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Ola asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

do you think the developed countries are doing enough to help African countries?


From the way I look at it, I think they need to do more, like not encouraging corruption as most of these stolen funds end up in the developed countries, these corrupt leaders have houses and assets in the developed countries, and also stabilizing the African continent itself as the problems in Africa is gradually becoming the problems of the developed countried. Millions of people queue up at the various embassies for visas. and most of these people never go back, thus becoming immigration problems in the long run. do you think more should be done?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not really - but the main culprits are the people of African countries. They are the only ones who can stop the corruption eating them from the inside. Europe was once ruled by corrupt regimes like those in Africa, and the Europeans have managed to overturn these opressors. Now it is time for Africa to do the same.

    Many African nations shouldn't be poor. Nigeria has VAST reserves of natural resources. So does the Congo. They could make an absolute fortune - if only they could get a government who isn't out to screw the people over. European nations have a particular debt to Africa in this respect because they left their former colonies in such a state. Belgium simply upped sticks and left the Congo. By hanging on to power for so long Britain destabalised Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) so much that they have not recovered properly since, indeed they have sunk from moderately prosperous to an almost ungovernable state riddled with hyper-inflation, which is effectively now run by gangsters.

    Of course, the Europeans aren't totaly to blame - the Africans didn't have to let it come to that. Nevertheless it was inevitable in some cases. Europe especially needs to realise the results of its imperial legacy and help more than any others to put right what they put wrong.

    Aid has been proven to work wonders when the government it is given to is effective, ifficient and not corrupt. Look at the Marshall plan - it restored an almost destroyed Europe within a good 7 years to pretty much pre-war levels, and a similar thing happened in Japan. The problem with Africa is simply the governments, and the people's refusal to do anything to help themselves. Once a government is genuinly democraticly elected, in a western style, then the rest of the world should literally fling aid (or investment, which would probably be a better idea) at it as a reward for doing so well - like what they should have done when South Africa elected Mandela. This surely would be impetus for other African nations to throw out their corrupt officials and get their ship back together.

  • 1 decade ago

    What more can we do when most of what we send over gets taken by corrupt governments? When doctors have to fear for there lives? Really all we can do is provide what help gets through and hope that the people of Africa can figure out how to do the rest. Only other thing we could do is go over, fight there wars, install our version of governments, and hope it all works out. But we've seen how that works now haven't we.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I think the developed countries are doing enough for other countries. Too much at many times. Are the developed countries doing enough to help the problems in their own country? No.

    On this note, if anyone hasn't seen the movie "Hotel Rwanda" - great movie, go see it. That is one situation where I felt America SHOULD have helped another country. (Although I usually like to keep our help and problems close to home.)

  • 1 decade ago

    So who said it was up to the "developed countries" to help Africa? They have their own government, let them help themselves.

    Giving any type of financial aid to that cess pool of corruption would be like throwing the money in a fire. Same effect - lots of smoke and flame with nothing left over.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think they are doing too much. By sending aid to Africa, they are reducing the Africans' ability to provide for themselves. Additionally, they are helping to further entrench those in power(who are notoriously corrupt and ruthless).

    The only solution to poverty in Africa is free market capitalism, removal of corrupt government, private property rights, and enforcement of contract law. That will create prosperity, just as it did here, Japan, Taiwan, UK, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    Time for Africans (especially in Darfur) to stop killing each other over tribal and religious differences. There's enough natural resources there under proper management to solve a lot of problems if people start working together.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As much as I feel for the poor and uneducated in our fast paced modern world, I understand that you can't help anyone unwilling to help themselves. They have to change with the times or all of the aid the rest of the world sends them will be for naught. Their destiny is in their hands, not ours.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. We help enough people who don't live in our own country. At some point, other countries have to provide for themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why should they? Who helped them when they were up and coming? No one. Why can't Africa, the largest Continent, need help?

  • 1 decade ago

    are africa countries doing enough to help african countries?

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