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Essee asked in Entertainment & MusicMusic · 1 decade ago

Sunday Afternoon lyrics?

Hi there, I am looking for the name of a song that has the lyrics.

"help me help me help me please.

I've gotta a great big woman, trying to squeeze me.

And I love to live so happily!

Live this life of luxery,

lazing on a sunday afternoon'

My Dad used to play it all the time, but whenever I look for the lyrics I can't find them. Thanks bunches!!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sunny afternoon by Stereophonics

    The tax man's taken all my dough

    And left me in my stately home

    Lazing on a sunny afternoon

    I can't even sail my yacht

    He's taken everything I've got

    All I've got's this sunny afternoon

    Oh save me, save me, save me from this squeeze

    I gotta big fat mama trying to break me

    And I love to live so pleasantly

    Live this life of luxury

    Lazing on a sunny afternoon

    In the summertime

    In the summertime

    In the summertime

    My girlfriend's run off with my car

    And gone back to her ma and pa

    Telling tails of drunkenness and cruelty

    Now I'm sitting here

    Sipping at my ice cold beer

    All I've got's this sunny afternoon

    Help me, help me, help me sail away

    Well give me two good reasons why I oughta stay

    'Cause I love to live so pleasantly

    Live this life of luxury

    Lazing on a sunny afternoon

    In the summertime

    In the summertime

    In the summertime

    Ah save me save me save me from this squeeze

    I gotta big fat mama trying to break me

    And I love to live so pleasantly

    Live this life of luxury

    Lazing on a sunny afternoon

    In the summertime

    In the summertime

    In the summertime

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