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Great Ideas for my Boy/Girl twins 1st Birthday, in may- im thinking jungle-zoo theme, any ideas for it?

ideas for games for other kids, anything would be helpful, this will be the first birthday party ive done, so im kinda lost.


6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a first birthday your children will not remember it, so keep it very very simple and maybe limited to family and one or two close family friends.

    Your kids will be interested in the cake and opening the gifts with help. So how about no games, which always makes for a lot more work. How about a jungle or zoo theme in the party of the decorations of the cake and maybe around the room, with all gifts given having that theme.

    As each person walks in the door, give them a name tag with a picture of a different animal. Put that on their back. The one and only game. People have to go around asking people to give clues about what "animal" they are. Give them five or ten minutes max. Then each person has to say what their animal name tag is. Fun, silly and easy.

    Then go into the food and present openings. Remember at age one your kids' tolerance and attention span is maybe fifteen minutes long.

    Simple and fun is the best for the first birthday. You have a lot more to celebrate and plan in the years go come!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think the 12-15 animals because the baby leopard could get tired. Use crate paper to decorate, twisting it every couple of centimeters to make it look like a jungle vine. Cut green cardboard to make it look like plants but leave room at the bottom of the cut out so that you can fold it over so that it can stand up. Use an old sheet and paint a jungle theme on it. A river, vines, plants, animals etc. GAMES: Use two old bed sheet and join them together as if you were to fold them, pin them against a wall and let people paint or sign it, depending on the age of the birthday person. Play pin the tail on the Elephant. OR if you are older play pin the tail on the drunk elephant. That is where you are blind folded and then take a shot of vodka, get spun around three times and then try and pin the tail on the elephant. FOOD have jungle like things such as mini sausage rolls and at some supermarkets you can buy green tomato sauce, but if that's not available just but ordinary sauce and put green food coloring into it. Make a jungle marble cake. By using green and blue food colouring. Have fun at the party =]

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a 1st birthday party...your twins will not remember it. Instead of a large party, just invite family and a few close friends. There is no reason to have games and activities. Your twins will not be able to participate, so what is the point? Have cake and open presents (which they won't even be able to do). As far as decorations go, get some balloons...thats about all that will interest them anyways. Chances are your children will lose interest and become cranky after a bit anyways. Keep it short and simple.

  • 1 decade ago

    For a 1st birthday it just needs to be simple. Fun, jungley cake, balloons, treat bags for the older kids, etc.

    I guess the games depend on indoors or outdoors. Dont plan anything too structured or you'll be freaking out if it doesnt go according to plan! More than likely your kids wont remember it anyways.

    You might want to get a cake (or two mini cakes) for them to destroy and have the nice cake for everyone to enjoy!

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  • 1 decade ago

    you could do a pin the tail on the zebra game.

    Make a fishing booth out of a big card board box or throw a sheet over some chairs and have the kids fish for their goody bags make some card board monkeys and hang them from the celing or trees if you are outside. Paint numbers (for scores) on them and have the kids toss a bean bag at them. Add up the numbers of the monekys they hit for their score. You could give out special prizes for the winners (like a paid admission ticket to your local zoo)... or they could play just for bragging rights. If you have any friends with exotic animals (like an iguana, a ferrett, turtles) maybe they could bring them for the kids to pet with supervision of course!

    Check out and for supplies and decorations... they have some great stuff at great prices!

  • 1 decade ago

    try this it's the direct link for an ultimate animal planet party but they have a ton of other and cheaper theme sets to

    you can also get party ideas from them that go with the theme for free

    Source(s): i used this site for my daughters first birthday and plan on using it for her third
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