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Meg asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

What can I do about my bird 'yawning'?

My bird was yawning often yesterday,and I saw her do it again a few times today. I researched on the internet/books and found that yawning for birds is a way to get more oxygen.

Does this mean the oxygen level in my bird's room is low? If so should I do anything about it?


I'm a new budgie owner,so I've been very observent of my bird,so sorry if I'm over reacting :)

Update 2:

When PinkDagger mentioned the possiblility of having down or such in there throat,I remember that the yawning often happens after my budgie has been preening-thanks for putting my mind at ease:)

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are some other reasons for yawning besides the intake of extra oxygen. (People yawn for the same reason - we're tired, our brains aren't getting as much oxygen as normal, so we yawn and take in more.)

    A common reason for birds is because there's something in their throat or something that's making the back of their throat itchy, like a little downy fluff from preening. Also, if their ear is itchy as well, since the ears and throat are connected, it may relieve some discomfort. Like when people are on planes and their ears pop, one way to get them unpopped is to yawn.

    I usually assume by nature that my birds yawn because of the first common reason. Something itchy in their throat is bothering them, and they can usually get through it fine. Sometimes I'll bring the water bowl up and offer it to them to try and make it easier to soothe their itchy little throats.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's normal for them to yawn when they start to get tired, or when they are finishing a nap (or beginning one!). I have one too and he usually does it at night. You don't need to worry about it unless he is tired all day long. That's usually a sign of being ill. However, your budgie is still new and getting used to his environment, so he might not act as he normally would for the first few days (or week). Make sure that the air in the room isn't stale, as they are sensitive to air. Air it out once in a while, or maybe turn a fan on (not when he's out, of course). Exercise will help as well.

    Source(s): I'm a new budgie owner too, and I've read a ton of books on them before buying.
  • 1 decade ago

    When I tickle my birds ears he yawns. Yawning is a normal bird activity, but excessive yawning can be a sign of a respiratory infection.

    Good Luck!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well yawning for every one is to get more oxygyn but i find my cockatiels do it after i scratch there ears they yawn because there ears are feeling funny also somtimes my birds yaws when they feel happy

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Make him go to bed earlier. Birds need at least 10 hours sleep each night

  • 1 decade ago

    Great question

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