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  • If you're career is food or nutrition related could you please answer these questions?

    Examples of jobs in this area include butchers,meat cutters, dieticians, food service directors, restaurant managers, chefs, etc.

    The questions are:

    1. What type of education do you need?

    2.What type of training do you need?

    3.What is the salary range?

    4. What kind of hours do you work?

    5.How do you like your job?

    6.What future trends do you see that will affect your job in the future?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • If you're career is food or nutrition related could you please answer these questions?

    Examples of jobs in this area include butchers,meat cutters, dieticians, food service directors, restaurant managers, chefs, etc.

    The questions are:

    1. What type of education do you need?

    2.What type of training do you need?

    3.What is the salary range?

    4. What kind of hours do you work?

    5.How do you like your job?

    6.What future trends do you see that will affect your job in the future?

    4 AnswersFood Service1 decade ago
  • How hard is it to dye your hair back to its natural color?

    I made the dumb mistake of using hydrogen peroxide in my hair. It is now a very unlovely orangish-dark blonde color. My natural hair color is light brown. It has grown out and is not too noticable, but I cant stand the fake look of my hair.

    would dying back to my natural color be easiest?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What type of poetry do you tend to like better? (rhyming or freeform)?

    Just wondering :) For me it depends on the poem. I love silly,rhyming poems like those by Shel Silverstein. I also enjoy emotional not rhyming poems.

    13 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What happened to the ringtone I bought? (t-zones)?

    Hi. I bought a ringtone (hey there delilah) on my motorola razr hours ago. I went through the standered procedure,and the screen said "thank you for your purchase". I then checked my balance which said I had paid for the ringtone. I went to select the song as my ringtone in the "settings" menu,where all my other ringtones are,but it is not there?! Do I recieve it through a text message or something? This is my first time using t-zones. Thanks,


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Another tote bag search.... Looking for big and cheap?


    I'm thinking of getting a totebag to use for school this year (I also have a backpack from last year which I will use the majority of them time). Do you know where I can get a big and cheap ($20 or less) tote? And I stress the big,we usually use lots of books.....

    Thanks a bunch!


    14 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Does a razr V3 hold any kind of music?

    I was wondering if you can put songs,other then ringtones on a motorola razr V3?


    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • If I buy a used motorola razr that comes w/ SIM card what must I do to activate it?

    I am planning to use the phone with a t-mobile pay-as-you-go plan. What must I do to activate the phone,and how much will it cost? Do I have to buy a new SIM card?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Where can I get converse?Do the have them at Fred Mayor?

    I have looked at over 10 stores,and I'm not having much luck. My price range is up to$35 dollors or so,if possible.

    Also,does Sears have converse?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How can I feel comfortable?

    I came to a new school this year. The year is 3/4 of the way over,and yet,I still don't feel comfortable. I have great friends,but if If not around them during school,I feel awkward (ie if there not in my class). There are times during class,when people are laughing,and I want to join in....but alot of the time it seems like they are laughing at someone,or making fun of a certian "different" group (like gay people.)I just don't find those kind of topics entertaining. Should I just lighten up? How can I not feel like a loser at school?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What are these little bumps around my hairline?And how do I get rid of them?

    I have 10+ small red bumps around my hairline. They dont itch,but hurt a little if I press on them. I've noticed them since I got a hair cut a month ago. I've been using the same shampoo and conditioner for over a year,but it's the first time this has happened. Whats going on?

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do I look cute in a dorky uniform?

    I go to a private highschool,and we have the worst uniforms (jumpers,button down oxfords,and knee socks). I've been trying to improve it by wearing cute ballet flats and fun hairstyles,but no matter what I feel like a a huffalump wearing a tent! Help!

    19 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How do I get resentment of my ex-crush?

    I have liked this guy ("Alex") for over a year now. He knew I liked him,and he was really nice about it-we would still talk as friends,etc. The year before,my friend had asked him out (I didn't like him then) and he said he "Didn't want to go out til he was a certain age"(which was far into the future. Then today,he asked a girl ("Katie") out. Katie is very nice,and I'm happy for her,but I feel like I wasn't good enough for Alex. I'm upset,and annoyed that Alex made a lame excuse to my friend. Plus I can't avoid being around Alex and Katie,and I feel really uncomfortable (and rejected.) Please help!:(

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Perch Problem?


    When I first purchased my budgie Pipi (last week), she was given to me in a rather large box to take home. When I arrived home to put Pipi in the cage,I realized I would have to take out some of the perches for her to enter the cage (since the box was so large). When she was able to get into the cage,there were 2 perches left.

    I really want to be able to put the remaining perches back in,but I think Pipi will freak out if I stick a piece of wood into her cage. She is not hand tame,so I'm not yet comfortable taking her out of the cage. Should I wait til she is tame and take her out before I put the perches in? Any other suggestions?

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • What is my budgie doing? (worried)?

    I had left the room for about 15 minutes,and when I came back, my budgie was stretching it's neck forward and opening it's beak,kind of like it was choking. This event is happening about every 8 seconds, and it's been going on for maybe a minute. My budgie (Pipi) doesn't seem to have any symptoms of sickness,so whats going on?

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • What can I do about my bird 'yawning'?

    My bird was yawning often yesterday,and I saw her do it again a few times today. I researched on the internet/books and found that yawning for birds is a way to get more oxygen.

    Does this mean the oxygen level in my bird's room is low? If so should I do anything about it?

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Is my bird cage big enough?

    I recently bought a 18" l x 18" w x 22" h cage. I am planning on buying a budgie to add to the cage (I have the other needed supplies too). Is the cage big enough? I can't afford more. Also,would it be too small for two budgies?

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • I'm considering buying a parakeet (budgie) and have questions....?

    Hi :)

    I've never owned a bird before,but I've done some research on the internet for the past month.

    1.Does my parakeet need gravel/grit? (I've read both ways)

    2. Are femal parakeets friendly? Will it be Ok to have 2 together?

    3.How often and how do I clip her wings?

    Thanks so much!!!!

    11 AnswersBirds1 decade ago