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Essee asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 1 decade ago

Music video from the movie Michael?

Does anyone remember a music video that was from the moving Michael (with John Travolta). I've been trying to find this for a while. To be more specific (if I have the wrong movie), in the music video the lead singer is being spliced up and eventually he is put into the body of a spider.

If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.


I actually found out what it was. I must have combined it in my mind when I was younger.

But this music video still gives my the shivers

Bush: Greedy Fly

-_- I actually have reason, see there is an angel in the music video... and I think I had just recently seen bits and pieces of Michael *laughs* So my mind combined it, I'm just glad I wasn't making it up.

1 Answer

  • nean
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Gosh, I have the movie, "Michael", but have never seen a video like you describe. Are you sure you have the right movie? "Michael" is about the archangel and reporters from a rag newspaper that prints all these stupid stories - aliens, angels, people with human bodies and animal heads - oh, wait, come to think of it, the music video could be from the Michael movie. It is a great movie with great music!

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