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Please Help. or Give me some advice please?

I have never before thought about suicide or ever really hated my life, but at the moment I have never been so depressed and scared in my life. Here's the problems. My cousin took out a loan in my name and she won't help pay it (I did not use the money she did, I mentioned this in another post on Yahoo Answers) I literally have no money to pay (Im scared). My other cousin has not paid her part of the rent 4 the apt and they are threathening to evict us and take us to court (I am really scared). Not to mention that right now in college with 18 credit hours i am so busy with tons of papers to type and hwk. I have a class that I believe i am failing, I have talked to my professor on a number of occasions. My APS bill just came and it was really high, but i don't know why (i can't afford it)

Can someone please give me advice or let me know that i am not the only one going through something like this. Today in my class i could not focus and went outside and just broke down and cried

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know this seems bad, but you can get through it. Call your parents or someone who can help you financially and emotionally. Tell them how bad you feel, but know you will be OK. I'm sorry other people are hurting you! A lot of people gave good responses on how to deal with your cousins and where you can find help. After you get through this learn how to avoid being in situations like this by protecting yourself.

    One good resource might be a college counselor who no doubt has seen situations like yours many times. I highly recommend that!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK. Take a deep breath and just try to relax for a moment. I know it's not easy, but just try.

    It sounds like you're under a lot of stress and pressure especially in the financial department. When people are stealing your money or taking advantage of your charity, you should not be held accountable. Cousin or not, she has stolen from you and you may need to consider legal action.

    Now college can be tough, I know, I went through it. However, it pays off. Work hard now and just imagine what you'll be able to accomplish later. I know that's not too helpful at this point but, you'll see light at the end of the tunnel soon.

    As a psychologist, I would advise you to book in an appointment to see one of my colleagues in your local area. They can take a deeper look into what is troubling you and figure out a strategy to help you get through this tough time. Just remember, you're not alone. What your feeling has been dealt with before and professionals are there to help.

    I wish you well.

    Source(s): I'm a psychologist
  • 1 decade ago

    That's life. Every thing will work itself out.. My moms in a bad spot too. She had a great job at the phone company for seventeen year making seventy thousand a year and was fired because she now has a law suit against them for sexual harassment. I guess they dint like that. they fired her So she just enrolled full time in school and is praying for unemployment. today she was on her way back from the grocery store and was hit by an illegal immigrant with no license or insurance. She had to be cut out of her totaled car. Luckily she was not hurt. her insurance will only pay for half the car she has to pay of the rest and a 500 deductible. Her grocery's she spent her last money on are all over the interstate she has no car no job no money and two kids. Huge fall from 70,000 a year. If you pray for her Ill pray for you. Good Luck honey it only makes you stronger. And just think you are going to appreciate you career so much when you graduate and can look back at what you went through to get what you wanted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you called the loan company and explain the situation to them? Technically, if she did it without your consent, that is a crime. I believe you have six months before you can get evicted. Do you have any older family members who can intervene? Maybe talk to your cousins family members? Concentrate on college, get a part-time job and get away from these people. You are a nice person who was taken advantage of and you need to stand your ground. Good luck.

    Source(s): Similar experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Umm...tell your cousin to either get the loan transferred into her name or you are going to report her for identity theft whomever the company is and notify them that you did not authorize that loan. Look for another roommate, one willing to pay the rent. Family or not, don't let these people ruin your credit and peace of mind. you have alot on your plate with school alone. talk to your parents and maybe they can talk with your cousins or take to thier parents. that school loans? You shouldnt have to pay anything while you are still attending. Things will get better, they always do.. chin up girl and hugs to you.

  • Rella
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Take legal action against the cousin who stole from you; refuse a helpless victim mindset. You are not responsible for the legal consequences to her of her own actions, so don't let her make you feel guilty. Some people will take as much advantage of you as you let them. Most people are not like that, but there are some people out there like that, and caring about them does not mean you have to let them run you over and harm you. When you have time to read non-college books again, I recommend the Christian book "Boundaries" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend.

    "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Or as a secular saying goes, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Please don't let temporary difficulties push you to a permanent harmful action toward yourself.

    Don't take your money troubles as a reflection upon your worth as a person. Many, many people have struggled with money; it is a common problem, so don't be ashamed (although it really sounds like you're not even the one causing the money problems). But even if you have been contributing to the problems, take heart: good money management is a learnable skill, not something any of us are born knowing.

    See for proof that you're not alone in struggling with debt. They are a secular 12-step group. Also, the website of Christian book author Mary Hunt, who turned her life around after being thousands of dollars in debt and jeopardizing her marriage because of it.

    Seek out a counselor and also find a church that will provide spiritual support to you. I recommend an evangelical Christian church like the Vineyard, but there are many, many good churches out there: Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic, etc. Stay away from the cults like Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons; they are not really Christian although they claim to be.

    Get prayer--God is real and He cares about you and your situation. You can get through this, but don't put additional stress on yourself by trying to get through it alone, without objective help. I'm glad you reached out through this forum but you need support on a more regular and personal basis.

    Remember there are resources out there that may help you in your daily needs, such as church food pantries for food and free stores for household items and clothes. Contact your local department of job and family services; you may qualify for government help as well, and they may be able to direct you to additional private assistance available.

    Remember you are not alone. Many people struggle with finances, and it's not worth killing yourself over. There are too many good things in life to enjoy. It will get better; just hang in there. You will see the light of day!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i am in college and go thru stress too. hang in there. call 1800 suicide, 1800 lifenet. talk to a school counselor. try, i'm here if u need a friend walk and do music. it helps. go to to inspire you and also

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ask ur parents or professors for help! i really wouldnt kno how ur feelin but it sounds horrible and start getting on ur cousins and tell them whats happening or none of ya r gonna hava a house

    Source(s): me myself and my braiN! GWAAAHAHAHAHHAAA
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