiding meals with high carbo. Thus i usually talk a smaller portion of rice n meat with a larger portion of veg. Besides that the hosp provides me a test kit (similar to diabetic) which i'll need to do a routine blood test with blood taken from fingers every 2 days of the week.

    I'm on my second preg, 11 wks now. so hopefully this one will be fine.

    BTW. In most cases gestational diabetes will actually go away after giving birth and mine is like that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had to have a 3 hour glucose test. When I got there, they drew some blood then made me drink this stuff that tasted like really flat, sweet orange soda. After an hour, they drew some more blood. Then , I had to wait another hour and then get some more blood drawn. I thought it was never going to end. The nurse kept drawing the blood out of the same arm, so when it was all over, I looked like a heroine addict and had to wear long sleeves until the bruises healed so no one would think the worst or ask about them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Uuuuh! The glucose tolerance test was hideous! You poor thing!

    Gestational diabetes is pretty common. Watch really closely what you eat. Count your carbs and avoid foods high in sugar. Also make sure you get enough protein. You might benefit from talking to a diabetes counselor.

    Most of the time it goes aunt's did and now she's fine.

  • 1 decade ago


    I failed my first and came out fine on the second one.

    My mother however, got gestational diabetes which went away, then came back for life. Diabetes should'nt be thought of as restrictive... more like a lifestyle change.

    And don't blame yourself sweetie, you can do everything right and get diabetes. It sounds like you are taking good care of yourself and that's a good sign!!! Good luck!

    Source(s): Mine and my mother's pregnancy
  • 1 decade ago

    I failed both of mine....You can still eat well, they say the baby can get real big but my son was born at 39 weeks and weighed 6 lb 13 oz a healthy little boy. It did go away after I had lasting effects. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    My best friend failed her initial test and then did fine on the later test. Hers was 4 hours though! Besdies coming out looking like she'd been shooting up (from all the pricks and bandages), she was fine and so was her baby. No diabetes!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i failed the first one but only cause my doctor told me i could eat anything i wanted beforehand so i had tamales and an ice cream then failed. on my second one i did fine. i m not going to lie it wasnt a fun test. my sister in law had it and yes after she had the baby it went away but i dont know about the special diet good luck hope the test is negative and congrats on your baby

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