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  • Shoes common corridor?

    My mother recently fell while walking past our neighbour's front part of the common corridor.

    They were having a party and over a hundred pairs of shoes were all over the place. The shoes covered the floor and blocked the lift entrance and she tripped and fell as there was no warning.

    The management is saying that she herself is to be blamed as she should have been more careful.

    Plus, they argued, shoes and shoes racks are a common practise in Asia/Singapore.

    This, despite the fact that, the by-laws states:

    A SP or an occupier of a lot shall not obstruct the lawful use of the common property by any person, except on a temporary and non-recurring basis.

    Looking at this situation, who is right?

    Does "culture" supercedes "law"?

    Should the context of culture be taken into account?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How could Sarah Palin Billed Rape Victims?

    This is so cruel and infuriating!!

    When Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, the city billed sexual assault victims and their insurance companies for the cost of rape kits and forensic examinations.

    Palin had been in office for four years when the practice of charging rape victims got the attention of state lawmakers in 2000, who passed a bill to stop the practice.

    Former Democratic Rep. Eric Croft, who sponsored that bill, said he was disappointed that simply asking the Wasilla police department to stop didn't work. Croft said he doubts she was unaware of the practice.

    More by clicking link below.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Did the Bible ever mention China, Australia or other continents?

    I really don't have this information so any information in regards to geographical information the Bible revealed would be enlightening.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are we making any progress with 14 U.S. soldiers dying in Iraq in 3 days?

    This is the President the Republicans voted for.

    Are you able to sleep at night knowing that you created a blood thirsty monster?

    11 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Who said Bush earns more than Cheney?

    And who said that Bush wasn't profiteering from the war is a Neocon.

    President George Bush held assets worth $7,5-million (about R52-million) to $20-million (about R140-million) last year, but was eclipsed by his vice-president's wealth, financial records released on Tuesday showed.

    Bush's assets included his 647ha ranch in Texas, valued at $1-million (about R7-million) to $5-million (about R34-million), where he usually spends his vacations.

    He also reported assets of $775 689 (about R5,3-million) from a limited liability company organised in 2003 to produce trees for commercial sales, which were expected in 2007.

    Among his holdings were certificates of deposit, Treasury notes, a qualified diversified trust, and $116 000 (about R806 000) assets of the GWB Rangers, which is wholly owned by Bush from when he was co-owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team.

    Cheney reported assets valued at $21-million (about R146-million) to around $100-million (about R700-million.

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why would the President Veto the hate crime bill?

    I know Bush is Right-Wing, but not so bad!

    He's acting like a Nazi German!

    The White House issued a veto threat Thursday against legislation that would expand federal hate crime law to include attacks motivated by the victims' gender or sexual orientation.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you know Why Bush needs Congress to fund the war now?

    Because the Republicans didn't do it in 2006.

    The Republican congress that did not pass a federal budget for 2007; instead they took more days off then any other congress. If Bush wanted money they could have funded the war, but I guess vacations are more important than our troops.

    But most importantly, Bush had not budgeted for the war in his federal budgets. This is so that he could present the appearance of fiscal discipline. It sure looks good when you supposedly cut federal spending, and I guess appearing to spend less supports our troops.

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Flip Flopping Gudy? Is Giuliani was looking at Hollywood differently?

    In his short-lived Senate bid, the then-mayor scoffed at celebrity culture, saying of Clinton: "She can have the Hollywood crowd." Throughout his two terms, Giuliani was no Hollywood favorite even though he sought to bring film dollars to the city.

    Today, as he pursues the presidency, he's collecting checks from actors Adam Sandler and Kelsey Grammer, and Paramount studio chief Brad Grey.

    Sounds very hypocritical to me.

    Another Bush in the works?

    Bring out your flip flops, Democrats.

    This guy's a flip flop when it suits him.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is it time to stop putting a Republican in the driver's seat?

    In George Tenet's new book, he described the invasion of Iraq as looking like a " .... slow-motion car crash."

    In view of this, isn't it more appropriate to let the other party have a go in the driver's seat?

    So many voters caused this "highway piled up" that has resulted in thousands dead and maimed.

    It's time to re-evaluate the leadership capabilities of the GOP.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did you know that Iraqi government will be gone for two months of holiday?

    Meanwhile, nothing can be decided and completed during this period of their vacation.

    All this while the American troops are in Iraq, risking their lives for the Iraqi people.

    Is this fair!

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is it customary to just profess "No recollection" and hope that that will get you off the hook?

    Condi Rice profess "No Recollection" of the meeting with then-CIA Director George J. Tenet and his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black. In the meeting, both men assert that there is credible indication that al-Qaeda would soon attack the United States. This was two months before the attack on Sept 11th.

    Later, her schedule was pulled out and the meeting was indeed indicated between the three individuals.

    Now, Gonzales sounds like a broken record yapping about No Recollection about making this decision and meeting with that subordinate.

    Why is it that these White House individuals are so partial to selective amnesia?

    Is it indicative of their working ethics and capabilities?

    If you cannot remember things so significant (In Condi's case) or so recent (In Gonzales case), then why are you in that important and vital position?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would the attacks in Iraq increase or decrease if US forces continue to stay in Iraq?

    I am interested to know your insights and predictions.

    I don't think the violence will decrease if US forces continue to stay in Iraq. In view of the recent attack where 183 people were killed (and hundreds others wounded), even after the U.S. troop increase began nine weeks ago, I have to say that it's not best to stay.

    A pull out is best.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Can Libs provide me with a list of scandals that has involved the Bush White House in 1 form or the other?

    I am trying to keep a tally of the unsavory tactics and conduct of the White House involving the Bush administration and their associates. A lot of acts of cronyism at play here involving the Commander in Chief.

    The latest ones, of course, involves Gonzales and Paul Wolfowitz.

    It's a long and dirty laundry list so I don't want to miss out on any.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Does this confirm what they say about a leopard never changes it's spots?

    In the fall of 1970, at the age of 19, Karl Rove used a false identity to enter the campaign office of Democrat Alan J. Dixon, who was running for Illinois State Treasurer, and stole 1000 sheets of paper with campaign letterhead.

    Rove then printed fake campaign rally fliers promising "free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing", and distributed them at rock concerts and homeless shelters, with the effect of disrupting Dixon's rally (Dixon eventually won the election). Rove's role would not become publicly known until August 1973.

    How can someone of such dubious character even be in the White House to begin with?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why won't you save the troops from "friendly fire"?

    A week after acknowledging a litany of errors in the friendly fire death of former NFL star Pat Tillman, the Army said Wednesday two soldiers who died in

    Iraq in February may also have been killed by their own comrades.

    The Army said it is investigating the deaths of Pvt. Matthew Zeimer, 18, of Glendive, Mont., and Spc. Alan E. McPeek, 20, of Tucson, Ariz., who were killed in Ramadi, in western Iraq, on Feb. 2. The families of the two soldiers were initially told they were killed by enemy fire.

    What's the point of sending the troops over there to have them shot by their own comrades?

    No wonder some are questioning "Why don't they care?"

    It's not the Democrats who have given up on the troops.

    It's the Republicans who care nothing about the welfare of the brave soldiers.

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Did Bush know this before waging a war in Iraq?

    Bush today said that "The enemy does not measure the conflict in Iraq in terms of timetables,"

    If this is the case, then no on will know when the war can be officially won since the enemy is likely to give up any time soon, if at all.

    So why did you go to war in Iraq which could prove to be lengthy, costly and difficult to win?

    Or did he come up with this tag line today?

    Did he not forsee that this war cannot be won anytime soon?

    13 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Are these really "encouraging signs"?

    US Senator and presidential hopeful John McCain, who is leading a congressional delegation to Baghdad, has insisted the US-Iraqi security crackdown there is working.

    He told a news conference on Sunday that there were "encouraging signs".

    But is it really?

    1. Nine children were among 12 people killed when a suicide bomber blew up a truck in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, police say.

    A further 192 people were injured in the blast, which happened when a bomber drove a truck laden with explosives into a barrier at a police station.

    2. In other violence, the handcuffed bodies of 19 workers kidnapped north of Baghdad have been found. The workers were kidnapped on Sunday at a fake checkpoint, officials said. Gunmen stormed their minibus as they returned home to the restive northern province of Diyala.

    The bodies were found handcuffed and blindfolded near a water treatment facility in Morariyah village, police said. All had died from gunshot wounds to the head.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Did you read this? Should Alberto Gonzales resigned now?

    President Bush isn't rushing to the rescue of his old Texas friend, Alberto Gonzales, after the attorney general's one-time lieutenant undercut his old boss' account of the firings of eight federal prosecutors.

    Rather than merely signing off on the firings, as Gonzales has repeatedly stated, his former chief of staff says the attorney general was in the middle of things from the beginning.

    "I don't think the attorney general's statement that he was not involved in any discussions of U.S. attorney removals was accurate," Kyle Sampson told a Senate Judiciary Committee inquiry Thursday into whether the dismissals were politically motivated.

    "I remember discussing with him this process of asking certain U.S. attorneys to resign," Sampson said.

    Sampson also told the panel that the White House had a large role in the firings, with one-time presidential counsel Harriet Miers joining Gonzales in approving them.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Doesn't it make you mad that they try to paint a rosy picture of Iraq?

    John McCain's assertion on Bill Bennett's "Morning in America" show that "there are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods today."

    Karen Tumulty, a Time journalist asked Brian Bennett, the TIME correspondent who is in Baghdad at the moment, how it looks on that end. Here's his reply:

    I just spoke with XXXXXX, our Iraqi bureau manager, about where in Baghdad I could go for a walk. He said there was one neighborhood (I'm not telling -- why make it a target?). He said I could get out of the car with him and a couple of our Iraqi bodyguards and walk for about three blocks - -then we'd have to get back in the car before the cell phone calls to kidnappers caught up with us.

    In other words, McCain is right. It's safe for a stroll -- if you take two bodyguards and wear your running shoes.


    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago