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WHY are men seemingly incapable of replacing a roll of toilet paper?

errrr......not to avoid TMI - but - yes - this is a recent experience!

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    aw sweetie its just the men youre with, we arent all like that.

  • None
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i replace the tp when it runs out but im betting the reason why guys dont usually is ....1) girls use way tons of it and they should replace it because why should the guy do it when he uses so much less (i know this is true because when i lived alone it took forever to go through a roll of tp and now with my g/f here its like a roll a day pretty much 2) girls always want to put the damnd tp in some discreet location so you have to go out of your way to get it, if it was up to me i would just stack it all on the back of the toilet already out of the plastic so it would be conveniant, you could just reach back and grab a roll. (-:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It may be that your experience is rather limited, and conditioned by too much watching of television commercials. I am a man, and I replace toilet paper and, mirabile dictu, even ask for directions when I need them.

    I would suggest that you might like to read a book called "Spreading Misandry." You'll find it very informative, I'm sure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because men are just plain lazy or they

    never have learned

    how to replace a roll of toilet paper

    Or men expect a woman to come along and

    replace the

    toilet paper for them

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  • 1 decade ago

    like most jobs within a household, the replacement of toilet paper traditionally falls under the category of "woman's work".

    it is not unlike the phenomena surrounding socks that never make it into the hamper or cabinet doors that mysteriously never close...

    since some men actually never see the need to use toilet paper (GROSSSSSSS!!!), they don't see why they should replace the empty roller.

    consider it genetic and save your sorrows for something that really matters - like fidelity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because we only use it for #2 whereas women use it no matter if it's for #1 or #2! Since they use it more, they should replace it!!! Same rule goes for putting the toilet seat down!

  • 1 decade ago

    because that's a women's job. How would a man have the time to take care of the important stuff when he's busy playing with toilet paper?

    Source(s): stereotypical answer to a stereotypical question = 2 points!
  • 1 decade ago

    Because women conveniently leave just the right amount left on the roll so the next time you have to use it -BAM- you are stuck with the job. I leave it out of consideration.

  • 1 decade ago

    We don't need it as much as women. Women use toilet paper for #1, #2, fixing their makeup, and I am sure other things. Men only need it for one thing.

    Toilet paper is pretty gross anyway. The only thing it does is wipe and dry. May I suggest wet-wipes such as pampers or Kan Do? Much more gooder as they will make sure your hiney is as clean as it can be.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because i just want to place on top of the tank itself and save a step. Yes i am lazy might be why im single to.

  • 1 decade ago

    We may never know the answer to that question.No matter how man times you ask them they wont do it. You could be nice, you could be mean. Does not matter. Honestly without trying to be funny, I think they just on purpose or not, forget the little things they really dont wan't to do.

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