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how can the government spend billions of dollars on a war nobody wants but there is no health care ..?

for the working poor??? i dont qualify for medicaid by 20 bucks a month but insurance through my work is like 200 dollars a month. So im screwed and so are millions of others like me. Yet Bush and his gang are extending tours in Iraq and refusing to leave. Costing tax payers bililions... but if my 6 month old gets sick I will be in the poor house. I pay taxes like everyone else. Does this make anybody else as sick as it does me? Will the government ever look out for AMERICAN citizens and stop trying to fix other countries??


bill- so what you are sayin is its not the tax payers job to increase health and education in this country?? Why the hell do we pay taxes if its not to "take care of our own?" Im not a welfare mom who gets food stamps and section 8 housing or ANYTHING like that. Im a young mother who works her *** off 60 hours a week and goes to school to get a better job...

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Give it time, the rise in the cost of healthcare will eventually start affecting the upper middle-class and then something will finally be done about it.

    At my work, I am lucky in that 100% of my healthcare premium is paid by my employer, but every year we have to get a crappier plan with a higher deductible to keep it this way.

    And to rmagedon, I'm aware that a hospital will not refuse treatment and that everyone else has to absorb what isn't paid, but that way of thinking isn't going to benefit ANYONE. That's just plain b*tching and not problem-solving. The poster wants to responsible and have healthcare, but she financially can't do it, and alot of the "working poor" are in the same boat as her. She only wants a solution that will give her healthcare at a REASONABLE rate. It wasnt so long ago that health insurance was a normal benefit supplied by most employers, but many are dropping it because they can't afford it anymore, especially small businesses.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you are overqualified to get medicade by only 20 bucks, then you don't really pay all that much into the tax coffers.

    why should the tax payers have to foot the bill for you to get medical coverage?

    Go out and get a second job. Find a way to put yourself through school. Better yourself.

    My better half and I both work, and our insurance is really way up there. yes, we have insurance, but if one of us gets sick, its a few thousand dollars out of our pockets right away. Who has that kind of money laying around? Not me. so, why even have the insurance? Its all a big scam. And the government is not the answer to the problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    The government isn't trying to fix other countries. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with national security and everything to do with the BIG OIL companies. Most of the wars the US has participated in or supported were based on business and natural resources.

    The rich control the government and they don't want National Health Care. It would take too much money out of the pockets of pharmaceutical, medical, and insurance corporations. The AMA is also complicit. Who do you think paid for the campaign against Hillary Clinton's health plan back in the '90s?

    The Social Darwinism of the Right Wing proves that they hate democracy and are fascists. You need to get involved in the process to change this trend. Get active, get informed, get involved.

  • 5 years ago

    i don't think of so. money is a demonstration of help. If human beings choose to donate because of the fact they think of one specific candidate will help them, then they might desire to be allowed to--it is there money. the government should not be telling all of us how they might desire to/shouldn't spend their own money. -----replace----- "Shoulnt all applicants be on a superb keel?" No, they are actually not and that they in no way would be, even if in the event that they're made to have an identical volume of money. Canidates are diverse human beings. some are extra powerful fundraisers, others are extra powerful organizers, audio device, etc. some have extra powerful concepts or extra powerful rules, vote casting documents, guidance, reports, etc. money (and the skill to advance it) is barely one element of a marketing campaign. each and everything a guy or woman has accomplished of their total existence is a ingredient. applicants only are not on a superb keel because of the fact they're diverse. there isn't something incorrect with that--and extra importantly, no thank you to tension it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am not at all certain where you get your information but there already is national healtcare in America.

    Yes, you can get medical care 24/7/365 regardless of ability to pay. So what are you talking about. If you need care you go to the hospital and they will treat you, not only that but it will be the highest quality care in the world, and if you cannot pay, they will absorb the cost and the rest of us will pay for it in higher costs to us.

    So as I said I have no idea what on earth you are talking about. We have healthcare in America, the best, available at all times to all people regardless of who they are.

    Aren't you thankful you live in the land of opportunity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lots of people here are harsh to you. You want a better government. When Abe Lincoln was President, we had a chance for a good country, but he never got to implement his instructions. Therefore our financial system is in shambles and won't last long. It's such a fake existence. Just concentrate on staying above water, perhaps you can move away some day. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Show me in the constitution where the gov. is supposed to give you health care benefits.The gov. is not mom & dad,health care is your responsibility.What's next,a chicken in every pot,a house with a lexus in every driveway.What the hell is wrong with you people-whatever happened to personal responsibility.Uncle Sam gets his money from the tax payers.I sure as hell do not want to pay for your health care.MORONS!

  • 1 decade ago

    $200 a month isn't bad for a family plan . When I had to pay for my own insurance four yrs' ago it cost me $320 a month and that just covered me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I would be more upset of the Illegals that get it for free well not free you and the rest of Americans who pay tax's are paying. That's why you bill is so high!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    $200/month for insuarance family plan is not bad. Where's baby's daddy?

    Did the governement provide your insurance before this war? I don't get the connection between your lack of insurance and the Iraq War.

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