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What do you think? Has Nancy Pelosi?

Sort of decided San Francisco is a "quasi country" with her own foreign policy, ?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nancy Pelosi has such an inflated ego she thinks she can run all branches of government. To feed her own sickness she will sell out the U.S.

    She thinks she is now President....God help us all. She wants the entire Country to live by San Francisco standard because that is a safe vote for her and the Democrats in officie are too cowardly to defy her.

    She is playing right into the terrorist's hands and endangering us all. Talks, sweet smiles, etc. never worked with these people before but then again, she can lie and corrupt as well as the rest of the terrorists.

    Nancy Pelosi is a narcissist and the sooner the electorate, Democrat, Republican and Independent realize this we will be safer. To demean this Country and our people as she is doing is criminal and oh so dangerous to us. She doesn't care as long as her ego is fed and her agenda forwarded.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey, Nancy Pelosi is on the Left Coast, and exhibits 'nomral' thinking for that 'country'!

    If California seceeded (or broke off at those 'fault lines") from our Union it would be what, (?) the third largest economy in the world? And, could have their own way with the UN.

    Wow, just to think of it! Dumbocrat land!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people are so blind. You know that Pelosi is going to Syria, but somehow miss that fact that there is a Republican with her. And did you miss the fact that three Republicans were just in Syria on Sunday.

    I want to know what message Pelosi is supposed to be sending that is "mixed." Does Bush worry that Syria will think that maybe there is a two party system in the US and that Republicans do not rule?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The essence of diplomacy:

    If you are not prepared to sit at the table, you might find yourself on the menu.

    Bush is the main course at the moment.

    Let Pelosi at least try to get America out of this mess. okay?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think Nancy Pelosi wants to be president in 2010, and likes to grand stand.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't be ridiculous. She is on a fact finding tour. The tour includes some Republicans too. This is nothing new. High ranking Congress people go on fact finding tours all the time.

    The tour, by the way, was recommended by a bi-partisan Iraq Study Group.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In alot of ways, California is another country.

  • 1 decade ago

    She's a typical Dem, no surprises.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did Arlen Specter decide that Pennsylvania was when he went to Syria against the White House's wishes last October?

    Include the Republicans who have been to Syria or shut up.

  • 1 decade ago


    You should thank her for wanting to contribute to the peace and understanding between the countries.

    Communication is key to better relations.

    Why are you always so eager to pick a fight?

    I am so grateful that this woman wants to help the country; that she is not just some "all talk and no subtance"

    kind of woman.

    She doesn't rest on her laurels and goes shopping for shoes with the tax payers money.

    She genuinely wants to foster better relations between the countries

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