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Is Robert Kiyosaki ( book: Rich dad poor dad) too greedy?

Do the "teachings" of Robert Kiyosaki indicate a much higher regard for money than is good?

1 Answer

  • Favorite Answer

    I have read Robert Kiyosaki's book, and I don't think he is greedy. I think he is being very realistic about finance in a capitalist economy. It is a "dog eat dog" world. We have to have enough money to live on, and enough saved up, or invested, to retire when we will be unable to work. Social Security money was never meant to be enough to cover living expenses, and the current cost of living is very high. Kiyosaki is just providing examples of how to achieve financial success-- whatever your personal definition of "comfortable living". Personally, I like the perspective of Suze Orman when it comes to financial advice, but both authors tell the truth about money.

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