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The adorable kitty in my picture box is Lia. Isn't she just so beautiful!? I'll probably change it soon =] They are all definitely the "apple of my eye". I live in Australia (beautiful place) and yeah. I've got 3 cute little cats named Polly (who is currently 10 months old, female, blue/grey Tonkinese), Lia (who is currently 1 year old, female, chocolate point Tonkinese) and Missy (1 1/2 years old, female, ginger and white tabby). I'm a big animal lover and can't wait to start working with them. I 100% do NOT support BACKYARD BREEDING, IRRESPONSIBLE PET OWNERSHIP and PUPPY MILLS. I hope to be a Vet one day. Or a dog trainer, dog groomer, - actually, almost any job working with dogs will do me just fine :-) Some people may not like my answers, especially to breeding questions in the dog section but get over it. I tell the truth - no matter how "offensive" you might find it.

  • Can smoking marijuana worsen back pains?

    About a month or two ago I started experiencing terrible back pains. Now, I'm only 17 so my doctor thought it was really unusual. After x-rays and blood tests, she came to the conclusion that it is most likely my bed that is causing my back pain (aching of the middle/left side of my back, stretching around through to my ribs, etc.).

    I smoke marijuana around 2-3 times per week socially. I've noticed that before my back pain started a few months ago, weed helped me sleep. Now, every time I smoke weed (usually at night), during the night while I'm sleeping, I'll wake up at unusual times with this terrible back pain.

    I still get it sometimes when I don't smoke weed, but it happens EVERY time, even when I'm not sleeping in my bed.

    Is this just a coincidence or can weed actually worsen my back pains?

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • My cat is stuck up in my roof and after 3 days, she will not come out?

    A few days ago my inside only cat found a way up INSIDE my roof. We do have a small man hole in the bathroom that we have put a ladder underneath to try and get her, but she won't come anywhere near us when we are there with a ladder. We have put water and food up there for her but it's winter here in Australia and without insulation, my house is freezing.

    In my roof there are gaps from the tiling on the roof which let wind in from outside, and I don't want my cat to get too cold up there.

    Other than calling fire fighters or animal rescue, is there any other way to get her out? Manually, there is no way I can get up there or get anyone else up there to get her.

    She has always been one to venture out and explore.. other times she has left the house for days on end and hid around the house. She has been up inside my roof twice before, and has been able to be reached through the man hole but now, she has learnt that if she gets near us, we'll get her.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How do I stop cutting myself?

    I've been cutting since late last year, and I've found that it's the only way to fix my emotional pain. I do it when I feel like I have nobody in the world to talk to, and yes, I realize that sounds a bit dramatic but that's how I feel.

    I'm ashamed of the scars and cutting is the one thing I absolutely HATE talking about.

    I've seen my school counselor but haven't gone back to her since her threats to call my parents.

    How can I stop?

    I hate relying on a razorblade to make me feel better.

    I'm fifteen.

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Why has my Top Contributor icon gone?

    I took a break from Y!A as it was full of trolls and idiots in the Dogs section (where I usually answer questions). It think it was for a couple weeks to a month or something. When I came back (same account), my Top Contributor icon was gone. I've now been back for a couple weeks now and I've got a few best answers but why hasn't it come back? I'd say 70% of my answers are in the dogs section or cats section. Will it come back and when? My stats are; total answers - 2141, best answers - 248, stars received - 1. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Underweight Tonkinese?

    My eldest Tonkinese, Lia, is around 7 months old and still only weighs around 1kg (2.5lb). I'm a bit worried that she may be underweight. My younger Tonkinese, Polly, is around 6 months old and is close to 1.5-2kg (4lb-5lb). Do you think Lia is underweight? She is very healthy and is regularly wormed, very active and playful. She eats a fair bit (Innova dry and Dine canned food) but doesn't seem to put on any weight, unlike Polly and Missy, who weighs over 9lb. What can I do for for to put on weight or is this a healthy weight for a Tonkinese? I've read that the minimum weight is generally around 2.5kg (6lb). I don't want her to get fat but don't want her too thin. She is pretty boney and takes after the Siamese a lot.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of Feline Acne?

