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Go take alook at my site, *They say a picture is worth a thousand words so a video must be better than a million pictures. LOL*Video sharing sites are very popular these days, so why not use it to sell stuff or tell people about your store or service. *Just make a video about that book or lamp and even that lawn mower you need to Sell. Show that video about your cleaning service or Shoot a video about your store by walking though it with your camcorder.Tape that car or truck starting up and post it at Only big companies can pay for commercial TV time, but these days there are more people using the internet so why not adversities on it!!! Go and join our site and post that video that will help you make money and tell the world about your Store and Services. Also tell a friend to get into a new way of selling by using video ads. Show the world that you know the future of advertising. VIDEOS!!! Thats
Poll: How do you want the World to End?
A. Alien Invasion
B. Mother Nature (earthquake, title wave, volcano eruption)
C. Spiritual (Wrath of God)
D. World War III
E. I don’t care, as long as I’m dead before it happens.
F. Don’t care, I’m will survive.
Pass this along, and see what your family and friends think.
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoHarry Potter question for HBP?
Are the rumors ture the fomer prime minister Tony Blar will Play The Other Minister in the opening of the HBP????
I hope so that will be a great sceen....
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agoRat in The Year of The RAT?
OK I was born feb. 23 1960, so is this going to be my year lol
I could really need all the help I can get. dose it matter that this is the year of the Rat? will this be a great year for love and money?
3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade agoHow do you say it? Merry or Happy Christmas?
I was brought up saying Merry Christmas (0ver 40 yrs worth LoL) then a couple of years ago I started hearing it said useing Happy Christmas.. Ok so where the heck did Happy come from ? LoL
19 AnswersChristmas1 decade agoHarry Potter Question?
Is anyone else upset that JK didnt really tie up all the lose ends ? (ie: did harry thank dracos mom for saving him, or did he tell anyone that she did?) plus many many other questions still out there, just wondering
me just a guy
i love movies
6 AnswersMovies1 decade agoHow Dose My Web Look to You?
I am trying to get people to post a video, but don’t know how to get people to my site, can you help?
I thought that if people can post a video about that lamp or lawn mower you need to sell or Show that video about your cleaning service or Shoot a video walking though your store they would post it for free it would work.
I started this site to give the little guy a way to tell the world about there local Biz and NOT pay for TV commercial time.
2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoHow do I make my site better?
I am trying to get people to post a video, but don’t know how to get people to my site, can you help?
I thought that if people can post a video about that lamp or lawn mower you need to sell or Show that video about your cleaning service or Shoot a video walking though your store they would post it for free it would work.
I started this site to give the little guy a way to tell the world about there local Biz and NOT pay for TV commercial time.
4 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization1 decade agoIf the Devil dies (abolished) will there still be evil in our world?
or would someone fill in and take over, and if he has (the devil) lots of followers why dose'nt any one try to over throw him and take over? ( its done here all the time)
just wondering
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agocan the people truly take control of its government?
lets face it people we've lost control somewhere alone the line, can we ever really get back to what we the people really need and want and if so who do we really do it, and not let the government stop us?
23 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade agohow can i find an Active group? and not one that has not posted in years?
There are alot alot of groups, and when i pull up a search and go check them out, most have not posted or been Active in a very long time. Is there a way to search for an active group? and why dont Yahoo close the one that are not?
2 AnswersYahoo Groups1 decade agowhat hair color do U have right Now !!!?
and how many colors have U had, and how many times have U changed for me right now no hair, iam blad LOL
14 AnswersHair1 decade agoSingle or Married ??? which one R U and why, All may answer?
R U single by chocie, or because you cant find the right one, or is it something else....and why married because you had to or wanted to and did U find ur true love or are you thinking he or she still out there???
29 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoBest Answer get 10 points, why do ppl put this?????
We all know the best answer, will get the ten points.......why dont they say,best funny answer or, dumbest answer.....smartest....can you think of any more LOL
most worded one gtes the 10 heheheLOL
4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoIf GOD KNOWS everything, did he make a talking snake ?
and if the snake tricked EvE first, did she eat the fruit first and had the knowlege before she gave it to Adam. and didnt he wonder why she had covered herself up, and why didnt Adam before he took a bit, go and run and tell GOD, and did GOD know the whole thing was going to happen and why didnt he stop it??
23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agowhat age do You start thinging about your on death?
I am 46, and I started to think about it about 2 yrs ago, the when,whys and how, and yes I am scared, that I will die before I do anything GREAT for man kind.....what about you?????
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf GOD knows the Ending to US, why go though the whole thing?
I mean if you knew the begining and ending of a book or movie, would you read it or watch it? And is it really free will that we have? Or is it part of that Plan he has for each of us?
50 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDose GOD really have a plan???? Come on PPL wake up !!!?
OK I belive that there is a GOD, one who made the universe, but to say he has a plan for each of us. OK so he planed for the guy to end up a Bum on the street conner, or a 16 yr old girl to strap a bomb on her and walk on to a bus and blow it up, or for a baby to be born with two heads then die....come on all he cares about is our soul, or energy, our life force. that it is nice and good when it comes back to him, if not you start life all over.........ANY COMMENTS ON THIS PPL?????????
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agodo girls questions get answer more than guys questions?
and girls do U answer more questions than guys
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoSports Bar or Dance club or something else???
For a nite out, at a drinking place ??????? Where would you want to GO ?
3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago