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Meg asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 1 decade ago

How can I feel comfortable?

I came to a new school this year. The year is 3/4 of the way over,and yet,I still don't feel comfortable. I have great friends,but if If not around them during school,I feel awkward (ie if there not in my class). There are times during class,when people are laughing,and I want to join in....but alot of the time it seems like they are laughing at someone,or making fun of a certian "different" group (like gay people.)I just don't find those kind of topics entertaining. Should I just lighten up? How can I not feel like a loser at school?


Another thing that doesn't help is that I am considered "smart" which kind of makes people turn away. I am not nerdy,but I am shy sometimes. How can i get out of this shell?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I HAve the Kinda Same Problem When I wanna join in ppl r laughing at other people I don't think thats right and its not. Try Changing the subject. So Now your all laughing but not in a mean way. (like a funny story or joke?)

    I used to be shy too. What I did was I literally forced myself to do all the activities that are like in front of the class. E.G: If there was an optional choice of speaking in front of the class I would speak out. And also use humour. And there's notting wrong with being smart I'm smartish I have lots of friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    Come up with something that people will like about u. Show ur tlents and make people know u for ur strengths.

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