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Do you think the British have a good sense of humour?

Example: The po-faced response to the dare-devil who skied down the u/g escalator the other day and got it onto u-tube.

Please show example to support your contention in either case

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We certainly do...

    But, we are intelligent enough to distinguish between humour and plain stupidity...

    That Norwegian man could have hurt or maybe killed an innocent passerby..... He should ski at the french slope, not, on the world`s most longest escalator.....

    If your mum was killed by a man playing ski on the escalator, would you laugh???

    If Brits laugh at that, we must be insane and still not mature enough.....

    But, we proved we are sensible people.....


  • 1 decade ago

    In 1946 , George Mikes came out with an extremely funny and lop -sided view of the British in his "How to be an Alien". He was Hungarian -born( I think), and certainly did not expect it to have a red carpet welcome.

    He was shocked when his book was an immediate

    best-seller - even today people read it.

    I think it's fair to say that the British certainly have a sense of humour - and have historically been able to laugh at themselves.

    Yes Minster, To the Manor Born, Fawlty Towers and many of their (albeit old) television shows are also testimony to the power of their understated humour - which I don't think is present elsewhere in Show Business to that extent.

    I am neither American nor British, by the way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, how's this for an answer.(and I'm an American, by the by)

    I happen to think that the British are lovely, and their sense of humour is a force to be reckoned with, though it took me a bit to 'get it'...

    First you have to start with the 'language barrier.'

    The difference between proper English, and the American bastardised sling-shot of what we call English (or now, because we just have to try to one-up what was already perfectly great, well, because we are Americans, and so much better than every one else [*cough* *choke* *gag*]...we speak "Amurrrrican" here)...there's a wee bit of a trial right there. Trying to get an American to wrap their brain around that concept...oooh, proper English. (Though I must admit, truthfully, British slang terms still have me in a head-spin...but hey, it's a learning process, and I'm getting better...I still 'rush for my internet, or like on the game shows-I'll call one of my British friends, when I don't understand)

    I think, some times it might be hard for an American to get the British humour when their brain feels like it will explode hearing the English language being spoke, words that they have to dash to a dictionary to get the meaning process said humour, and was indeed, very funny...and without being an Eddie Murphy 'f' this and 'f' that type of check that didn't have to reduce yourself to a cursing idiot to make a joke funny.

    British humour is intellegent. British humour is darned funny.

    A friend of mine introduced me to Monty Python (The Black Knight: “It’s just a flesh wound…really nothing!”) about two years ago, and the Black Adder series....I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. Whenever I want a good laugh I will still sit down to the DVDs. I still love watching the re-runs of Billy Connolly on Who's Line Is It...

    Of course the British are funny, if everyone else is a bit too dim to get it...their loss.

    Source(s): My British friends, who thankfully have shown me how to have a great appreciation for Brit humour...thanks for showing me what is truly funny, gals and gents.
  • 1 decade ago


    Clearly not. Just watch the expressions on the faces of most other nationalities when watching our so-called comedy programs.

    Nope, sorry, no sense of humour at all.

    The French have clearly got us all summed up, and have no response other than to f*rt in our general direction.

    Don't blame them really, but thank ***** ( insert name of your preferred deity ) that the wind normally blows up the English Channel and not across it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    British people have an excellent sense of humour, are always willing to join in a laugh and have always produced the funniest, wet your drawers comedy tv ever. And to boot they made Tony Blair their PM.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course and that is why any tom, dick and harry wants to come to UK for our jokes and sense of humour. I understand some more 750 asylum seekers and East Europeans have entered the country as I write this message!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Certainly the British have a sense of humour. (And I supsect you are british by your spelling of the word "humour")

    I have seen both the UK and US versions of The Office, and the British version is far funnier.

    Generally speaking the Brits have a better-developed ability to laugh at themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, they have a sense of humor but it's not appreciated or understood by some of the rest of the English speaking world.

    In the same token, some American humor falls on deaf ears in Britain. Humor, like beauty, is in the eye or the mouth of the beholder when they laugh.

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband is a Brit and has a great sense of humor, though corny at times. He loves puns which drives me crazy! I think its really funny that a lot of British humor revolves around sex as they have the reputation of being a bit priggish.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, we have a great sense of humour, but like like Alf G says, it goes over too many heads.

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