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Meg asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

How hard is it to dye your hair back to its natural color?

I made the dumb mistake of using hydrogen peroxide in my hair. It is now a very unlovely orangish-dark blonde color. My natural hair color is light brown. It has grown out and is not too noticable, but I cant stand the fake look of my hair.

would dying back to my natural color be easiest?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can dye it back, but it might be easier to put a toner on it, that way you can tone down the orangey, yellowishish color to a more natural color like a golden blonde, or an ash blonde.. The toners are available at Sally's beauty supply and the have a color chart so that you know exactly what color to use to tone it down... GOOD LUCK!!!

    Source(s): My mom's a cosmotologist and she used to practice on me with haircolors!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    If your not going to a salon to have them fix it, then your next best choice would be to pick a light ash brown color that is temporary and washes out in x amount of shampoo's, even though it will wash some out with every shampoo, some will stay and tone down the orange as it gradually grows out.

    The most important thing is Do Not use a permanent hair dye. It will not turn out the right color on the orange-blonde color, and most likely will be much worse.

    I hope this helps., and good luck.

  • CC65
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Some people like myself are not equipped to determine dying their own hair color. So, my suggestion would be to shop around for a good hairdresser that is a color specialist and long hair specialist. It's good to interview them and ask their advice and see where their credentials were earned. Ask to talk to some of their long-standing customers. Take time to observe what they do. A good hair specialist will not be offended by your research. I did this myself and have been with the same person for over 15 years. You can even ask a stranger where he/she goes. Word of mouth is a good fix. Don't listen to these commercials that tell you how 'easy' it is to change your hair color. If you really do not know what you are doing, you can do a great disservice to yourself.

    Source(s): Experience :)
  • record
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I even have carried out the genuine comparable element. I dyed my hair black and it is so amazingly puzzling to make lighter. I tryed loss of life it back to brown back so i could perchance get highlights yet I couldnt make it look organic or advantageous back. once you dye it darker and you prefer to pass lighter, you basically would desire to bleach your hair to get it back, which KILLS IT and makes all of it dry and gross (believe me). From that element on starting to be it out grew to become into my in undemanding terms decision. It took constantly to improve out.... and regrettably i comprehensive up loss of life it black back lol. So, merely save that for the duration of ideas once you dye it. OH and be certain you have the main appropriate pores and skin tone for black hair too earlier you do it. desire I helped some =]

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  • 1 decade ago

    u hair color sounds fine

    just dye it too a color as close to possible as ur regular hair color and let it grow out

    no one will ever notice

    my mom has done that be4

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