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I have an active stalker. He is unknown to me. He assaulted me, in a home invasion. The stalking continues.?

I was stabbed, choked and beaten black and blue. I wasn't wearing shoes, and even the tops of my feet were bruised. During the struggle, I got the knife away from him, and he ran. There was sexual battery involved. The stalking had been going on for six weeks, and the police would not help me. They laughed at me and made light of my fears. Then, they accused my husband of 24 years, yet he offered to take a polygraph and they wouldn't administer it. After the assault, I panicked, and attempted suicide. Due to the suicide attempt, the police discounted the WHOLE stalking and assault. My family and I still live in fear and terror. I've been to the FBI, GBI, Congressman, Attorney General....every agency I can think of. No one will help me. The local police charged me with filing a false report and closed the case. We both did take polygraphs. Neither showed any deception. We hired an attorney and spent every penny we had to defend the charges. Now we are broke.

Any ideas


I did go to the hospital and the ER doctor unknown to me, told the detective he was suspicious of the wounds being self inflicted. He then let me leave the ER. Some of the were self inflicted. I saw my doctor, and he documented that the rest weren't self inflicted. My counselor and traumatologist say it was PTSD - but the cops still won't listen. We're trying to sell and move, but the problem is, this nut follows me wherever I go. He's even been to my church.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have a choice, as did I.

    I was attacked, threatened with death by two attackers. I kicked their *#%^'s, got their license plate number and reported the incident to the Kern County Sheriffs Department, who took no action other than forwarding the report to the Bakersfield City Police Department (California).

    No action was taken, no protection was offered no prosecution occurred.

    My advice exercise your second amendment Right to "Keep and Bear Arms" and the next time your stalker attacks defend yourself then law enforcement will be held to task for failing to serve and protect like they are supposed to do. However, the police, etc., are to busy to serve and protect, the citizenry.

    We the People, of this great nation are caught in between two very dangerous and deadly elements within our society:

    #1. Dangerous and deadly criminals who steal or destroy our possessions break into our homes and kidnap our children and murder our family members and friends.

    #2. Dangerous and Deadly police/sheriffs, etc., who steal and/or destroy our possessions invade our homes, take our children, and murder our friends and family.

    One of those elements claims to be protecting us. The other one is obviously evil.

    What ever their claims they both threaten our safety and security and our liberties and freedoms.

    Exercise Your Second Amendment Right Before Its To Late!

    A. J. Campbell, Sr.

    Bakersfield, CA

    Source(s): U.S. Dept. of Justice, Amnesty International, ACLU, NRA, People v Campbell, F037937 2003 Cal. App. Unpub. LEXIS 3967
  • 1 decade ago

    As far as your home goes, please install a good security system. DO NOT go for the cheapest. Brinks is the best one to go with, hands down, and get a wireless if there are install difficulties with a wired system. Get one keypad by the door and one in your bedroom. Get an alarm permit. Here's what this does for you:

    1) It acts as a deterrant. He may ignore it if he's really determined, but he'll still think twice.

    2) It gives you the peace of mind of knowing a 95 decible alarm is going to go off if someone kicks in your door at night, meaning he will know he was detected and you and your husband will wake right up. You can then get out, or lock yourself in the room, or do whatever you need to do to assure your personal safety.

    3) A call is put in to the monitoring center which does contact the police. There things built into this which will let you let anyone know if you're under duress.

    4) It will provide you with police, medical, and fire panic buttons.

    5) It may help him get caught in the act.

    If you have no money you might not be able to afford to move, but a security system could be the best investment in your life that you ever make.

  • Wonka
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes. First though, I am sorry and do empathize.

    Learn self defense. The exercise will be good for your endorphins. The actual act of visualizing your self defense will give you confidence.

    Take some martial arts classes, with your husband.

    I was accosted in Detroit. Had a brief case in one hand, a suitcase in the other, and an ice pick to my neck. I explained I needed to get my wallet out. Moved a little. Stomped so hard on the bridge of his foot, that I felt stuff crack. He screamed, I ran ( with only a small wound). All this cause they gave my room away - late flight, and sent me to a dive.

    The point is if it wasn't for training, who knows.

    Buy a small fog horn from a boating store, in the mean while.

    Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm terribly sorry to hear about all this, you poor thing :(. I wish I had a way of helping but the only thing I could suggest is installing security cameras inside and outside of your house, then you will have proof that you are getting attacked. If you cant afford that you could always buy a cheap webcam and plug it up so it faces the front door or window. The police should really do something about this, it's unacceptable!

    Good luck with getting proof, I really hope this stops!!

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    active stalker unknown assaulted home invasion stalking continues

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like you have explored all your options, time to move. Take a self defense course and invest in some bear spray. Fear can easily control your life look into some counseling. Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    complain to the commisioner for public complaints against the police. It seems odd that everyone laughed at you. The police usually take something like this pretty seriously.

  • 1 decade ago

    Surely if you have been stabbed etc. You would have proof of assault. Did you go to the hospital? They would have reports.

    I can't believe that if these assaults happened that the police haven't done anything.

    I think I would move!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get a gun, handgun, shotgun, any damn type. Also get a home alarm system. Get a watch dog anything that can help save you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get yourself some counceling. Move and continue to work thru it.

    Source(s): There is no sorrow that heaven can not heal!
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