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Elena asked in HealthDental · 1 decade ago

Will need to get braces very soon. Have a few question to ask people who have/had them.?

I will need to get braces really soon but am a bit scared to get them.

1) On a scale of 1-10, how much does it hurt to get them put on?

2) What food should I avoid (after getting them on and in the long run).

3) I have a front tooth which comes out over the other one, "fangs" and a few crooked bottom teeth. Without asking a dentist, approx. how long will I have to have them on for?

4) How long does it take to get them on?

5) What do they do to your teeth right before the braces are put on (eg. fillings, clean teeth, etc.)?

6) Any advice? Am scared, nervous and excited.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mine hurt a lot, but I was older when I got them so my teeth were not as flexible. Also they had to dig up underneath my gum to find teeth that didn't come down like they were supposed to. But if you are under 20 and you don't have super abnormal teeth, it would me like a 5. Mostly it hurts for a couple of days after each appointment.

    Buy lots of yogurt. You will want soft food after you get your appointments. Yogurt is healthy but you don't have to chew it. Take a couple of motrin an hour before going in to each appointment you will be sooo glad you did. Avoid doritos, they are the worst. Avoid subways subs or anything with hard bread. You can still have your apples but you have to cut them up. Avoid soda with sugar in it, and be super careful with sugary foods cuz your teeth will get so much decay if you aren't super careful about brushing.

    They put rubber spacers between your teeth the first time. They don't hurt going in, but it starts to ache after a while and chewing hurts. When the metal goes on be SURE to ask for extra wax. YOu will need it to cover the wires, they make your mouth sore.

    Nothing beats the feeling of getting braces OFF!!!! But consider a great opportunity to diet and avoid chips and sugar and actually you can improve your entire body and it is a great excuse not to eat that junk food. YOu will be fine, it won't be that bad, just inconvenient. Get a sonicare toothbrush it will make your life sooooo much easier.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow braces. i had them on myself so my answers are true and will have in lot in common with you because I also had "fangs" and my bottom teeth crooked.

    1. When they put them on it doesn't hurt, its a couple hours later you start feeling them, and every time you get them tightened. I would give it 7 or 8, (always have aspirin)

    2.Avoid hard food (tortilla chips,corn on a cob, chewing hard candy.)

    3. If you have the same problem I had with my teeth, you will have them on for 2 1/2 years, 3 maximum.

    4. Getting them on takes about 1hr-1hr 1/2

    5. Fillings, clean teeth by removing plaque, checking you don't have any periodontal disease (eg gingivitis), x-rays (to see if your teeth can take the pressure of pulling), if you have crowded teeth they might have to take a tooth out

    6. You'll get used to your braces, sometimes you will get to hate them, but when you start seeing the difference in your mouth,teeth and smile you'll love them. Time goes by really fast, and before you know it you'll be getting them off.

    Good Luck

  • 1. the only thing that hurts about them is when you have to get them tightened. but that's only for about a day or so.

    2. popcorn, GUM!!!, any sticky candy: sugar daddys, sugar babies, starburst, laffy taffy

    3. about a year or year and a half

    4. depends on how quick the dentist works

    5. clean teeth and will do a mold of your whole mouth! when they do it, just relax, and breath. doesn't hurt, just some people gag.

    6. you are feeling normal about it....just make sure you brush your teeth every day 3 times a day....once it is all over with, you will be glad you did it!

    p.s. just so you know.....they have the invisible braces is a clear tray that you wear 24/7 and it works great! you only take them out to eat...they are a little more expensive then regular braces, but if you don't want the regular ones that you can see, you could always do those.....oh yeah! they have clear braces that are regular braces too.....just do your research before you get them.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) it does not hurt at all to get them put on, however it is a bit uncomfortable when they tighten them. You can take an anti inflammatory to help if you feel a little pain.. No pain no gain!!

    2) apples, popcorn, corn on the cob, gum, chips, hard candy, that sort of thing.

    3) anywhere from 6 months to a year depending on how difficult the teeth are to move.

    4) about an hour

    5) it depends on when it was last done, perhaps

    6) relax, it is not that bad and think of the end result a beautiful smile that will make you forget anything that you had to go through.

    Good luck and God bless and put angels on your pillows.

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  • 1 decade ago

    getting braces put on doesn't hurt, u may experience some soreness afterwards because they tighten them on. but they just glue them to ur teeth and attach with wires. i would avoid drinking coffee and coke just because it can stain ur teeth and it would be noticable when u get ur braces off. also try to avoid chewing gum, or get sugarless gum. I had a few teeth outta place, and i had to wear mine for a year, but it really depends on the persons teeth and gums to how long u would wear them. don't be scared, millions of people get 'em. ur mouth will probablt be sore a few days after, and also every month when u go back to the dentist to have them tightened. but it's not a big deal. i had braces 10 yrs ago, so things have probably changed now to make the experience even better.

    Source(s): Me
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1.)When I got mine on it wasn't painful just kinda irritating. Having your mouth propped open so they can cement things in your mouth and them putting on the molar bracket is the only really painful part and its like a 2-3 on the scale.

    2.)Corn on the cob (cut it off the cob), Apples not chopped ot cut in wedges, gum (I did chew it but i had only six brackets and it stuck to my molar bracket), they say no popcorn but i did just be careful, sticky candy.

    3.)I had mine for one year on the date but my friend had hers for 2 years, it really depends.

    4.)About an hour or so, I missed first and half of second class.

    5.)If you need fillings odds are yes but i got a quick clean and then they started. I had to have a tooth extracted 2 weeks before..not fun ick.

    6.)My advice is that if you are careful everything will be good. When you brush be careful I was dumb and brushed to hard and bumped my bracket off my fount tooth. You will be fine.

    Source(s): Ex braces wearer. :D
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