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Why Do Women Support Islam Or Christianity?

Both religions belittle and opress women and allow then fewer rights and status than men, what rationalization is there for adhering to a group that treats you like dirt?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have always wondered the same thing. At the same time, why would any man want to be with a woman who thinks so little of herself and is either unwilling or unable to live in the reality-based world?

    It really does seem to come down to the fact that a large, and possibly major, percentage of people lack the intellectual maturity and emotional courage to deal with the inherent ambiguities and complexities of human life and the processes driving the physical universe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My Dear

    No Religious Elder ever wanted to extract the women legal status in the holy book, due to their commercial reasons.

    Actually it is the truth hiding policy of muslim sacerdotal leadership which bothers all of us.

    At a website I read first time in the research history, all the entire true and basic answers in this respect which were hided by the Islamic Elders centuries ago and in fact these answers are such realistic that no pseudo-sacerdotal Islamic greedy religious leadership can present or even tolerate them. This research reveals that Islam is entirely different Code of law from that, we been told about for almost a millennium. The only problem is that, this research paper is in URDU language. If one could read it or make it translated, no doubt, in a satisfying manner, he ll get what he needs to and what is nowhere else in the Islamic research world.

    the link is



  • 1 decade ago

    To say that Christianity opresses women is totally false. If you look at history, Christianity's view of women was revolutionary. Jesus traveled with women in His group. When He rose from the grave, the first people He appeared to were WOMEN! When Paul said that the Gentiles were heirs like the Jews, he did not differentiate between men and women.There are several examples in the New Testament of influential women, including Priscilla, Lydia, and Phoebe (a deaconess). It was not until the Middle Ages when corruption had crept into the Church, that we see the deningration and oppression of women. But that was not God or Christianity, that was men.

    Source(s): Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Ephesians 3:6, Romans 16:1
  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I can see where you might think that, but that's not the truth at all. Anyone who tells you that Christianity belittles or oppresses women are sadly mistaken and misinformed. The Bible is clear that men and women are EQUAL in essence (importance, value, and God's love) just different in roles. The Bible told us there would always be a power struggle between men and women but it is men's responsibility to love and cherish women the way Christ loved the also said that men should be the head of the family. The Bible in no way, shape, or form condones the mistreatment of women. It also doesn't say that all women should be stay at home moms, homeschooling their children, and getting beat for not doing housework. Seriously, the Bible simply says women should respect men and support them and encourage them and men should care for their families.

    I promise, No Christian man I know treats thier wife like dirt or any other women. I hope that clears things up for you...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gee, I don't see that. The Bible says to honor your Father and your Mother, not just your Father. Also, women are highly venerated in the scriptures and the early church. Mary, Ruth, Mary Magdalene, etc. Paul mentions many women in his letters by name. I was always taught to respect women and that women were just as good as any man and able to do anything a man could. Sounds like you've been listening to the wrong people.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have misinterpreted historical accounts in the Christian bible with Christian doctrine.

    That depends upon your definition of women's rights. If you mean that somehow women and men exist at the same hierarchical level in God's eyes, that is not correct.

    But don't get caught up in that. Just as the President of the U.S. exists at a different hierarchy than I do, he is still a human being, as I am.

    The bible states that a woman is to be submissive to the man. This is clearly taught in the law, which here probably means the Pentateuch primarily. Gen_3:16, for instance, says “your desire shall be for your husband. And he shall rule over you.” Yet this does not mean women are somehow a second class of humankind.

    We all have roles in life. Christ the Son, the Second Person of the Trinitarian God, accepted His functional role as secondary to God the Father. But nowhere did Christ give up his ontological role as being fully God the Son. Likewise, men and women have roles defined by God in this life, but nowhere is God expecting us to give up our common humanity.

    I recommend you review the following excellent website to learn more about women and the bible:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yep. T'is a very valid point... Brain-washing seems the culprit.

    "To no form of religion is woman indebted for one impulse of freedom." -- Susan B Anthony

    “Every injustice that has ever been fastened upon women in a Christian country has been "authorized by the Bible" and riveted and perpetuated by the pulpit.” -- Helen H Gardener

    “The religious persecution of women has been done under what was claimed to be the command of God.” -- Susan B Anthony

  • 1 decade ago

    Men and women are equal, and equally made in the image of God. We are also different from one another, obviously.

    Christianity tells us to grow up, quit living wild lives, quit having sex outside of marriage, find a nice person of the opposite sex to marry, settle down, have some kids, do some meaningful work, help the poor, be kind to your neighbors, and leave a legacy of good behind you after you are gone.

    In that plan, men are fathers and women are mothers. With God's help, we build a home based on love and mutual respect, with the husband being Christlike in his willingness to sacrifice himself for his wife. The wife responds in love and support for her husband. That is called submission. She gives up her selfish ways in order to live in harmony with her loving man.

    Does that sound like an oppressive plan for anyone? It is actually the one that brings the most happiness here on earth. Just look up the stats if you don't believe me.

    How did Aquinas, the great Christian thinker from Medieval times view woman? I think that the Medievals get a bad rap, myself.

    "One may note the meaning Aquinas gives to the Genesis statement that the first woman was formed from the side of the first man. Woman, he says, (Summa 1, 92, 3) was not formed from man’s head, because she should not dominate him. Neither was she formed from his feet, for she should not be despised by man, as though she was subject to him as a servant. Rather she was made from his side so as to signify that man and woman should be conjoined as allies (socialis coniunctio)."


    I can't answer for Islam. You'd have to ask Islamic women what it is like for them. Just off the top of my head, and meant as no offense, as things are now with the violence and all, I don't think that men have it so good in Islam. It looks like more men die violent deaths than women. Hopefully, the violence will settle down, and life can be good for them, too. I'm sure that they love their families and want the best for them. It's just human to want that. God made us to live in family.

    Then, I don't see that the liberated women in our society are all that happy, really. Do you?

    It is Christ who sets us free - from sin, from death, from ourselves. We gotta' believe in Him, though. That way we become part of the great family of God.

    I don't know if my thoughts help, but I like them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that is certainly not true of Christians. paul may have had a low value of women but that does not hold true today in the church. God has no destiction, men and women are equal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good question. Even the story of Adam and Eve is a bit sexist.

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