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Join the Military!?

Your country needs you. Thousands of your American brothers and sisters are fighting a war against terrorism while able people sit idle ad watch the television. We would not be the country we have grown to be if we sat and did nothing during World War ll - think about it. Yes, the thought of dying is terrifying, but is it better to live out your life in fear? Who do you want to be? The person holding the sign and gaining no ground against the war on terrorism or the person who is actually getting out and fighting the battle.

My husband, son, friends, and nephew are all serving their country and a 85% of them are deployed to the Middle East.

God Bless us all.


Is there anyone on this site that is willing to stand with fellow Americans or is everyone comforted by the excuses they give?

Update 2:

I am not in the military because of my age and because my husband is in the military. One of us needs to be home for our children. I can tell you that my father, brothers, husband, father-in-law, friends, and sons have or currently are serving. You don't feel it is your duty to serve your country?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I joined the USAF and served from 1984-1988. Our battle then was against Lybian tyrany. But a couple smart bombs through the door of Kadafhi (sorry about the spelling) shut him up pretty quick. As any armed forces person would tell you, they are the first ones who would say that they hate war. Becasue war could mean their death. However, the reason I joined the military in the first place was because I felt a sense of duty to my country in which I live. I am literally free because of the men and women who laid down their life in previous wars to keep me free. We forget so soon........Folks, if you love something, in this case freedom, sometimes you have to fight for it. The enemy of today is muslim extremeists. They will not stop until all who do not believe in their god are dead, especially the Jewish person. The trouble is that they think they are doing their god service by killing "infadels". How do you fight against that kind of brainwashing? Take your pick, we either fight them over there or over here. But rest assured there will be a fight whether you want it or not, 911 should have taught you that.

  • 1 decade ago

    The beauty of being an American civilian is the ability to think for yourself.

    Do I feel a duty to serve? In short, yes. In 2002 I had an officers commission to the CEC (Civil Engineering Corps) in the USNR. All I had left was MEPS and to report for an accelerated basic program in FL. Through a twist of fate, the recruiter never called again, I didn’t get scheduled for MEPS, and I am still a civilian.

    I look at things now, Iraq isn’t WW2, it is someone’s personal agenda (probably Bush’s). Worst case, our government lied to us to get support for an invasion of Iraq for whatever reason (oil, vengeance, hide the truth…take your pick). Best case, we are there because of failed intel and the military machine has showed its incompetence. Either way, it is a cause I am not going to volunteer for. If President Bush calls me and says your country needs my help, I’ll get back in shape and go, but I’m not going to volunteer.

    We are doing no better on the war on terror than we were a few years ago. If you are a military wife and mother, I would think you of all people would know that. Terrorism is very alive and real, it is just that the battle ground has changed. IMHO, we are fighting the wrong war. Iraq should have never been (not that it matters now). The government suckered in soldiers and support from the public through a campaign if mistruths.

    If this were really another WW2 and our homeland was under attack, I’d be willing to lay down my life for God and country. I would enlist or participate in a militia guerrilla warfare campaign (if we were invaded). This isn’t WW2 and I am not going to abandon my family for lies and incompetent leadership.

    God Bless the Soldiers serving on the front line. While I might not volunteer, I pray for their safe return home and I pray for the families of the fallen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Seeing all these people against joining the military has got me thinking, and I had to edit.

    Service to our country is the biggest sacrifice anyone can make, even if they're not recognized for it. People may say thwy're killers, make fun of their uniforms, make snide comments behind their backs... but in the end, we are the ones who have their back. In the end, is joining the military all about what people think about you, or about defending your country? In the end, doing a job that no one else wants to and not getting and respect for it is the noblest thing a person can do. They'd have an A in my book. True, people shouldn't be taking shots at the military, because that's DISRESPECTFUL. But that's life. You cannot let it get you down. Just get in there and finish the job their cowardly little butts won't.

    P.S. For anyone who didn't see, I am joining the air force, so no, I'm not just a conservative full of hot air whose just shooting their mouth, if any of you thought that.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    the air stress has larger criteria, yet exceptionally i understand someone with a GED who enlisted into the AF. there is not any reason to frown upon the army, each little thing has a stereotype and for this reason you shouldn't pay interest at the same time as human beings inform you the air stress is "common" bc it honestly isn't. Sounds to me you ought to confer with some recruiters, yet be warned i have heard many stuff about the military, marines, and nationwide look after recruiters being very pushy. on the different hand i understand from adventure that the air stress isn't pushy in any respect. So do not flow visit a marine recruiter and let him communicate you into signing some thing immediately!! for my section, the air stress is the right thanks to flow!

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  • Arnold
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I am a member of the US Army and OIF veteran and I'm glad we don't get a lot of these people. Just think about reading on Yahoo Answers for example; making excuses, crying about everything, getting pissed if things don't go their way. Think what will happen if they are ever involved in combat, they will cry and run. They won't be a true American and help their country, they would rather care about themselves, no one else. To all them I say this: go put on your tie-dye shirts and keep crying, it's not getting you anywhere!

    God bless your family and I pray they come home safe.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is in the back of my mind that I don't think I could not completely enjoy America without serving. I am still keeping it a strong option after I'm done with college.

  • 1 decade ago

    To the prophet kid: If they are shooting at you ******* RPGs, mortars and freakin shoulder launch SAMs, then what do you call this, a police action?

    Hey I from Miami Florida and If i see RPGs and mortars going off the last people I'll call is the police

    Source(s): freakin 'tard
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Right. Brothers AND sisters. Why aren't you in the military?

  • 1 decade ago

    not for me. I don't support our government let alone this lie of a war. I feel sorry for those who are serving and i support them or at least thier survival. It is all a lie. we are the evil ones.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no way

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