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If GOD knows the Ending to US, why go though the whole thing?

I mean if you knew the begining and ending of a book or movie, would you read it or watch it? And is it really free will that we have? Or is it part of that Plan he has for each of us?


ok to "lacost3, no iam not going to commit suicide, and to stevenkray, i thought someone would give and answer like ur dumbass, and both my parents are dead.

50 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why go through it..well its cus God is like a chick .. loves the mind games... you think you're getting ahead and then bam you get thrwed a curve...And ur right there is no free will In the divine plan in gods world.. its all a set up to beileve your not following is divine plan too start with. Free Will is an illusion but I think god is like needy and needs for you too love him but only if u want too then if you don't he punishes you...And I thought everything was destiny if soo they you can't have free will and still have something pre determined.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah u would read a book if u knew the beginning and the end. U've never read a book twice? Look how many ppl went to see the movie titanic, or are going to see world trade centers, we all know how those movies end but we still watch. The bigger question is if god knows how it ends, do we really have free will? Surely if we have free will we could change the future and god wouldn't have a clue how it would all end?

  • 1 decade ago

    We are on adventure sponsored by God. In this adventure there are trials that we must face, and we have the free will to decide which road in life we are going to take. Yes if I knew the beginning and end of a movie, and not the in between, I would still read to see what the characters had to do to achieve their rewards in the end. God may know what is going to happen to us but in the end, the path could be rewritten as the matter of free will or choice plays a big part in all our lives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let me see...It is like God knew what would happen in each of our lives before we were born. He gives us free will to make choices. He gave His word in the Bible so we would know the kind of life He expects of us. If we as Christians choose not to go by His word then we have made a choice. If we do live by His word we have made a choice.We can pray and ask for salvation-a choice. We can pray and ask for DIVINE INTERVENTION. My nephew's baby was born this wk but it could have been dead or severly deformed with a life expectency of maybe a yr. They were told to abort it.They and a of of folks prayed,they kept the baby and he was born just fine but b/c of an early c=section his lungs are a little under developed but no enough for a respirator!!Divine intervention can work with our free will and our faith and only God can change things that were meant to be differently!God knew the baby in the womb and how it would be. My nephew had the free will to kill it or allow life. He chose life and through his praying and was blessed.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible is one of the hardest books to start, but there are plenty of alternatives, such as TV shows interpreting its meaning. My comprehension is: Satan was exiled to this very planet to do time for eternity (life without parole). Earth is a place that God chose for Satan's confinement and chastising, and a giant experimental "game board" for God and Satan to test us and see how many people believe in God's ways or Satan's ways. A friend cleared some of the questions I had by explaining Earth in a nutshell: Penal colony. Nobody here on Earth is perfect, we all fall short of God's expectations; therefore, we all must evolve through reincarnation to try like hell to get it right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well whenever I start a book I always read the last paragraph beccause I just like to see how the everything fits. I mean okay you know how it started and how it's going to end but wouldn't it just be amusing to watch the middle? Plus, watching it all play out helps you to understand it more.

    He has a plan for all of us, and in order for that to work we have to piece together out own beginnings, middles and ends.

  • 1 decade ago

    God sees and knows a people that have free will to accept or reject His Son. That doesn't mean you take away peoples free will because you ultimatetly know which decision they will make, you would still allow them to follow through with their choices.

    On the other hand, God has given man dominion over the earth, to tend it and care for it and has shown times that a certain amount of autonomy is credited to them for the way that their relationship between them and God is developed. To choose to live a life of obedience to Him or to struggle with sin and live for ourselves, these reflect our reward when we get there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have free will. You must be talking about Calvinist doctrine that rejects a belief in free will.

    Swedenborg states "a perception of the sphere of falsity from evil that flows forth from hell has often been granted me. It was like a perpetual effort to destroy all that is good and true, combined with anger and a kind of fury at not being able to do so, especially an effort to annihilate and destroy the Divine of the Lord, and this because all good and truth are from Him. But out of heaven a sphere of truth and good was perceived, whereby the fury of the effort ascending from hell was restrained. The result of this was an equilibrium. This sphere from heaven was perceived to come from the Lord alone, although it appeared to come from the angels in heaven. It is from the Lord alone, and not from the angels, because every angel in heaven acknowledges that nothing of good and truth is from himself, but all is from the Lord" (Heaven and Hell n. 538).

  • 1 decade ago

    If you were to create an experiment that took "time" to develop

    then you have to be patient and allow it the necessary time.

    I believe that humanity is a work in progress as a whole.

    God gave us free will, now he is waiting a generalized period of time that be thinks will be enough for us to develop and when the time

    is up he will harvest all the good fruit.

    The bad fruit will rot in hell.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you know the law and break it, you know you are going to jail, but you are given the free will choice to commit the crime or not. It's pretty simple, why make it complicated.

    Maybe, just maybe, God's 'plan' is to set the choices before us and find out which path we are going to choose. The choice is ours, he may know what the outcome will be if we pick choice A, and what the outcome will be if we pick choice B, but giving us freewill means he doesn't know which choice we are going to make.

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