    Last week I took my 1 year old spayed kitten to the vet as I noticed she had oily black things on her chin, they looked a lot like blackheads. Anyway, my vet said that she had Feline Acne and it's pretty common in cats her age. He told me it could be caused by stress (unlikely), using plastic food bowls (which we do use) or allergies. It's probably plastic food dishes so we got rid of them and have started using stainless steel bowls. He told us to use Dettol but I haven't started to use it in case it could hurt her. Any ideas what we should use? I have read that we should use Hydrogen Peroxide but again, we don't want to use something that will hurt or make the acne worse. Any ideas what we should use to get rid of it?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Agility or Tracking with Dalmatian?

    Once I get my Dalmatian pup, I'm thinking about getting her in agility or tracking. Which do you think would be best for a Dal and a first timer when it comes to those sports?

    Any advice?

    How old should she be before entering the sport?

    Would she need to meet any requirements?

    What has been your experience with either agility or tracking?

    My pups mum has won many agility and tracking titles but I haven't asked the breeder anything about it before.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • "DESIGNER BREED" fad - what's your say?

    Moodle, Ruggle, Labradoodle, Goldendoodle, Cockapoo, Shihpoo, Bichonpoo, Puggle, Doodle, Yorkipoo, Chipoo, Chichi, Morkie, Maltepoo, Alaskan Husky, Jackroodle are just SOME of the MANY "DESIGNER BREEDS" that our shelters are FLOODED with. What's YOUR opinion on "DESIGNER BREEDS"? What's YOUR opinion on the IDIOTS that actually pay HUNDREDS of DOLLARS to IRRESPONSIBLE backyard breeders for the RUBBISH that they INTENTIONALLY breed?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Who thinks my kittens are just ADORABLE?

    Orange & White Tabby - 1 year old, Missy

    Chocolate Point Tonkinese - 7 months old, Lia

    Blue/Grey Tonkinese - 6 months old, Polly

    Who thinks my kittens are adorable?

    Lia -

    Lia -

    Polly -

    Polly & Missy -

    Polly & Missy -

    Polly & Missy -

    15 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Will need to get braces very soon. Have a few question to ask people who have/had them.?

    I will need to get braces really soon but am a bit scared to get them.

    1) On a scale of 1-10, how much does it hurt to get them put on?

    2) What food should I avoid (after getting them on and in the long run).

    3) I have a front tooth which comes out over the other one, "fangs" and a few crooked bottom teeth. Without asking a dentist, approx. how long will I have to have them on for?

    4) How long does it take to get them on?

    5) What do they do to your teeth right before the braces are put on (eg. fillings, clean teeth, etc.)?

    6) Any advice? Am scared, nervous and excited.

    6 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • List of human foods (fruit & veg) that are OK/not OK to feed a puppy? Carrot, cauliflower, cuccumber etc.?

    I'm going to feed my puppy a raw diet but I'd like to make sure what human foods are OK and not OK to feed adult/puppy dogs. OK or not OK:


    - Cuccumber

    - Carrot

    - Apple

    - Banana

    - Tomato

    - Lettuce

    - Pear

    - Celery

    - Flake (shark)

    - Mango

    - Broccoli

    Assuming the vegetables were a mix of raw and steamed/boiled and the fruit was fresh.

    Also, how much of these foods should I feed per week, if at all:

    - Cottage cheese

    - Egg (with shell/hard boiled)


    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Innova Puppy Dry v.s California Natural Puppy Dry. Which is better to feed to a Dalmatian?

    Not sure which food is better as both seem pretty good.

    Innova or California Natural?

    Any experience with either or both brands?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 5 month old kitten bites her own toe nails. Why?

    Our 5 month old kitty bites her toe nails for what seems like no reason. I trim them almost every 2 weeks so there isn't much nail there anyway.

    Is it normal for a cat to bite her toe nails?

    Is it possible for the cat to bite the pink part?

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is Innova dry dog food a good brand for a (Dalmatian) puppy?

    I'm getting a Dalmatian puppy in a few months and I am planning to feed her a mainly raw food diet due to their health problems. I was told that I should also feed some dry food so I am looking for a top quality dog food.

    I fed my other Dalmatian Pedigree all her life and she was in excellent condition until the day she passed away. I am told that Pedigree is no long a good brand of dog food.

    I'm not sure if I should get Innova or not. Is it a good quality dog food or is there something better that I can find in a PET STORE (or vet office) in AUSTRALIA - not online or in USA/UK etc.

