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I am a born again Christian. Are you? I hope so! Eternity is a long time, and God is very good. Don't miss out! I invite you to watch this awesome skit about the grace & love of Jesus: JESUS IS LORD! ╬╔╦═╦═╦╗╔╦═╗ puт тнis on your ║║║═╣═╣║║║═╣ profile if you ╔╝║═╬═║╚╝╠═║ вelieve in нiм. ❤ ╚═╩═╩═╩══╩═╝ (¯`v´¯) .`•.¸.•´ ¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨ `*~*~* † Jesus Saves †

  • Do I need a router?

    I moved into the basement apt. of someone who already has wifi. He has shared his password with me & I'm able to connect to the Internet with my phone. But when I try with my desktop computer, Windows Network Diagnostics tells me to "plug an Ethernet cable into this computer...Make sure the other end of the cable is plugged into the router."

    There are no wired connections available in the basement. How do I connect wirelessly? I have a Windows 7 Home Premium OS, Service Pack 1. My PC is a Gateway model DX4831.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking5 years ago
  • What are some romantic movies in which opposites attract?

    Like these ones that I've already seen:

    Barefoot in the Park

    He Said, She Said


    10 Things I Hate About You

    4 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • What's that fantasy movie about a girl rescuing her brother?

    If I remember it correctly, the teenage girl/young woman has to rescue her brother from a cave of ice or roomful of mirrors or something like that. I think it's based on a fairy tale but I'm not sure which one. An evil queen has imprisoned her brother, and somehow when the sister rescues him the room shatters. I think her father owned an inn.

    I might be off on some of the details, because I only saw it once a long time ago. Any ideas? Thanks!

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Who are your favorite pro football players, and why?

    Please say which team they're on too.

    11 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • What teams do you want to see in Super Bowl 2013?

    And who are you hoping will win?

    6 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • When I see The Hobbit, should I watch it in 3D?

    I know I want to see the movie in the theater (I loved all the others). But does the 3D in this movie make a difference? Is it worth paying extra?

    Is it the kind of 3D where things seem to jump out of the screen at you and make you want to duck, or does it just make the characters look more 3-dimensional on the screen? Did you feel it was worth seeing in 3D? Thanks.

    8 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • What movies show negative results of choosing to have premarital sex?

    I'm watching the movie For Keeps, and I'm finding it interesting.

    It contrasts sharply with another movie I watched recently,

    Blue Lagoon: The Awakening

    in which the couple had unprotected sex for months without having to deal with pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

    What other movies have a more realistic take on the negative consequences that can result from sex outside of marriage?

    8 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • What PS3 games are good for a guy but rated teen or lower?

    I'm thinking of getting a Playstation 3, and I'm trying to figure out what games would be good to go with it. The games would be for my husband, but I'm not wanting to get anything rated Mature or Adults Only; I want the games to be family friendly, so rated Teen or below. Suggestions? What's good? What's not? I'm not a gamer so I have no idea.

    11 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • What should I know about buying a Playstation?

    I want the kind that hooks up at home and streams video and plays Blu-rays, not the kind that is small & portable. I have never had a gaming system before so I'm completely new at this. Is there one package where I can buy everything I need, or not? Also, I've noticed that there seem to be systems with different levels of GBs in them--what's that for? Thanks for your help--Merry Christmas!

    5 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Can you please check to see if Netflix has these TV shows?

    I'm a member, but I temporarily suspended my account to save money, and it won't let me browse the full selection to see what they have. I've started watching some new shows on TV, but I've missed episodes and haven't been able to find the pilots online. Does Netflix have:


    Beauty & the Beast (the new one on the CW channel)


    Falling Skies (Season 2)


    Thanks so much for checking for me! If Netflix has these, I might restart my subscription sooner, which is why I want to know. I appreciate your help.

    3 AnswersOther - Television9 years ago
  • How do I determine real vs. nominal income for real life use?

    I've taken 3 college econ classes, but I don't know where my notes are about how to do this. I'm not currently in class; I want to know how to do this so I can figure out if pay raises are advancing me past inflation and to be able to compare what I was making in previous years to the current year.

    If I'm making a certain hourly wage, and I want to compare that to a different hourly wage (for ex. pay raise) or a different year's inflation rate (for example, to see how much I should be making now to be breaking even with what I was making before), how do I figure that? And where online do I find accurate info to use for inflation between years? Thank you very much for your help!

    1 AnswerEconomics9 years ago
  • If you have had Dish or Direct TV, did you like it?

    I currently have cable, but I keep seeing fliers for Dish and Direct TV. I've never done satellite TV before, and I just wondered what other people's experiences with them have been. Thanks for sharing.

    4 AnswersTiVO & DVRs9 years ago
  • Who should I vote for on Dancing With the Stars?

    I just watched the season finale competition show, and I'm torn--For me, it's a tie between Melissa and Shawn. Please help me decide by sharing your thoughts on this. Who are you voting for and why?

    4 AnswersReality Television9 years ago
  • Good/bad adoption movies?

    I love movies like The Blind Side, which has actually changed my life.

    But today in the theater I was disgusted to see a preview (well, sort of see--I covered my eyes but I could still hear) for a movie coming out in 2013 called Mama. It's a horror movie about adopting/fostering 2 little girls.

    It seems irresponsible to make those kind of movies which will fill people's minds with negative images about adoption and fostering, while there are so many kids desperately in need of good homes.

    Are there more good movies than bad on this topic, or vice versa? Which ones should I see or avoid? Thanks...I really just want to know I'm not alone in feeling this way.

    5 AnswersAdoption9 years ago
  • Who is the villain revealed at the end of the Avengers movie?

    At the end, where one of the bad guys is talking about how humans are too unruly to be ruled, and to attack them is to court death, there is a red-faced villain shown who turns with a smile. Who is that?

    5 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Can anyone help me find a new Christmas movie to watch?

    This is a challenging question because I love Christmas and I have seen LOTS of Christmas movies. I'm looking to find something new (for me) that I haven't seen.

    I like both kids' and adults' movies, but I don't want something that's aimed at a preschooler (Dora's Christmas, for example). I like cartoons, claymation, old black & white films, new movies in color, etc. I haven't seen a lot of Lifetime Christmas movies so maybe you know of some I haven't seen. I can't list all that I HAVE seen because that would take too long for anyone to read. Thank you very much for the help!

    4 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • What are some new Sci Fi or Fantasy shows to watch?

    I'm currently watching Once Upon a Time, Grimm, and Revolution.

    I just got a DVR (yay!) so I'll be able to record and watch more than I have been. I have cable TV.

    What else should I watch that is currently on? I've seen a lot of older sci fi and fantasy, so I'm looking for shows that are fairly new and currently on the air (not in reruns). Thanks!

    7 AnswersOther - Television9 years ago
  • When during a foreclosure does a final judicial report takes place?

    We have a VA loan in Ohio and today we received a final judicial report in the mail. I'm trying to figure out how much more time we have. We were unemployed but I just got a job, so we're hoping to be able to work something out to keep our home. I'll call my lender soon, but not this weekend. So I appreciate whatever you can tell me about how far along we are.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago