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  • A yaoi manga with reincarnation?

    I'm looking for a yaoi manga (read that as maleXmale) about two men who are lovers. One says that if he ever died he'd find a way back to him. Cue him dying. Seventeen years later the man who lived is the school nurse at the school that his reincarnated lover goes to. The other man (now a seventeen year old) is well aware of their past, and decides to act on it.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation10 years ago
  • Looking for a short anime film?

    A little girl is waiting for her friends, and she loses her cellphone. She is sucked into another dimension where there are a bunch of interesting colorful things. Eventually she gets her cellphone back, and leaves that world. The only proof of it ever happening is a picture she took on her phone of it.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation10 years ago
  • What is this video game?


    I have been trying to figure out a video game, my friend had it, and I believe it was for the PS2 (so that narrows it down a little).

    From what I hope I remember, it took place in the feudal-era (some place in Asia). During one scene you were able to be in 'heaven', or at least a holy realm, and I think there were people there with bird heads.

    One of the underlining parts of the game was a friendship system. You got to choose different things that brought you closer to other characters, towards eventual cut scenes, or romantic friendships.


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Looking for a movie with a suitcase of money?

    I can't really remember any of the details except one. They are digging, trying to find a suitcase of money, and they finally do! Except when they reach in to grab the bills it is all pure mush, squishing between their fingers, and is utterly worthless. I want to say they find jewels after that, but I can't remember.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • I'm smelling something that makes me gag.?

    Every now and then, for no reason (meaning there is nothing that prompts it), I smell something that I can describe as a mixture of burning soapy lint and film. This happens anywhere I go, not just certain places.

    Sometimes it makes me gag, and other times it is so overpowering it is all that I can smell, and taste. It can last from anywhere of 10 minutes to an hour, and nothing seems to be able to stop it, or get it to go away, so it goes away on time.

    I do NOT smoke, or do any other recreational drugs.

    I don't drink either.

    Medical wise, I do have optical migraines, but that is really it.

    I do chew gum, 5 gum in fact, spearmint. I don't know if maybe that is the contributor to it.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Music video from the movie Michael?

    Does anyone remember a music video that was from the moving Michael (with John Travolta). I've been trying to find this for a while. To be more specific (if I have the wrong movie), in the music video the lead singer is being spliced up and eventually he is put into the body of a spider.

    If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Looking for an older webcomic?

    The two main characters were two men, one named Setsuna, the other Rei. Setsuna had a singing career, but had to dress up as a woman and take a fake identity to pursue it. The comic did finish, but since then I have lost the link.

    extra details:

    -Setsuna wore a purple wig while dressed as a female

    I have been looking for this for a while, and I'd be very thankful if someone can give me a link or even a title. I believe it started with a 'J'.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Music that mixes Opera and Techno/Dance/Electronica?

    Hiya! I'm looking for artists, or really great remixes that take operatic voices and chant hymns and put them against a dance/electronica beat.


    -The Fifth Element- (the preformance with the Diva).

    Please NO Phantom of the Opera techno remixes, those are a dime a dozen, and once you've heard one you've heard all of them.

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Sunday Afternoon lyrics?

    Hi there, I am looking for the name of a song that has the lyrics.

    "help me help me help me please.

    I've gotta a great big woman, trying to squeeze me.

    And I love to live so happily!

    Live this life of luxery,

    lazing on a sunday afternoon'

    My Dad used to play it all the time, but whenever I look for the lyrics I can't find them. Thanks bunches!!

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • Medical conditions of clouds in the body?

    Can anyone give me a representation of an illness or medical problem that on scans would discover dark clouds inside the brain, or lungs? With possible symptoms of very high fever, vomitting (nausea), cardiac arrest, and/or seizures.

    (no, no one in my family has these symptoms, a friend asked me to look it up... and so far I couldn't find anything.)

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Can hemroids cause constipation?

    Or visa-versa, can constipation cause hemroids?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • If a woman is injected with the sperm of two men, could she have twins?

    This is an entirely hypothetical question. I wouldn't like my questionned to be answered with the statement belittling it. It is an honest question that has been plaguing me.

    Obviously it would have to be done in a tested lab, quite possibly with fertility drugs that would up the chance of there being multiple births.

    The birth would be a set of twins, due to the sharing time, but could they honestly be classified as such, as their dna would be completly different? Would they just be siblings?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago