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Second thoughts 2 weeks before wedding??

I am getting married on April 20th.

This is not just my second, but my third engagement. I left both guys before we even set a date. (they were both mildly abusive)

My fiance now is great. The only man my mother ever approved of. We have lived together for 2 years and everything is going soooo well.

Now its crunch time and we are getting in so many dumb fights. Is this just both of us getting jittery? It just the fights we are getting in are so immature and we both act like children. Should we wait or just go with it and hope it all passes when the stress of planning a wedding is done with?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had second thoughts on my first wedding. I knew going down the aisle that I didn't really want to marry him. I was young and afraid to say anything because so many people had spent so much money on the wedding. It lasted 6 months and was horrible till the end.

    Then I got engaged about 8 years later mostly b/c I was afraid I'd never get married. I even moved to another state with him. But once I started thinking about my first marriage I knew I had to call it off. I am so glad I did.

    My second marriage was 2 years after the broken engagement and even though I had a few lingering "what ifs" and 2nd thoughts I knew in my heart I really did want to marry him and that my thoughts were just the normal "Holy Cow I'm getting married" stuff. The month before our wedding my now husband and I did a lot of bickering because we were both tired and stressed from the wedding plans.

    I'd say really listen to your heart and your gut. Only you know the answer and if you listen to yourself you'll figure it out. Best wishes.

  • 5 years ago

    Lots of people get wedding nerves. It's usually because there's a lot of fuss and bother with arrangements, most people are concentrating on the bride, the dress, the flowers, the venue, and...oh, yes; the groom! If when you've had a think about things your cold feet don't get any warmer, you must call the wedding off as soon as possible. Don't go through with it just because everything has been arranged. Arrangements can be cancelled far more cheaply than a divorce will cost, and if you are going to break your girl's heart, better sooner than later when maybe there are kids and a mortgage to sort out as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like pre-wedding stress to me....

    You both need a day off...together, to remember WHY you are getting married. A wedding is one day, a marriage is for life. Take the time now to learn how to reconnect when things get stressful. A whole day, no phone calls, no plans, no appointments, just to hang out, relax and be happy together.

    Take the time to be thankful and remember all the things you love about each other.

    Good luck and have a wonderful wedding and an even better marriage!

  • Kendra
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Stress from the wedding, family members giving advice, getting things in order, and more can put a lot of undo pressure on you both, making you both a bit irritable and testy. This happens to a lot of couples. Remember how you felt before all the stress began, and you were sure of how you felt. Next time things get heated, take a slow breath, and remind yourself that you're marrying this guy, and that the stress doesn't matter as long as you two are married at the end of that day. :) I wish you all the best, and congratulations :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    I feel ya honey, I've been married just over 6 months now and to make thing worse I'm an Army wife and he's been stationed in Korea since June, we got married when I went and visited him in September. I got cold feet too. Actually, that's a lie. I freaked out, and every other man I saw on the street I just wanted to sink my teeth into. Just ask yourself: do you love him? are you happier with him than you would be without him? Is what you have together worth the effort when things get tough? if the answers are yes then don't worry about it, what you're going through is something just about everyone does. You guys'll be fine :) and as far as the arguing goes my husband and I did that too, but it started as soon as a date was set. lol and sometimes I would pick fights with him just because. There were times when every little thing about him bugged me. It's just nerves just go with what your heart tells you is right and you'll be just fine

  • Poppet
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is not uncommon to have wedding jitters and stupid fights. It shows well on both of you to acknowledge those fights as stupid and your behavior childish. Now what do you do when you realize the fight is stupid? Do you continue it? Stop that if you do. It will solve nothing, and only cause hurt feelings.

    I was a total basket case a week before I got married. I knew he was the right one, but I was afraid that I was making a mistake. So I wrote out a pros/cons list and weighed my options. I included the things I liked about him and the things I didn't. The pro side was heavy and the cons list was manageable. We got married, and very shortly we will celebrate our 7th year. (on the 20th in fact)

  • 1 decade ago

    It happens, it's normal, you're going to be fine. You are right, is IS crunch time, a high stress time.... You're both tired, got too many things on your minds and pressures of living life.

    Why not go for a quick 15 minute walk each night together to talk or not. Hold hands and just relax and breathe..... It will help calm you and balance out your high stress day...

    You will have a beautiful wedding and happy ever after!! Go for it!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since you have lived together for 2 years , I'd say this is wedding jitters...happens with most couples...try and calm down, be extra aware not to over react and once this wedding is behind you , you can live happily ever after.

  • 1 decade ago

    You'll better make sure you all talk about that cause that's not how you want to handle arguments once you are married. If it is something that bothers you state it there is no turning back once you say I do. As long as it is a non physical argument and no verbal abuse either I'd say you all are just nervous and are making sure each one really wants to do this.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should go ahead with the wedding. It may just be wedding jitters or it may be that each of you are finally making a commitment and it just scares the both of you.

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