    It's very expensive ($80 for 15 - 20kg - around 30 - 40lb) so I don't want to pay so much for something that is poor in quality.

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Getting a black spotted female Dalmatian in May. Can't think of any good names. Suggestions?

    She will be around 8 weeks old and black spotted.

    No typical Dal names (Spot, Dot, Dotty, Dal, Dally etc.). No typical dog names (Sadie, Jesse, Sasha, Belle, Sam, Lady, etc.).

    Feel free to make any suggestions !

    24 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for my 4 1/2 month old Tonkinese kitten to be in heat already?!?!?

    My kitten is around 4 1/2 months old and we THINK she is in heat.

    She is making a deep meow, like she is calling and it's driving us nuts. She is always rubbing against things, when I pet her head or back, she will crouch down and "poke" her rear end out and move her tail to one side, she is showing much more affection towards us but less towards the 2 other kittens.

    Yesterday when I took her and my other kitten to the vet for a check up and their shots, I asked the vet and he said it was too early.

    Is she on heat or is there something wrong with her?

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I'm thinking about adopting a 7 year old female GSD. Any advice and/or help? What should I have ready for her?

    I'm thinking about adopting a 7 year old GSD from an animal rescue in my area. I've never adopted a dog before so if anybody has, what was the experience like?

    As I have 3 kittens (under 10 months old), what precautions should I take when introducing my kittens to the dog (if I go ahead and adopt her)?

    What should I have ready for her? I know the basics like food bowl, water bowl, leash, collar, food, toys but haven't thought further than that. I'm sure she is already housebroken so I don't need to worry about that or obedience classes.

    After adopting her, would it be best to take her for a check up or would they have given her a check up while at the shelter?

    What health problems should I be concerned about with a 7 year old?

    Any advice, help, tips etc. would be very much appreciated.

    Thanks :-)

    * She is a purebred GSD.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What human food can I put in a raw diet for a puppy/dog? Any experience? Is the raw diet better?

    I'm getting a puppy in (hopefully) a month or two. I've thought about feeding normal dog food but it seems that a raw diet is much healthier for dogs.

    What ingredients should I use?

    How much of it?

    How many times per day?

    I'd probably be getting a female Labrador so I'd need something that a Labrador would feel full eating.

    I'd prefer ingredients that I could buy at the supermarket or butcher, not online or somehwere I need to go hours away to find. I live in Australia so please do not suggest Wal-Mart or PetSmart etc.


    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 8 week old kitten's back left leg is limping. Could it be broken? How can I find out? Help please!!!?

    I noticed that my 8 week old kitten's back left leg is hurting as has started limping. I noticed it a few days ago because I though it was just a bit of pain and it will go away but it hasn't. She runs around and plays, acting like a normal 8 week old kitten but she won't touch the ground with her back left paw/foot. She plays around with the other two kittens and isn't crying about it but I'm still very worried. She twists it outwards (but doesn't walk with it) while she walks.

    Is there some way I can find out if it is broken?

    I've tried feeling around to find out what hurts but she just moves around and jumps out of my arms. She hardly every meows so that doesn't really help in this situation.

    I don't have much money for the Vet at the moment and I can't take her to the Vet ER Hospital because I still owe $230 for the cremation of my dog which I havne't paid yet.

    Any advice? Suggestions? Help!!??

    19 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Considering a GSD. Few questions about them regarding: exercise, grooming, obedience, etc. Help please!?

    I'm CONSIDERING getting a GSD puppy in a couple of months. I have researched the GSD fairly well but I need a few people with experience of owning a GSD to help with a few questions (or even if you don't own one, that's fine).

    1) As we have 3 kittens (9 weeks, 12 weeks and 9 months), any dog we need MUST be able to get along with cats (hency why we don't just adopt a GSD). So, are GSDs generally good with cats?

    2) I know a young pup only needs around 20 mins exercise a day but how much PLAY TIME does a PUP need (not incl. walks) Also, exactly how much exercise does an adult GSD need?

    3) I know they have a double coat, but how much do they SHED and how much grooming do they need (and for how long)?

    4) I need a dog that is fairly easy to housebreak, generally how long does it take to housebreak a GSD pup?

    5) I would like a dog that is fairly easy to train (obedience wise). That said, are they smart when it comes to obedience (sit, come, potty etc.)?

    More questions to come =D

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago