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Why do white people complain so much?

They complain about everything concerning black people? and I do mean everything....

Then when a white person gets caught being racist.... They try to flip the script and start complaining because we didn’t take it with a smile....they start screaming abuse..... are they serious or just being sarcastic?


LOL.....just what I thought I ask a a question in the form of 100's of questions I see everyday (about black people) and I get like 50 responses ..and even called uneducated...LOL......I ask a question about electronic subshells or Huntington disease and I get one or two answers....proves my theory people enjoy and spend more time chastising the underclass than trying to better society as a whole.......tisk tisk!!!!

47 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Girl, you are soooooo right. White people complain about ANYTHING, and it's so pathetic. They are the biggest crybabies I know. They are always trying to use Black culture as a greedy, selfish, ignorant way to use it against Black people. They must don't realize that they have enslaved our people, and we still remember it. Some people act as if slavery never existed, and if they acknowledge it, they make it seem like it was over 100 years ago. White people HATE to be wrong, and as long as Black people do something "bad" in their eyes, they use it as a mockery and think it's a "slap in the face" to Blacks. But when a dumb white person makes a racist comment, they whine about it all day and make excuses for their stupid actions. Then they want to start calling Black people racists because we don't accept the bullshit they do. I think they're being serious because they are used to whining and getting their way all the time...pathetic. And I'm still counting...there have been 72 questions posed by white people TODAY that concern the Don Imus thing.

    Not all white people are like this and just as enraged as the black people, but the majority of the whites I've seen on here are stupid crybabies and make their race look bad...

  • Kristi
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I think racist come in all colors and cultures. Until people learn 2 forgive and respect each other differences you will always have ignorant people 2 deal with, blacks included --if blacks treat whites the way they DON'T want 2 be treated than they are just as guilty also. I am a black woman I am very proud 2 be black but I don't believe in racism in any form. If my people are prejudice i have a problem with that also. As long as you have humans on earth you will have evil and they(devil) will use ANY EXCUSE 2 spread it. Too answer your question, some whites complain (not all ) about every little thing a black person does not because of the guilt but because they are sorry excuses/example of a intelligent GOD-loving human being. Hateful people love 2 vent and complain and since they are not man enough 2 own up 2 their own faults they have 2 blame it on somebody. When you are comfortable in your own skin, and love and respect each person regardless of race there is no room 4 stereo-type or hate, you grow 2 really feel sorry 4 these hateful people because not only do they have a problem with another race they HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SELF-SELF HATE!!

  • Dusk
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I understand where you are coming from (I'm mixed PR/white, have light skin). However, I have been the victim of black racism and abuse more times than I can count, especially in food service, they will gladly be nice to another customer of the same race, but if I go up there, they either stare or give me an attitude. And I'm not racist, but I find myself on the recieving end of so many bad looks by blacks simply because I'm not one of them, it's hard not to retaliate and feel a certain way after taking so much crap to be honest. I'm 19, and I'm not from the generation where blacks were more persecuted, and my ancestors had nothing to do with the racism that went on here in America, yet I'm looked at the very same way. I'm not trying to hate here, but I do have a right to a couple questions so long as I'm not generalizing and have the experience to prove my case about many (but not all) of the black people I've dealt with. That doesn't give me the right to generalize or use racial slurs (which I don't), but it does stay in the back of my mind when something has happened, just as if it were the other way around.

    Source(s): I respect everybody, & I don't take nor appreciate disrespect when I did nothing wrong.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, either way, first let me clarify I am NOT racist (I am white). I have close friends of many races, and I'm very proud of that. I think both white AND black people have issues regarding race. I think white people do scream abuse a bit too much, and I think that they "classify" or "group" black people, and that is very wrong. Some African-American people take an offense from a white person as "racist", even though they do the same thing to other white people. And, for example, when a black person calls another black the "N" word, it's okay. But when a white person calls them that they take it as "racist". So really, both races do call "ABUSE!" quite often. But I think everyone needs to remember we are all EQUALS, and that's what God intended for: equality.

    God Bless.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not racist but how about this: racism is out there.It will never stop. and honestly I think you're just going to have to deal with.

    I take **** off other racists and I don't cry about it. It makes me a better person. If someone calls me a cracker or honky I don't care. So what? Ya the N word is a bit mean but so is calling me names. It happens, it's not going to end. So find a way to deal with or sit in your room crying all day and avoid others.

    PS: I don't complain about black people- they can do whatever they like it doesn't affect my life to be honest. Neither does what other white people do. I focus on my life and my life only.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think most people are uncomfortable really digging into their ingrained racism. Maybe fear of having their "admission of guilt" taken advantage of. But more broadly people like to just feel their long held views are valid and correct and not in need of review or reflection. I have seen race awareness raising sessions and they can be intense. There are a lot of buried emotions held in the psyches of whites and blacks. I think most people prefer to let sleeping dogs lye - even if the dog is in the middle of the doorway.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel you on that one Diamond... white folks seem to get amnesia to the tenth power all of a sudden. I mean, they complain more than we do! That remark made by Imus last week should have been placed up his azz before going back on air, or whatever the heck he was doing. I will never take being insulted with a smile- they sure sure as heck don't!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is enough hate and racism going around for everyone. I will not fuel the fire, so I will offer up an explanation for what you are percieving. If it offends I apologize now as I did not mean it to. The politicians, manipulators and haters expliot all races - they are neither a majority of black, white, or other races. They are the ones with money and power. The wish to keep it and they wish to get more of it. This money grab admittedly is new to blacks, whites have been practicing it for hundreds of years. All the same, money, loves money and will betray their race white or black to get it and keep it.

    What you are seeing is a concerted effort by the media, by those who have to put all of us poor, middle class and even upper middle class in our places. They create and fuel racism so that we fight and hate each other. That way we are too busy hating our neighbor,trying to take what is his to notice they are slowly demenishing us all to a permanant state of poverty and servitude. They want us all to serve them. Do not hate the message, hate the haters. Whites have been portrayed as racists, and black haters, whispering of how they hate the black man at every turn. Blacks have been portrayed as shiftless, lawless, and lazy. Watch television and you will always see a black man in the commission of a crime. Whites comit crimes just as often as blacks, but you do not see them displayed all over TV as frequently as you do blacks. Thats just one of the many ways. Again, whites have yet to understand blacks are paranoid about white society in general, again do to influential money grubbers. They have justification for this paranoa as it is purposefull and directed again by those in power. Whites if they can understand anything, in this case, is they need and always need to offer a helpfull and welcoming hand to blacks, for no other reason then peace love and harmony. Blacks need to understand they are not hated. If we do not, then we are all doomed to a life of servitude for our children.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think that there are different types of people, some who complain and others who dont. me? i dont.... but then again im not really white.but anyways i guess that they think they can say whatever they want but really they cant. some who complain really might be racist and just want things they're way and i think thats all in all people just want to be able to say what they think because they think they are better then everyone.... they're not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow that's a racist question ? Let me ask you why do people label themselves as a color or a race instead as just human beings. When you label yourself as a different race or class you automatically set yourself as a target for the others in this world that think people are colors and ethnic races instead of human beings.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Please don't generalize like that. You know it's not all "white people." Saying that is as bad as some white guy asking why all "black people like watermelon" -- it's a ridiculous stereotype that's incorrect and hateful.

    Of *course* there are racist white people who say stupid things -- it's often those who have hidden their racsim for years who "slip up" and let their true nature come out. And when they get caught they'll try to deny they're racist -- nobody believes them.

    But you know very well that not all "white" people are like that. Don't you? They're not.


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