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If GOD KNOWS everything, did he make a talking snake ?

and if the snake tricked EvE first, did she eat the fruit first and had the knowlege before she gave it to Adam. and didnt he wonder why she had covered herself up, and why didnt Adam before he took a bit, go and run and tell GOD, and did GOD know the whole thing was going to happen and why didnt he stop it??


ok ive got alot of answers say "mindlees drones, but we dont know how long it was before he made Eve. and it says that god walked with Adam alot and talked, Adam wasnt minds less, and come to think of it, I would love to be that, and have NO knowlege of evil and live in his good world, and yes ive read the bible new and old

Update 2:

ok some one said force himself on us, well yes he dose kinda, he says either follow me and think the way i do or go to hell

Update 3:

ok dont know if anyone is coming back and reading these updates but here gose, so most fo you are saying free will, but when the end come and the choesen few get into heaven, will free will still be there, will there be evil to choses from, and if not, then we just came full crcile(sp) then whats the point?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All good points - sadly, some people would actually defend the literal truth of these Bible stories.

  • 1 decade ago

    They did not know what the real end result would be. Yes He made a talking snake, and I believe that he removed that ability after the fall or after the flood.

    Eve ate first, it does not say she clothed herself before she gave it to Adam. Adam willingly partook. He has as much of a choice as Eve. I think God knew it would happen. He needed evil to balance out the good so that man could choose and have free will. Without evil and sin there would be no choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, it wasnt a talking snake. Otherwise when it spoke Eve would have said 'Oh no! A talking snake!" She didn't. She listened to what it said. The reason it is described as a snake is a figure of speech. It represents a sly and crafty creature and one that mesmerises. The creature that appeared to eve was in fact satan, the adversary. He was once an angel of God and, like all angels, he could take on human form. But God uses the figure of speech to describe how he was acting. Like we would say someone was greedy as a pig, or looks like a dog, or laughs like a hyena.

    Eve was tricked. She did five things that allowed the adversary to trick her. First she listened to what he said. Then she considered it. Then she answered. She changed the truth of God, then she agreed with the lie. It is the same lie used today. Thou shalt not surely die. Eve then then ate of the fruit and took it to adam and he ate too. Then their eyes were opened means they could see things differently. They gained the forbidden knowledge. The part about them being naked is again figurative. It is also literal. In the figurative sense it means they were innocent. The reason Adam didn't tell God first was because like Eve he bought into the lie. But the real truth of the whole Eden story is that it doesn't just tell of the fall of one man and woman, it tells of a story of high treason. Because when Adam fell he transferred all the dominion of the earth that God had given him over to God's enemy. And the devil has had it since. But Christ gave his life so that those who believe in him can actually escape from the devils clutches and gain back the dominion that Adam lost. This is what Christ did for us. He made it available for us to be free and to once again have fellowship with God. He paid the price for adams disobediance and treason, by loyalty to God and obediance to his death. By that we were given the gift of God and the abiblity to escape the clutches of the ruler of this world. By following Romans 10:9 and 10 we become born again of God. We regain all that Adam lost, including dominion and the right not to be controlled by the devil.

    That was what God made available. He couldn't stop what happened because he gave man free will choice and if he took it back he would not be a just God. But he could make it available for man to be redeemed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Adam and Eve´s fall was so we could be born, there is a lot more to this than just the apple and the snake, in reality it is all fictitious, the snake is the Devil, the apple any fruit we don´t know, but the act was disobedience which gave the birth to our mortal life.. the purpose? to bring to pass immortality and happiness!!! how? God which has a exalted Flash and bones Body gave us the chance to be like Him so that is why He never stopped the snake to give us a chance to be born to have this body and to be resurrected some day and have us become as He is.... I hope this will help you a bit but the is a lot more to it...

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  • 1 decade ago

    You are unhappy because God gives you the choice between heaven and hell? Would you be happier if God took away your choices? If He simply made all your decisions for you? If you had no will, you would cease to be a "being." You would be no different from a mindless robot.

    I think you should read the Bible again. God doesn't say you have to be perfect to get into heaven. He never says, "You have to obey all the rules at all times or you cannot get into heaven" Quite the contrary. Read the book of Matthew again. Just believe in God and His Son, have faith that He is there, and try to respect Him. That's about it, really. God forgives sins, and we are all sinners.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am just going to attempt to answer the last question of "why didn't God stop it?"

    Yes, God allowed this to happen, and there was a purpose. God gives us this life with a choice. To love Him, or to not. He doesn't want to force anyone to love Him.

    It was God's plan all along to give us this choice, that is the purpose of the choice Eve made in the garden of Eden. People ask all the time, "Why did God just stop sin before it started and avoid all the hassle? We could've just been in communication with Him since the beginning, and never been separated from Him." But He didn't want mindless drones created to love Him, He wanted us to come to Him willingly, He wanted us to seek Him out, and make the choice because that kind of love is real. You cannot know the significance or value of that kind of Godly love without experiencing life without it.

    God made us susceptible to sin for the reason that He wanted us to choose. These two things go hand in hand. We cannot make an informed decision on what is good and what is bad unless we experience both. Thus, we cannot experience sin without being succeptible to it. I need to come to my own conclusion that I need God, of my own freewill by experiential knowledge. If he had created us not succeptible to sin, it would mean that either we just did not recognize it, therefore, everything is "right" or, we would have to be omniscent, which defeats the entire purpose.

    In case one, where we think everything is right, we essentially would have no conscience. No value of human life or morality or ethics. God does not operate that way, and since we are made "in His image" we adhere to the moral code instilled in us by our Creator.

    In case 2 where we are all knowing, this is the same as creating us as drones. We would have full knowledge that bad is bad and good is good and would always follow the good, aka God, and the word "love" would lose all meaning. For what does love mean except in contrast with hate? What is the significance of loving if you didn't have a choice in the matter?

    So, the option is to spend the rest of eternity with the One you love, the One who makes you holier with each passing day, the One who will love you and complete you like no human can, or, I believe that if you choose to not allow God in, He is polite and will kindly oblige and step back, and you will spend eternity without God.

    I hope this helps you out...if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me!

  • 1 decade ago

    Satan possessed the snake...

    God will not interfer with our free will and choice... also... Adam and Eve needed to be out of the Garden of Eden in order to be capable of having children... remember that it was not until they were leaving that God put the burden of childbirth on Eve...

    Eve must have realized that the only way to populate the earth was to be out of the Garden...

    Adam must have realized that the only way to populate the earth was to eat of the fruit and stay with Eve...

    I think the only one that is really disappointed in the situation is Satan... because we have a physical body and Jesus Christ to atone for our sins... while he will never have either one.

  • 1 decade ago

    God knew what would happen to the human race long before he even created us. God is all knowing. God gave us humans free will, he will not force himself on anyone. The bible say's that all things work for the greater good to those who love Him.

  • 1 decade ago

    The fall was necessary so they could keep the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth. Who knows how long they stayed in a state of innocence before discovering sin along with gaining a knowledge of good and evil.

  • 1 decade ago

    The creation story in Genesis could be literal, or it could simply be symbolic. God created all people with free will, so while God may have known what was going to happen, he would still not try and stop it.

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