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can the people truly take control of its government?

lets face it people we've lost control somewhere alone the line, can we ever really get back to what we the people really need and want and if so who do we really do it, and not let the government stop us?

23 Answers

  • Bama
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    is there a government anywhere at any point in time that was truely not corrupt & controled by "The People"?

    So far, I can't find one

    Even Native American's struggled with Corruption, Greed, and Power Allegiences.

    In Australia, it is law that if you are voting-eligible, you must vote or be subject to a stiff fine or jail.... so that has to have a very high rate of Democratic Process; yet the Aussie's that I know have the same Government Appathy that we have here and the same issues with Corruption, Greed, Special Interest & Money=Power...

    (1) VOTE (2) Hold those you vote for to the HIGHEST STANDARDS.... higher than you hold for yourself, your kids, or your family (3) make those you vote for ACCOUNTABLE for 100% of what they do, remind them often that THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE (4) dis-allow influence of Money or Special Interest (5) remove Electoral Collage (6) Harshly penalize those who abuse thier power or positions

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It never had, not even in ancient times(rome, or any empire during the history of the world) , it is human nature, at first when a new goverment is formed, people have the control, but later human emotions takes charge of the events.

    politics is a game of interests and power. Everybody wants to have it. And there are as many directions in a government as people that is in it. Therefore, people will never have the control.

  • 1 decade ago

    The government is slowly disarming us. I mean that both literally and figuratively, but you'll just think I'm a yahoo if I start talking about our right to bear arms.Mostly, they are disarming us of our ability to direct our government. We have no idea what civics actually is and how to participate in our own government. We are a "for the people, by the people" government, but we've lost how to use that. We need to be more educated on how our government actually works so that we can participate. Also, we lack information. We are fed information and news by a handful of sources, and we believe it all. We have no idea what is actually occurring in our world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, the trouble is, who's "We"?

    The weakness of government BY the people FOR the people, is that the people rarely agree on what is needed and wanted.

    I think that, as a whole, we're doing ok... no attacks on our soil since 9/11... all the same craziness as ever before... sometimes it's good crazy and sometimes it's bad crazy...

    But, I feel no personal need to seize the government at this point in time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    What happened to Rome can happen here. It is when real people wake up and realize we can not survive as a nation of thieves and beggars. What happens when the troops come home and there are no jobs to support there families. No food on the table if the people suffer and have enough then that is when the government will fall and it is only a matter of time this country can not last forever as it is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It can be done in many ways. First you would have to get enough people to agree as to what should be done. Whether by force or by elections. Then you would have to get them convinced to actually follow through on that action. Force by it's nature would have little support at first. Election's are seen by most as having no real effect. That is the problem, the majority of people of voting age feel this way and do not vote. If you could get those out things might change also.

    Source(s): I am my own resource.
  • 1 decade ago

    It would be very difficult, but possible. And no, it will not take a revolution.

    If we start at the local level and work our way up. Hold officials accountable. Get the right people in our local government to make changes we can see in our respective areas. Then move to the state level, and then national. People need to see how they can make a difference and learn to identify to the right politicians to make the difference for them. Its not easy, but change can always be made with effort.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe it is the role of the American people is to regain control of their democracy. It is not impossible. It will transform The United States more than the Civil War and will make transparent the operators on all sides of the issues more so than the Civil Rights Movement.

    Our form of democracy has always been a experiment. It is time for all of us to decide what kind of United States continues in the Americas. Asking questions, debating, listening & voting are how we define ourselves and our the way forward.

    Unfortunately our democracy has a considerable amount to answer during its journey to the present. As we inspired peoples, concepts of political capitalism and technologies around the world we became arrogant in our views of reality. This our deception is illustrated as when Chalmers Johnson wrote "These operations have included the clandestine overthrow of governments various administrations did not like, the training of foreign militaries in the techniques of state terrorism, the rigging of elections in foreign countries, interference with the economic viability of countries that seemed to threaten the interests of influential American corporations, as well as the torture or assassination of selected foreigners."

    Is this the sole reality for the success of our political affluence? Has our democracy spoken in this one voice or has it been the most vocal are the most "right"?

    This supranational influence as the primary objective of power is what the founding father's had specifically tried to avoid. Perhaps Eisenhower's views of the Industrial Military Complex should be revisited as a starting point for perspective for our current democracy?

    Or rather was Eisenhower was speaking more as a warning to the world than to American population?

    Source(s): i. The history at the end of history, Francis Fukuyama ii. Public Papers of the Presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960, p. 1035- 1040 iii. Why Nemesis Is at Our Door, Chalmers Johnson
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    properly, i won't be able to communicate for each man or woman in a occasion or on an internet site, yet I even have considerable doubts pertaining to to the subsequent presidential election. i think of that well being Care became not surpassed in a trend that became very bi-partisan, even if it fairly is not the 1st or the final time that something gets surpassed that way. It became constitutional, yet confident it decrease many corners. i don't think of that liberals have self assurance democrats isn't interior the minority, particularly with elections so a great way away. I do think of that they are effective, nonetheless, a minimum of on the 2d.

  • 1 decade ago

    We're free to throw out the ruling party at anytime or at least diminish their numbers in both houses of Congress, specially the House of Representatives, notice how conciliatory Bush became after the GOP lost the House, that is where spending and revenue bills are debated and passed or failed, it is really the bigger nerve center than the White House or sometimes even the Senate. It's not their fault we become complaisant or apathetic.

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