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Do you support the mega Mosque being built - in London? read on...?

This is a mail I received... Will you vote against?

The Red-Islamic Alliance is looking for its biggest single advance so far with London's anti-English Mayor Ken Livingstone pushing hard for the £100 million mega-mosque which one of Britain and Pakistans' most hardline Islamic sects

wants to build next to the Olympic stadium in East London.

The London Evening Standard is at present running an opinion poll on whether or not the Super Mosque should be built. Since it is planned to be higher than St. Paul's Cathedral, will involve tax-payers' money as well as massive donations from the ultra-fundamentalist Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia (no wimmins or gay rights there, Ken!), and will be the biggest symbol so far of the Islamic colonisation of England, the overwhelming majority of ordinary Londoners are

against the development.

57% of the nearly 43,000 people who have voted have supported the

giant mosque.

Update 2:

Go to site and vote - and let me know if you support it or not!!

Update 3:

Please note - I copied and pasted the email as I received it........

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As an outsider (American) looking in, I see such a building as a slap in the face (if not a complete body blow) to the entire country.

    They want to put it next to the 2012 Olympic stadium? How blatently obvious. I am surprised they aren't trying to build it near Buckingam Palace.

    I am sure most Londoners will do the right thing and keep such a building from happening. I also think that Ken Livingstone is a political sellout and should not try to seek relection when his term of office is up.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I we're a Londoner, I wouldn't support it. I live in West Yorkshire and have a house in Oldham where, in both locations, there's precious little chance of objecting to any of the numerous mosques being built. Some, of course, are in a house, so they don't pay council tax (strange, that, don't you think?) and they are usually in a Muslim-dominated area, it's no big deal. Except that those areas seem to expand every six months.

    The only mitigating factor about the mosque being next to the Olympic stadium is that the latter sounds as if it will be safe from those ridiculous Islamic fundamentalists who believe they'll be meeting 75 virgins when they blow themselves (and other more innocent people) into kingdom come.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am totally against it, Build a small mosque Perhaps I would say yes to. But Britain is SUPPOSED to be a Christian Country and yet only 7% of the population actually attend church on a Sunday, making active Christians in a minority.

    If it was the other way arround I would think that people would feel the same if there was a maga church built in a muslim country. Well actually it would be istantly dismissed by the planning authorities!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since tax payer money is involved that makes it a public place, hence the police, MI5 can go in anytime they want without a warrant.

    Any building funded with public money is exempt from the privacy rules.

    Good idea. I support that, rather than a privately funded place that would be covered by the search warrant laws.

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  • Plato
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Have voted against having a giant mosque. They are more interested in overshadowing other faiths than building a place of worship to God. There are plenty of small mosques, won't they do? How many people to they hope to have inside this mosque? Does not sound right to me. Thanks for drawing attention to this.

    Come on everyone ' Cry Harry. England, and St.George'

    Remember your first love-Christianity!

  • 1 decade ago

    No I would not support it

    Just want to add about the Muslim religion becoming the biggest in the world.

    I deal with a very large number of youngsters, and there is just three reasons as to why they join the Muslim religion,

    1 They want to,

    2 They are bullied in to it, (most are)

    3 They like the sound of being able to fight, and kill,

    This is fact.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Mosques look out of place in UK, they pay no attention to surrounding vernacular styles of architecture and look like great big eyesores because of it, I don't think faith is something that should be given state funding at all...that's right across the board whatever faith or creed we are talking about, all the religions conflict with each other and it's just breeding more sectarian division..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not if it involves taxpayer monies. Of course, Great Britain's laws with regard to curch-state are completely different from America's laws.

    Nevertheless, Islam should be discouraged not supported. It is a vile, barbaric religion which preaches intolerance and violence to non-muslims and it must be eliminated. Along with all other superstitious belief systems.

  • 1 decade ago

    why doesn't the twerp who answered first, fugg off to some non decadant place and stick his head where the sun don't shine if he doesn't like it in the uk, Twot ! Ought to combine the Mosque with the new super Casino it would be like one of the "themed" resorts in Las Vegas.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't like the sound of it... I don't know why, but it doesn't seem right. We have an immigration problem we can't deny it and so doing this will just be seen as inviting over more. Sorry to be rude and that, but think of what Enoch Powell would say!

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