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What happened to the ringtone I bought? (t-zones)?

Hi. I bought a ringtone (hey there delilah) on my motorola razr hours ago. I went through the standered procedure,and the screen said "thank you for your purchase". I then checked my balance which said I had paid for the ringtone. I went to select the song as my ringtone in the "settings" menu,where all my other ringtones are,but it is not there?! Do I recieve it through a text message or something? This is my first time using t-zones. Thanks,


2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i had a T-moblie phone for a long time and used t-zones a bunch. i always checked the ringtones menu for my new ringtones if that doesn't work call t-moblie and they will fix it. they gave me a free ringtone because when i went to play the tone there was no sound and it didn't work when ppl called me either. so the t-moblie ppl are usually pretty good at helping with t-zones

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