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LGT asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Will you be voting for Sanjaya tonight?

He's not overweight... he's got the look... his voice isn't too bad (doesn't need to be the best considering how good they make Britney Spears sound)... he's destined to be the next American Idol!

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    HELL TO THE NO!!!! if he makes it another week i am truly convinced that the show is fixed!

  • 1 decade ago


    I'm sending an offical warning to all weakminded individuals who are attempting to watch AMERICIAN IDOL tonight. There has been proof, since last week, that Sanjaya's hair is truely sendling subliminal messages to weakminded people. I REPEAT... Sanjaya's Hair is cursing weakminded individuals into a voting frinzy. There was a young girl during last week's show who was suffering from severe side effects of this serious condition! Her tearducts started to rupture and painfully spewing tears throughout the entire time of Sanjaya's performance. His hair is condemned with an "evil spell" hypnotizing all weak minds into what doctors are calling a "Drool-coma!" Reports are coming in rapidly across the USA from mothers who's daughters have suffered the same symptoms. We must protect ourselves and our young daughters until the Sanjaya Hypnotic Epidemic is eliminated! Please read the symptoms so you will be able to identify those who might need some help! Phone lines are open 24 hours a day for those who might need assistance for this aweful epidemic! Call 1-888-LOW-VOTE! Pleae do not attempt to vote for Sanjaya! We can help you! You don't want to end up like that poor innocent little girl on last week's show. Please! Do not vote for Sanjaya, call us instead! Together we can make a difference!!!!

    Doctors have identified the symptoms into 4 phases:

    Sanjaya Hypnotic Symptoms:

    Phase 1: The subliminal messages start hypnotizing the weakminded individuals as soon as Sanjaya starts to sing. Symptoms start by having a glazed facial expression, staring into the TV, tuning out everything around them. A star-struck emotion with excessive smiling. Depending on how weakminded, some have documented crying and/or lots of drool dripping out of the mouth. The eyes are very concentrated onto Sanjaya's Hair, and mothers have reported that hearing is lost during this phase as well.

    Phase 2: This phase starts when the hypnosis is complete, moreover, when Sanjaya stops singing! This is when the weakminded individual regain their hearing, but studies are showing this is when the mind draws a blank about everything that was just experienced. A serious black-out! All they claim to remember is how "SEXY SANJAYA'S HAIR" looks.

    Phase 3: This is the phase when the hypnosis takes action; when the show is over. It is the most serious phase lasting up to 2 hours. Something about the words, "the phone lines are open" triggers the weakminds into an addictive behavior, which leads to an abusive voting technique. Excessive dailing on the phone and text messaging from multiple cell phones. Some mothers have even reported that they were so desperate... their own daughters have stolen other cell phones to satisfy this addictive voting behavior for Sanjaya!

    Phase 4: Is the last phase of this condition. Luckly, the weakminded are so worn out by the excessive 2 hour voting... they pass out cold! Mothers have found their daughters dehydrated and covered in drool, clinching onto multiple cell phones. They have no memory about their experience, but many have suffered from physical finger damage due to the rapid voting technique. Teachers have witnessed lack of function in hands and incomplete homework due to this sad epidemic sweeping the USA.

    Phone #: Doesn't actually exsist

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    I purely voted because my sister likes him and she is 7 and would not understand the thanks to vote or she could if someone advised her yet besides yea I voted for her no longer myself.. i really wanna see him go.. no matter if he did not seem as gay tonight what a relief, and that i imagine it became also sanjaya's ideal performance so a concepts, yet no longer so solid Iwould opt for him to stay

  • JB
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    His voice is bad. He should have been off the show weeks ago. If he's destined to be the next American Idol then American Idol will loose money when his first cd comes out. No one is voting for him because they think he is the best singer.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hope they take this season of Idol and trash it. There is NO talent out there at all. Just a hand full of OBESE black women thinking they have re invented Diana Ross. Makes me sick that they hype this little boy with no talent as well and walk him through the motions. I am sure the have told the crowd the wil give them 5 dollars each to cry and scream like he was a Beatle this week.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you crazy?! Sanjaya absolutely sucks! There are so many people on American Idol that are light-years ahead of him in vocals. He sucks. Stephanie should not have gone home last elimination, he should have. Actually, he should have been gone a long time ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sanjaya does not sing well enough to be on the show, at all, in my opinion. NO. I'll be voting for Mylinda.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since EVERYONE on that show has more singing talent than myself, I am not about to single out one person for the ax. If I wanted to waste my time voting on that show, I would call in a vote for each of them.

    Shouldn't this question be in entertainment?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes...for him to be stricken with laryngitis! He is a cutie and listening to today's music, he really doesn't have to sing well, just be able to entertain a crowd..of crying 12-15 year old girls planted in the front row by studio execs. There's sure to be a spot for him... with the Deaf-tones! He's a natural for their front-man!

    I'm sure AI will find a way to oust him before we get down to the nitty gritty...let us pray.

    Source(s): CONSPIRACY (teehee)Not sure how it all happened, damn that Howard Stern! He really shouldn't be there, but America, YOU voted (prolly the same folks who voted for Dubya) and once again...Sanjaya, you are...(stay tuned )
  • Emma
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Who's Sanjaya? ;)

    I have NEVER watch Idol and never will. Such a waste of time.

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