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Hello, I am an English Language Teacher. I currently live in Germany, teaching people, mainly children, English. Interesting reading:
BB housemate axed ...............?
21 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoParis released from jail early.......?
Jailed socialite Paris Hilton has been released from jail after serving three days of her 23-day sentence after falling ill.
26 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade this the next big hit funny!! or not?
9 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoAnpther joke - SMILE?
Little kid says to his dad "Dad, what's love juice?"
Dad is taken aback but decides to explain properly as opposed to fobbing son off. Half an hour later the kid knows all the gory details re:sex and dad says "What on earth have u been watching on TV to ask me about this?"
The kid replies
I've got a new job at the Samaritans. I tried to call in sick the other day........but the Fuc*ing ba*tards talked me out of it!!
6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoA few jokes - want to make you smile!?
These are old ones..but never mind!
Mickey Mouse's lawyer says " You can't divorce Minnie for having big teeth" Mickey replies "I didn't say she had big teeth, I said she was fuc*ing Goofy"!
What's the difference between a slapper and a bowling ball? ...... nothing... they both get picked up, fingered and then banged down an alley!
A woman goes into a dentist, takes off her knickers & sits in dentist chair with a leg on each arm. The dentist says "You've made a mistake madam. The gynacolgist is on the next floor"
"No mistake" she replies " Yesterday you fitted my husband with new dentures today I want u 2 take them out!"
More to come
13 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoFUNNY.............Hope to make you laugh?
2 rasta mums are on the bus with their babies...
one says 'is ya baby teevin' yet?'
the other replies...
' yes, so far he's got me 2 Dvds, a mobile phone and a laptop!!'
15 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoHave you seen this.....disgusting....?
watch and give your opinion
3 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade agoSo first Mickey Mouse and now...?
Watch it all - then pleae comment
3 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade has probably already been asked...?
and I know it is a serious issue...but did anyone else get distracted by how spastic Beckham sounds????
I am trying to listen to him..but can' sounds like he is struggling to read the auto-cue in front of him....
15 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade agoShould Germany, Spain, United Kingdom and France?
Stop funding the politically motivated excuse for a music contest??
aka - Euovision song contest...
Maybe then there would be some changes!!
10 AnswersOther - Television1 decade agoEurovision song contest...?
so basically all the 'good' countries have been kicked out, by the overwhelming voters of Russian origin??
# 03. Belarus
# 06. FYR Macedonia
# 07. Slovenia
# 08. Hungary
# 11. Georgia
# 14. Latvia
# 17. Serbia
# 21. Bulgaria
# 22. Turkey
# 24. Moldova
14 countries already qualified for Saturday's Final. 10 of them qualified by reaching a top-10 position in last year's Eurovision Song Contest Final, while the four biggest countries Germany, Spain, United Kingdom and France are automatically qualified for the Final. These four countries are the most important funding participants.
why were the decent countries kicked out...?
Eurovision was never a masterpiece of talent but it was fun.... now what is the point...? 2 predictable and political...
I think it should have been kept with all countries being allowed to compete.
your opinions!!
11 AnswersOther - Television1 decade agoAnother one for you...?
Dave, a National Front member is in a car crash..
When he comes round the doctor says " Dave I have good news and Bad news.
Bad news you've had 2 pints of pa*i blood and 2 pints of ni*a blood"
Dave screams " What the fu*k is the good news?"
The doctor says.."Your co*c is 4 inches longer and you're top of the housing list!"
16 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoOk...what do you think?
40 Gyp*ies arrive at Heaven's gates. St.Peter tells them " We've only got room for 12 of you, so decide amongst yourselves who is coming in"
5 minutes later St.Peter tells God " They've gone"
God says " What all of them?
St.Peter says " No, the Fuc*ing gates!!!"
Like it?
18 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoHello, how does top answerer work? I have been awarded over 5 top answers?
in a category - but it shows a girl who has 1 top answer - how?
I am not bitter.....BUT!!!!!
WHY? Please help...
4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoMega Mosque in London......?
I am 100% against this.
I would only consider thinking about such a proposal when Saudi Arabia build a Mega Mosque and Mega Synagogue in their country.
Read here....
Vote your opinion ...
More people seem to support this. Why are tax payers paying for this?
Your opinions
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo you support the mega Mosque being built - in London? read on...?
This is a mail I received... Will you vote against?
The Red-Islamic Alliance is looking for its biggest single advance so far with London's anti-English Mayor Ken Livingstone pushing hard for the £100 million mega-mosque which one of Britain and Pakistans' most hardline Islamic sects
wants to build next to the Olympic stadium in East London.
The London Evening Standard is at present running an opinion poll on whether or not the Super Mosque should be built. Since it is planned to be higher than St. Paul's Cathedral, will involve tax-payers' money as well as massive donations from the ultra-fundamentalist Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia (no wimmins or gay rights there, Ken!), and will be the biggest symbol so far of the Islamic colonisation of England, the overwhelming majority of ordinary Londoners are
against the development.
57% of the nearly 43,000 people who have voted have supported the
giant mosque.
25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoQuestion in English about German law!!! Please help - postal law?
I hope someone can help.
I recently had a package delivered to the apartment block in which I live. Because I was away Hermes asked my neighbours - also the caretakers - to sign for it (registered package). When I went to get it from them they said that they didnt know I was away and so had left it by the front door on top of the post boxes. I now dont know what to do, can I claim them responsible for my loss as they signed responsibility for it and thus lost it. Can I claim from their insurance?
7 AnswersRecht & Ethik1 decade ago