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Lv 4
Barb asked in Education & ReferenceHome Schooling · 1 decade ago

Home-educators: What are the top five reasons that you are home-schooling?

Please give up to five main reasons telling why you have chosen to home-school your children.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) I feel like my children are getting a better education at home with me. 2) I don't like my choices of public schools in my area. 3) I like being able to take off and travel or go on field trips without having to ask permission from the school. 4) I like that my children can learn at their own pace. 5) I like being able to go over any subject as long as we want.

  • 1. academic excellence. I know that I can offer my children an education with greater breadth and depth than the one I got in public school.

    2. I don't want my child infected with the anti-intellectualism that's rampant in public schools, i.e., you're a "nerd" if you like to learn or are smart.

    3. to not have corporations dictate the curriculum:

    4.Because I don't believe the pinnacle of socialization opportunities is the under-supervised company of a large group of people one's exact age. much of the socialization that takes place in schools is negative.

    5. I want my children to have the time to pursue an activity in which they are absorbed, rather than arbitrarily having to move on the next subject at the ring of a bell, like a lab rat. I like the flexibility of knowing my kids can spend all day dismantling an old TV or writing a play or building something, if that's what they want.

    edit: those are just a few, there are many more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I grew up in the same school district that my son would be forced to go to.And in my opinion and that of a lot of other parents around here.Is no place for a child to be.

    1. The school system here sucks.

    2. The schools are too violent.(we have 8 year olds carrying 9mm guns to school).

    3. I want to make sure he gets a good education.

    4. My son has medical problems and they won't let him carry his meds on him.Which puts his life in jeopardy.He can't wait for those idiots at the public school to get their act together and get his meds to him.

    5. OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM HERE SUCKS! They shouldn't be allowed to teach a kitten to use a litter box nonetheless shape our children's minds.

  • Karen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1) My son was crying and having stomach aches every day in school (stressed out!).

    2) I was tutoring him in: math, handwriting, reading, and then they asked me to tutor him in lang. arts so figured I'd be homeschooling anyway but not have any time for fun & relaxation!

    3) My son was hating reading (already in first grade!) and school and I wanted him to enjoy learning! (which he now does).

    4) We get to have FUN and do computer games, field trips, fun books my children pick out, games, almost anything can be learned in a fun way!

    5) We go at the pace my children need, slow or fast depending on how they learn. My son is speeding through spelling lately which is great, but slogging slowly through math lately which is OK too.

    If he was in school, I'm sure I'd be meeting with the teacher, and she'd be all upset, and so would I because she would be complaining about my son, and my son's stomach aches would be acting up again! I'm so glad we don't have to go through all that anymore!

    I highly recommend homeschooling for special needs learners! (My two have been diagnosed with PDD-NOS and my son has dyslexia also).

  • 1 decade ago

    1. My husband and I are raising our kids..Not some teacher who slide through college on a C average and doesn't even have kids of her own and not even sure she likes them.( I know not all are like that but there are some like that and unfortunately had bad experiences with them)

    2. I can teach them to accept a wide range of individuals instead of following the"in crowd".

    3,. We can give extra attention to areas of study that need/want more.

    4. The public schools are getting worse and worse. When 11 yr olds are getting pregnant and others are strung out on drugs.....If I have choice You can bet my kids wont be in that situation.

    5. They just push them through the public school and never look at individual needs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm only a 15 yr old student, but I'm glad I home school.

    1) I learn faster, quicker, and easier, without all the distractions like at a Public School

    2) I am a in a safe clean environment, that also has a strong effect on you

    3) We have more time for other things, we are able to finish earlier, and do proper quality things.

    4) We are able to have a more godly influence, I am a Christian, our family is, and being at home, strengthens it.

    5) I am able to study for other things, I am able to build websites, software, and whatever else I want, at home, on my PC.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Homeschooled kids outperform public and private schooled kids on standardized tests which the public schools now train their kids to do well on.

    2. They are better socialized, learning to interact with people of all ages and backgrounds. This is unlike public schooled kids who generally scorn younger kids, avoid interacting with adults and follow the "cool" kids like sheep. Thus homeschoolers are truly socialized while public schoolers learn peer dependence.

    3. Public schools now spend too much time indoctrinating kids on issues and subjects which don't belong in schools, hence they are failing at teaching the REAL subjects. (the US is near the bottom of the industrialized world in test performance)

    Result: Homeschooled kids are generally better prepared for college and life as they are better educated in a more real world situation and are able to interact with people of all ages and backgrounds. The proof is there. Many colleges, universities and employers now seek out homeschoolers as a result of the above. And, yes the NEA does oppose homeschooing. They are embarassed that moms who are not "trained professionals" have better results than "trained professional" school teachers do. Lastly, don't fall for the lack of socialization argument. Most homeschoolers I meet (and I meet many) are better able to interact with me than most public school drones are.

    4. It's my job to raise and train them up. If I don't homeschool them, I am delegating that duty to the government in the form of public school (the Govt. does very few things well)

    5. It keeps us family centered, not culture centered. Yes, we live and function in the culture, but as a family. Many kids see family as the outsiders, the uncool, the annoyances and obstacles to fun. They learn this attitude in school, which is often like a prison where the inmates run the show.

  • 1 decade ago

    1--I want my dd to learn useful info...not be taught to a test

    2--Learn at her own pace...she is very bright and would be bored in public school.

    3--Can learn what is of interest to her...if she wants to study something in depth she can and not have to move on because the state standards have the next subject to cover.

    4--Doesn't turn learning on and off like public school kids do--"its the weekend" or "its summer" so I don't want anything educational right now.

    5--Pointless homework...they have them all day and then want them to spend hours at home doing more of what should have handled at school.

    These were my reasons for starting homeschooling...since starting I have seen her love for knowledge and her creativity blossom. It is also nice to be able to take trips and vacations without the school dictating when we can.

    Her education is so much more rounded than what the public schools offer.

    I get to spend quality time with her.

    I also like the fact that she gets to spend plenty of time outside enjoying the outdoors instead of being cooped up in a classroom.

    She gets to "socialize" with kids and adults of all ages that come from all kinds of back rounds with interesting jobs and hobbies.

    I could go on and on on the benefits for or family but you get the point

  • 1 decade ago

    The main reason,which is the most important one in our home,is because my child has a brain stem tumor that is preventing him from learning in a traditional manner.He is 13 yrs. old and has the intelligence of a 4 yr old.His condition is rapidly declining.He is more comfortable learning at home and is doing well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. i can spend more time on difficult subjects

    2. the public school system is not doing a 'classical education' which i feel is very important!

    3. i can go as fast as my kids want to go, we dont have to stay behind for anyone.

    4. i wanted to spend more time with my kids and not have the system raise them for me.

    5. the local school district is one of the lowest in the county!

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